
This Woman’s Powerful Message About Crying in the Shower Is Going Viral

>Ever find yourself having a good cry in the shower—partly because it's the only place you feel free enough to let go your feelings? Brittany Latham knows what that's like.

>This 30-year-old photographer from Mobile, Alabama, decided to share an image of a woman crying in the shower on Instagram, captioning it with inspiring words that has hit such a chord, it's already racked up hundreds of thousands of views.

>“For the woman whose husband makes an ‘extra stop’ after work every evening,” she started the post. “For the woman who is mourning the loss of a pregnancy that nobody else knew about.”

>Latham continued calling out other cry-worthy scenarios, like losing a job after staying home with a sick child, breaking up with a partner, or enduring unsuccessful IVF treatments. She made it clear that she understands the stress and heartache of these and similar situations.

>“For the woman that lives with quiet anxiety because nobody understands what you could possibly be stressed out about,” she wrote. “For the woman that gives to her family all day everyday and just needs a break.”

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Other urls found in this thread:


Latham ended her post with a message directly related to the photo. “For every single woman that cries in the shower so that nobody else can see. Because if you aren’t strong, nobody is. Just because the water washes your tears doesn’t mean that you don’t cry. I am you. I see you. I am with you, I cry with you.”

Her emotional post struck a nerve. Within days, it went viral on Facebook and has garnered nearly 400,000 reactions and more than 400,000 shares.

Latham tells Health that she was motivated by her own life and other women’s experiences. “The inspiration behind [this] was a collection of various things that I have experienced as a single mom, married mom, and mom of two babies lost to miscarriage,” she says. “I spend a lot of time with my friends and hear their struggles and I thought how resilient women must be sometimes. A lot of times we are the only backbone.”

In more than 60,000 comments, people celebrated the beauty and power of her words and image. “Wow...I saw myself in many of these words and yes the sun did shine again on me,” one respondent wrote. “This is truth,” said another.

Latham told us that she was shocked her post connecting with so many strangers. “I write a lot of pieces and very few make it out of my journal, so I was just as shocked as anyone when this thing went viral,” she says.

The last humans will be the hardest and longest to eradicate

They didn't so the wall coming, huh?

I don't understand how anybody can take women seriously.

Its so beautiful when womem hit the wall and start acting like children. Women are pathetic.

>and here's why

What a fucking loser!


Why are you salty? You rather her do drugs or visit shit imageboards rather than vent it in her own shower in privacy? You rather her build it up and take it out on you later?

Oh wait, you've never been in a relationship so you don't get why this is a good thing. Cry more about some cunt crying.

Crying makes you strong in woman logic

Not crying means bitchy women to deal with in mans logic. THey aren't men, they need to do this. You're all autistic and have never touched a women.

Found the roaster. Maybe she should put on her big girl pants and woman up ;^)

>racked up hundreds of thousands of views.
>this is what people actually call journalism

>leftie news claiming leftie bs is Going viral

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>>"i see you" - well that kinda hard not to see considering the size of the bitch
>> "i am with you" so are the people caught in it's orbit.

>rather than vent it in her own shower in privacy?
>in privacy

there is nothing wrong with crying, it's a good way to release emotions

I wasn't talking about her specifically and that isn't what you were crying about.


its better than bottling things up

fat cow wants people go notice her tits but pretends it's about something else. why do they do this?


The virgin stronk woman vs the chadette curled up shower cryer

But I have autism and therefore I never have any emotions, i'm strong.

Women cry over stupid shit because they have no self-control. They try to make this appear like a strength, but it's actually just a weakness. If you're crying in a shower "because nobody understands what you could possibly be stressed out about" then you're a weak little idiot.

It's not as good as dealing with you problems.

Now post the picture of the fat man crying in the shower and all the social media posts about how meaningful and powerful he is

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i cry over what has become of my country

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ever heard of depression, anxiety or loneliness?

bred for sexual pleasure and child rearing. remove the vote.

>but we're totally equal everyone, and men need to stop being men and be more like women

What the fuck do women have to be depressed or anxious about? The entire planet revolves around them. They have the cheat codes to life. And there is no such thing as a lonely woman, just self-destructively selective women.

I call it "I've fallen and I can't get up"

Theyre just children. They have no concept of what the real world is.

The correct term for this is "Blubbering".

>implying most of us here don't suffer from all of those things
Shower crying isn't going to help.

>Woman takes picture
>Adds inspiring words

All women are the same aren’t they

>for the plus-sized queen fallen victim to the oppressive dimensions of your average bath tub

Tl;dr all that crybaby progressive nonsense, but oh boy is that running mascara making my dick diamonds.

>This Woman’s Powerful Message About Crying

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Roast"ie", bro. If you're going to try and insult someone, at least do it right you fucking cum stained moron.

As if Jow Forums isn't bawling every time they get in the shower...

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i feel very sad and deal with anxiety and depression at times, yet I haven't cried in a long long time. That doesn't make me stronger, it's just my physiology.

What did he mean be this?


Holy shit, someone is keeping that poor creature in their bathtub?! Baby whales belong in the ocean not to keep as pets, what happens when it out grows that tub?!!


This is why we need #Kanye

I'll take "Mental Illness" for $500 Alex!

>“For the woman whose husband makes an ‘extra stop’ after work every evening,”
Considering the image, can you blame him?

Oh okay. Well go back to crying over nonsense, I guess.

Where do you think you are, user? Those things you listed are why most of us are still here.


this is cancer

Also what's wrong with this?
I make an extra stop after work almost every week night

As do I.

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What? Jow Forums is about tabloid news now?

Literally every single measurable metric proves you wrong.

I've never been into Kanye but I really think he is receiving the PlusUltra Transmission from beyond and is now polarized into the side of GOOD.


Basically kanye is going against hollywood, pizzagate, media, mental enslavement and the General establishment.
>redpilling an entire Liberal Bastion

This is a good thing and THEY want to silence this...
>hard to find Entire unedited interview

This is another TOOL and method we have to expose the world to the CABAL!!!


You will Enjoy this... kinda long but school is in session so sit down and get LEARNED

The cosmic great awakening is happening and WE ALL FEEL IT

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Waaaaaa I need attention.
Things that adult women and children do.

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>not having learned to kick all degenerate feelings and thoughts out of your brain
>being this weak

>mfw he takes box
>mfw it has anthrax in it

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What if it’s the 3 hostages and a free rice coupon

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And that's a good thing!

>When you're so desperate you try and eat the wall

I would have never guesseed that Jesus would return in a form of a fat white trash woman from Albama.

This. Crying won't do shit if the problem causing the tears continues to remain unresolved.


Why is she wearing fucking make up?

Yeah, an extra stop at the grocery store, because she ate everything in the house again.

There is always a honorable way out.

Pathetic shit, fuck all roasties

>photographer from Mobile, Alabama
>professional skateboarder from Yerevan, Albania
>accountant from Athens, Greece

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Because feeling distressed is a gendered problem

>when women hit the wall


lard truk arive

I miss the pre-social media internet when normies wouldn't really bother.

i'll fuck her while she's in the shower crying

and that's a good thing

t. 16 year old dicklet going through his first breakup

We don't take them seriously. That's why they hate men so much. They're a bunch of immature bitches who hate each other because they're jealous, and they hate men because we recognize how immature and bitchy they are.

It's not the female weeping that the OP is salty about, it's the fact that it's being taken seriously.

What a freakout. You must suck dicks.

You bunch of fucking idiots. You really think we are salty because the bitch is crying in the shower? That's not the point of the post. We're salty because people think THAT is journalism...

This guy gets it. Crying about something without taking action is a waste of time. Men solve problems, women cry about them and then do nothing unless telling everyone that they cried about it counts (it doesn't).

Idiots don't realize this.

Women don't seem to know what powerful means. Tired of this meme.

>Latham continued calling out other cry-worthy scenarios, like losing a job after staying home with a sick child
why do people read this shit

Is her husband's extra stop at McDonald's?


You know I actually feel bad for these cunts
No one bothered to tell them simple things like

Your husband won't fuck you if you become a hambeast

Your husband won't spend time with you if you are a complete bitch 24/7

Your husband won't respect you if you're a stay at home mom and the house and children are ignored

Your husband WILL cheat on you if you fuck him once a month and act like he is winning the lottery

No one outside of the internet give a single fuck about your feelings

The internet is not a good source of validation

Having careers they are unfulfilled by but told that they should feel empowered by them.
And the occasional rape/molestation trauma

Fucking weak victims. Like women do nothing wrong. For cling cunts.

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