Why do non-Americans support Trump?

Isn't it kind of stupid? He says every other country screws the US on trade, when that could not be further from the truth. Basically he wants trade deals that are not balanced, but favour the US against your country. Why not support your own country?

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Buy American

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Trump only gives a shit about Jewish Americans and Israel

From his Grand-Father on they have been pandering to the jews and sucking jew cock

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>Why not support your own country?

Boy Achmed, that sounds an awful lot like hate speech

Because it was funny and triggered the ever living shit out of brainlets whenever you rationally explained why a ham fisted buffoon was better for international peace than a real Machiavellian psychopath.

Plus America deserves him. GOTT STRAFFE AMERIKA.

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because hillary sucks

>He says every other country screws the US on trade, when that could not be further from the truth.

I mean, Denmark might not. But Germany, Japan, and China sure do. And for the longest time, the US abided this relationship because we needed their help combating the Communist Menace. But the Cold War is long dead, and the US doesn't have to abide a working relationship formed under conditions which no longer exist.

Brazilians like you make me have hope for your country. Don’t fall for the Jewish lie like we did.

Because he stands against the globalists, our countries have, just like pre-Trump America, been co-opted by Globalist forces, when he attacks the EU he's attacking our enemies too.

He supports America first. Any citizen of every other country should support this line of thinking, maybe it will get a country like e.g. Germany a leader that supports Germany first and not Islamic refugees first

I don't. He's a typical cuckservative who sucks circumcised cock. Mazeltov.

It is fascinating to see how Kanye has been able to mobilize black voters in America in favor of the Republicans.

>Because he stands against the globalists

because people thought he stood against globalists.

Pretty much. There would already have been a war in Asia had she been in charge.

>Calling anyone else a cuck

Even Sweden is laughing at you.

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same people that love putin.
putin is not evil as the western media shows but for sure he is no friend of you and me, respect his positions but don't suck his cock you faggots.
there are people who like what "mainstream" dislikes, this is why some people on other countries like trump.

Stfu, Pablo.

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You seem perturbed, Ahmed.

Because they're Jow Forumslacks and only memes matter to them.
Same for non-Russians supporting Putin.

Well its quite simple really. We see whats going on in Europe and we don't want that here.

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Apparently you get your news from phony journalists. Quit being ignorant and do your own research.

because usa decides world trends ,cultural and political .
