Do you side with Iran?

do you side with Iran?

on one side I feel like Irans leaders breed islamic radicalism - breeding the type of sand niggers that chant death to infidels, americans, jews (imb4 implying thats a bad thing), atheist, etc. I don't think islamic extremism is compatible with western values.

But on the other side of the coin I feel like Iran just wants to be left the fuck alone and is only such shithole to live in if you don't bow down before allah because the theocracy took advantage of riots due to western involvement in putting the shah in power, american funding of iraq during the iran-iraq war, etc.

so which is it?

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How true is it that young people in Iran are pro-West and secular? Is there any truth to this claim or is it a media meme?

Islamic radicalism is a meme, Iran likes non-Muslims and Christians, Zoroastrians and even kikes are given seats on parliament. But if Iranian people want to be run by Sharia law, it is their decision not yours.
Western values is a post-WWII meme, like "Judeo-Christian values", that has attempted to group American and European values together even though they are vastly different. American values are individualistic, hedonistic and materialistic while European values place tradition, family and nation over material desires.
America wants to destroy the only opposition to Israel and we all must supprt Iran

ITT: muurican flag posters

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Iran is not a problem in my day-to-day life. Iran never refused to enforce the US southern border. Iran never forced America to import tens of millions of third-world immigrants and change the ethnic composition of the country. Iran never told us to run up $21 trillion in debt and run $1.5 trillion deficits each year. And Iran specifically told us NOT to invade Iraq. How the fuck can any sane person claim that IRAN is a major problem for the US? That's like a man with a knife stabbing himself and screaming that some random guy across the city is "the REAL problem here."

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Don't believe anything from the (mostly Jewish) Iranian diaspora or Fox News, CNN, etc
Don't import (((Western))) degeneracy on more societies

I would side with the bubonic plague if it attacked America.

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>chant death to infidels, americans, jews (imb4 implying thats a bad thing), atheist, etc.
Thats a good thing.

I have no problem if they want to keep their own affiars in their own countries, but muslims are waging a silent war on the west. Something around 75% of muslims support sharia law, and even muslim populations in western countries have a significant part that support it. They're immigrating to the west to import their religion and regaining their prosperity through converting infidels, thus in turn, making western countries weaker. And eventually when they do take hold (which is what their endgame is, to spread Islam) all those who don't believe the same as them will die. It's all in the quran for fucks sake.

Israel can go suck a dick for all I care, I agree. If we never supported them we'd probably never have half of these problems in the first place.

but muslims make it hard to make a case for them.

but those are jews

>t syrian refugee

And the Talmud calls for enslavement of the goyim (non-Jews)

which is why judaism and islam are both disgusting religions that have failed to go through a reformation for the most part

Reform into what? The current state of Western society?

Why do you post unironic agreement with Iran saying "death to Americans", but then call Americans "le best goy" if they are in any way against Iran? Is it jewish of someone to not want to die?

Look bro all I know is that I fucking hate the USA. The second is Saudi Arabia and the third is Israel.
All countries that Iran wants to lay waste to, and I hope they do.

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reform to a religion or ideology that doesn't seek to destroy or enslave non-believers.

with the muslims its right there in the fucking quran

but with the jews its something that has been bred throughout thousands of years (jewish survival theory)

>reform into the not Quran
This is how I know you don't know what the word "reform" means, buzzword faggot.

what the fuck are you babbling about? I mean a reformation, similar to what Christianity went through in the 1500s, which lead to the renaissance, and in turn to the enlightenment, which made the west superior.
>make changes in (something, typically a social, political, or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it.
>the action or process of reforming an institution or practice.

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>protcuck revolution

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you're unironically telling me you rather live in the middle ages now. i'm done.

you sure your not a muslim?

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>if it attacked America.
Why Amerca, though, do you blame the servant or the master?

If the servant can crush the master in 5 hours and leave their country a smoking glass crater then yes, I blame the servant.
But "muh Israel runs America" meme is largely a meme.
If anything, it is a symbiosis, not servitude. And if you wanna talk about who runs America, the Saudis run it just as much as the kikes.

I wish you all would just STFU about Iran. I wish Iran/Persia were wiped out from all of your shit minds and collective memories. I am sick and tired of you faggots, and I wish Cyrus the Great slaughtered every single last Jew rather than letting them rebuild their shitty Second Temple. That way I wouldn't have to put up with mudslimes, Christcucks, and kikes. All the same shit. You all can go to fucking hell for all that I care. Uneducated ingrates.

> I don't think islamic extremism is compatible with western values.

This is just a general observation that religious fundamentalism is incompatible with degeneracy. What the fuck are you talking about "western values"? You mean like transitioning ten year olds to different genders, a history of corruption and government cronyism, a hidden global empire, sucking Israel's dick, and just generally being a hive of decadent and degenerate behaviors? The Islamists are right about one thing, the west is just Rome 2.0. Except they're all the shitty parts and none of the good ones.

People like OP deserve to be gassed.

i would side with iran but they are muslim so no can't do

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

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>on one side I feel like Irans leaders breed islamic radicalism

Look up the difference between Shia and Sunni.

Every terrorist group you've ever heard of, other than Hezbollah, are Sunni. Every terrorist attack you've ever heard of, besides one attack in Lebanon, has been Sunni groups.

Iran and Syria are Shia. The rest of the Arab world are Sunni. And Hezbollah has never been a threat to either Europe or the US, other than the times we've tried to force our cocks up Lebanons ass on Israels behalf.

So the only Iran [Shia] supported "terrorist" group is Hezbollah, and their only real enemy is Israel.

Stay mad amerimutt.

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>bad deal, bigly yuge bad deal
lol, drumpftards are retarded as fuck

Oh, and as most of Jow Forums already knows; the largest financier of Sunni terrorist groups is of course Saudi Arabia, followed by Qatar.

Islam in itself is a cancer. But Shia is testicular cancer. Sunni is lung cancer, brain cancer and leukemia all-in-one.

Iran fund terrorism that kill muslim in muslim countries.

Saudi Arabia fund terrorism that kill westerners in western countries.

The choice isn't even complicated, unless you're cucked by another country if you know what i mean.

>When mutts think they can win a war vs Iran

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how about we stay out of the saudi-iraniain conflict?