Daily reminder that circumcision doesn't actually result in decreased sensitivity, and in fact has some minor health benefits.
Daily reminder that circumcision doesn't actually result in decreased sensitivity...
my circumcised dick is already pretty sensitive i dont need to ejaculate at a slight breeze
Anthony has been trying way too hard to appeal to the left as of late.
>my circumcised dick is already pretty sensitive i dont need to ejaculate at a slight breeze
That's right you ejaculate, not orgasm.
actual fake news
also if you see this Anthony please take your own life finally, unironically
Male circumcision is just as bad as female circumcision. It is violent aggression against a child and must be banned.
Please don't even mention that son of a bitch, he literally has nothing good to say, bad music taste and even worse non-music related commentary. Get that faggot off this board right now.
Tell that to the head of my circumcised dick, which has less feeling than my elbow.
Kellogg and kikes - despicable types.
It should not be done on kids, you can get a circumcision when you're an adult. Literally only Jews and Muslims practice it. You Americans must really love Israel lol.
Circumcision is bad, there's not even a debate anymore.
Zero benefits, huge amount of detriment.
Babies die every year in the USA from bloodloss after being cut, thousands need corrective surgery and thousands more end up losing a large portion of their penis due to complications
Literal stone age mutilation