I am Indian pol

I am Indian pol
how can i get a white gf like pic?
dont bully im white nationalist too i have blue eyes as i am Aryan

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stop larping

Get lasik eye surgery
Bleach skin
Dye hair
Height implant

First, learn to use this wonderful invention

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Don't be a white nationalist, be a nationalist. The entire premise of that way of life is to be proud of who you are and embrace your own people and culture. Try and find a respectable Indian woman.

you can't life is not fair
why do you think any white girl will find you attractive? most are disgusted by sight of you
why do you want white girlfriend anyway?
go find a women of your own race if you don't find them attractive then die alone like man

damn right white power!

North Indians were white once upon a time but got browned from the natives we ruled over. I want a white girlfriend to restore my genes back to its original white state.

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get a qt trap indian gf m8

Die in a hole you fucking rat cunt

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Not executing the natives while colonizing the land was a mistake

Stop larping Australia, you're sinking into Canada tier bantz.

get stuffed. Don't polute our my gene pool.

that's not how it works you can't restore your genes back you stupid fuck

She's a Slav so East Europe would be my guess

we're brothers you know

The facial features would give him away. Also, he wouldn’t be able to bond closely enough to a white girl as he is fundamentally not the same. Unless he is very good looking or a rapist, his hopes of getting a white girl who isn’t a 100% roastie is close to 0%

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Going to Jow Forums for advice on women is like asking an Indian for directions to a toilet.

Get out of Australia you fucking parasite, you will never be white and your progeny never will be

find a high caste Indian you retard

Lmao ok pajeet

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we are all white together. White pride WORLD wide. Not Europe and Australia wide.

Some North Indians (which I'm assuming OP is since he's blue eyed) have pretty caucasoid facial features tbqh.

Not political

user... Your skin isn't magically gonna turn white by dating a white girl.

IM WHITE. Brown skin is just from living in proximity with brownies for centuries.

fuck off you aussie cunt stop larping
go fuck a abo

>Brown skin is just from living in proximity with brownies
That's amazing. Somehow, despite living around blacks for centuries, I'm still white. Maybe genetics work differently here? Perhaps Indians just absorbed the black color through the air or something.
We may never solve this mystery.

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I for one am having fun playing along. Why do you have to be mad britbong?
Is your nation frustrating you?

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Well they would considering that they are caucasoids

Brother, all you have to do to attract the white goddess is make them see that you are different from the other pajeets. A lot of pajeets are smelly. Make sure you are clean, make sure you lift, make sure you have a nice haircut, make sure you have decent clothes. Clothes don’t have to be expensive, most women are too stupid to distinguish nice clothes from shit. Just buy sale items from a trendy place. And most importantly, don’t talk to a woman like you are hitting on her. Talk to her like how you would talk to an ugly woman. Just be normal. Don’t come across as eager


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Huge fan of mutt memes btw, they give me a solid giggle every time I turn a corner in my local walshart. Genuine, full blooded Euros will survive in America, we won't be the dominant force in all likelihood, but the muttification of this country will mean the only whites left are the best ones. Within a the next few generations all the whites here will be far-right traditionalists, easily distinguished from the mutt hordes. Voluntary eugenics that nobody can stop.
Quality over quantity. Whites that are afraid of dying out are easily scared shits that don't embody whiteness.

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What a fucking stupid thread. Northern Indians, especially the Muslim(peaceful) ones are 100% white and proud of it. Northern Indians who are half white look completely white much like their Aryan ancestors, just look at Rahul Gandhi and Omar Abdullah.

I too plan to marry white girl and half white kids to go back to my roots.

LMFAO at a gypsy, the lowest of the low of our society who we exiled saying that we will pollute "his" races's genes.


Push the Overton Windows

Start increasing vitamin C dosage to 10G / day + increase water and collagen ( protein )

Or increase vegatables intake to 3kg/day ( 3G of vitamin C )

Glutathione ( vegetables )

an hero an hope for northern europe reincarnation

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