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Why do you hate this bitch so much?
Benjamin Moore
Brayden Lewis
I don't hate her just what she represents
Matthew Gonzalez
I do hate her
Ian Thompson
shes a demon
Owen Gray
Why do you NOT? Traitorous, murderous, see aye eh affiliated cunt who hates everyone in the south and Midwest and Southwest, tries to take credit for her husband's success, and thinks we "owe" her the presidency.
Jackson Gomez
Just look at her! Isn't that the smile of a demon?
Jack Williams
80% of people hate working for women and don't want a female boss. Because the kidsnd of woman that wants authority out of the house is a cunt.
Brandon Wright
oh look it's a bunch of Koreans crying
Jackson Adams
high level sources says she smells like sulfur
Jayden Gutierrez
I don't. She's almost entirely senile now. She's just reading lines for Soros.
Nathan Ross
she rapes children
Ryder Bennett
Bat shit carzy.
Nathan Martinez
She's basically one at this point.
Oliver Roberts
Disingenuous, deceptive cunt who wants nothing but power and doesn't give a fuck about the lives she destroys along the way
Jayden Sanders
seriously, what was her problem?
Caleb Flores
>why do you hate?
>Nazi flag
You are all so dumb. I’m dumber than you for writing this.
Retarded kids who lick windows clean, for a living, have greater sense than anyone in this thread.
Bentley Williams
"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat."
Camden Rodriguez
She will never be president.
Zachary Richardson
I'm even dumber for agreeing with you.
Liam Cox
>its not the people who actually died no its the people who lost their helpers that lose the most
Jackson Bennett
because she has no business being there. she's an example of how far you can go by marrying the right person. It would be a horrible example for girls if she got elected.
Jaxson Ramirez
i want to fuck her loose dripping mature pussy
Anthony Nguyen
literally who?
Isaac Howard
You've been lied to.
You're retarded.
Alexander Morales
She is christian-murdering scum running giant death factories keeping babies alive and selling their body parts.
David Hall
Do you prefer to play dominoes on cheese or pizza?
Jayden Bennett
Carter Butler
She's a mass murderer.
Tyler Morris
Connor Adams
>another hillary Clinton thread in 2018
sage again