What was your first redpill Jow Forums?

What was your first redpill Jow Forums?

For me, I was born this way. I've been anti-nigger/kike for as long as I remember. For anons like myself, what was the earliest WOKE AF memory you have?

Mine was in second grade when the parents came to school with the kids for whatever dumbass reason. On the ride home I told my mom "I love you so much mom, you're nice, you're not fat, and you're not even black." She and I still have hearty keks about it to this day.

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9/11 was an inside job

I too have been redpilled since the day I was born. When a family of niggers moved next door to me, I instinctively didn’t like to touch him or play. And as I got to know him more, I realized I was 100% right. He was a semi-retard. I also never believed in feminism. My first red pill was the JQ, though. Listening to David Duke.

>For me, I was born this way. I've been anti-nigger/kike for as long as I remember.

Pretty much this. Ever encountering a nigger will get you there as well.

I hope you brought an early WOKE AF memory to share with the class user

>be in tennis camp as kid
>make friends with black kid
>he tells me he can taste his brain

Learning that God doesn't exist.

Brilliant. I'm so shocked upon discovering your thesis, wow. I must alert the world of your discovery. Thank you user, thank you so much.

I always thought it was strange how Hitler was ebil guy no. 1, despite killing fewer people than many other dictators.

Until around age 12 I believed whatever my (very liberal) family told me. Then I became familiar with the basic libertarian argument and I was converted immediately.
I don't think I was redpilled until around age 16. That was when I first discovered race realism. Now 5 years later I'm a NatSoc.

When I realized my only good friends are asian and white people so after high school.

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From whom/where did you acquire your "basic libertarian argument" At that age?

I'm curious


i think it was just equality in gradeschool

teacher would say some nonsense and i could never figure out how equality would happen. then i figured out that it didn't.

tl;dr autism

My mom redpilled me during 9/11 and the (((media))) pushing the Iraq war. Anyone else here have a paleoconservative/antiwar mommy? :3

oldfag reporting in

>pic related

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Honestly it was probably seeing Obama getting 95 percent of the black vote. It made me understand that identity groups voted based on their identities.

when they did show us a documentary about the holocaust in 5th grade and I got a boner.

i used to be a literal soiboi communist when i was little but i always distrusted nigs and latrinos and faggots. Then i started reading hispachan and then Jow Forums and my autism got cured but im still physically recovering from a childhood of S O I and hurt fee fees

So Molyneux types?

On a side note, what do you think of his subtle move towards ethnonationalist/Christian sympthies? Do you think he'll ever actually address them as they are?


My redpill is that:
Red China super power status is rising with the creation of a new aircraft carrier, the largest Air Force in the world, and it's high technology, with the economy growing at a substantial rate.
>No niggers
>No pitiful white people blaming the "joos"
>No Jews
>Beautiful Chinese Women
>Strong patriotic men who are loyal to the Party.
Ready to bow down to your superior overlords faggots?
>pic related the average Chinese person

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When I was 4 at the supermarket with my Mom I saw an obese woman walk past us, she went to grab a pack of mtn. dew and I remember walking over to her and telling her she should grab diet.

As a dumb kid, I didn't understand why my father didn't give more to charity. I would ask him about it and I recall getting into an argument with him over it. Then I got my first job when I was 16-years-old. A portion of my income was taken out every time for taxes and social security (I'm American using VPN) and I quickly realized I wanted to keep my money instead of giving it to someone who chose not to work.

My first redpill was on the virtuous lie of socialism.

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Redpilled dad, was brought up on Alan Watt, some Alex Jones then 911 happened .

Same I saw 'An Inconvenient 9/11 Truth'


The amount of circumstantial evidence is just too great.

I got double red pilled about MSM bias after seeing how they treated the last alleged Chemical Attack in Syria. The people ate it up inspite of knowing Iraq's WMD scandal. Unbelievable.

The red pill is really depressing, I have to say. It's impossible to red pill the masses because they are so brainwashed and dumb.



This uniroically. This was a bit before all of the SJW silliness though. It blew my young mind.

Checking the social media accounts of the jews themselves was the biggest redpill anyone could give me. These bastards just can't help themselves.

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John Kerry and Al Gore also got 95% of the google vote. They were on the Democrat plantation long before Obama

I'm a late in life redpiller, about age 25. its when i realized that people arent infinitely malleable and that niggers are inherently niggerish, and that we dont owe them anything and they ruin the West.

>mum, why is that man black?

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Obamacare. Before that I was basically apolitical and voted Democrat because all my friends did. I thought Obamacare was going to be a good idea, then I found out that I was now legally required to buy health insurance that did nothing until I met a huge deductible. Meanwhile I worked at a pharmacy and watch nigs and single mothers walk away with anywhere from $300-600 worth of medication per week that was all covered, no copay or anything. Once I figured out that the whole reason I was required to buy insurance was to essentially pay for theirs, I was down the rabbit hole.

A trip to Darwin NT when 10yo opened my eyes to the absolute state of the Abos. Also been pro science/progression and anti religion for as long as I can remember - even despite sunday school. Actually had a rather civilised (imo) long chat with a seething group of s0ys and fat lesbians at a full left wing party when about 25yo, and this it the point when a lot of my values were really cemented.

Side note: Have lurked on Jow Forums for some years mainly for porn, but discovered the benefits of Jow Forums through Imgur, of all places.

>talking about redpilling experiences

You sound like a 12 year old talking about the mad marijuanas they injected with Blaize and the boys

My first redpill was that almost all human action is vain. I had this weird existential crisis when I was 15 where I realized I was going to die and there was nothing I could do to stop it. If I was going to die, what the hell was the point of everything and why did everyone keep on going as if this was not a big problem? My eyes opened to the fact most of my peers had not even thought about this problem. Although I've come a long way since then, the fact that most people are not very smart was a big eye opener for me.

dead kennedys, how paper-money is made, WTC7, MSM on 2016 election

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I always knew I disliked 90% of the niggers and muslims I saw, but didn't think about it as a political issue until True Finns, the nationalist party in Finland, started to gain notable popularity and I listened to their arguments. It took me maybe 4-5 years to become 100% redpilled, because when I was younger I didn't pay much attention to American politics and thus didn't know about the Jews and their behavior.

I was 100% redpilled from the day I was born. I am Morpheus.

Mine was knowing he does.

That's a blackpill

Seeing my favourite people endorsing hillary clinton.

>Have a birthday party in 2nd grade
>Mom says I have to invite everyone from my class even the one Kaffir kid
>Enjoy birthday party.
>Mom made lekker vanilla sponge cake, even lets me eat my slice in the pool.
>Other kids mad jelly. Kaffir can't swim so he just runs around the edge of the pool like an excited dog.
>End of the party
>Go to get changed out of swimming costume
>Catch Kaffir in my room ruffling through the bday presents taking the R50 note out of an envelope from my Afrikaans friends present.
>Kick him in the dick and tell him he's never going to anyone elses birthday from the class because I'm telling everyone.

You cant even trust the kids