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The fuck? These people are pussies.

what a pack of faggots.

Wtf 23°C is really nice, brits what is wrong with you?

It's been that temperature here lately, it's cold.

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we're built for cold and wet weather. fuck the sun.


>runners regain conscience
>complain about how hot it is
>they get thrown in jail for hate speech against the weather and forgetting their jogging licenses yesterday

How can this be? Arabs come from the desert.

Im going back to my home state of tucson arizona where i heard the weather is about 110 degrees right now
What the fuck is wrong with you guys


Not to defend them, but air temperature is a weird thing. When I was in Sydney last summer it was low 40's celcius and it didn't feel that much worse than mid/high 20's in NZ.

We've had similar temperatures in Texas and it's been one of the coldest springs on record...

That's the most comfortable temperature you can have outside. Add in some spotty clouds and a light breeze and you got an excellent day for a hike, some shooting, football, what have you.

I always knew there was something off about those Brits...

You Vampires should just stay indoors with the aircon on

Stop showing your teeth in the light, it's scaring the world

They're becoming weaker, soon the average brit will not be capable of walking and everyone will use mobility scooters


t. Tropical islander

Humidity m8. It gets to 115F in Tucson, but it's dry as hell, so it's really not that bad. What a nice fucking place too.

This cannot be real. I understand poms struggling in the 40 degrees C (104 F) Australian Open in Tennis, but this is simply pathetic.

Yeah but what the article doesn't tell you is that none of these "victims" had a jogging license; they do these things for a reason user

Fuck off, brown people, 23 'C is literally unbearable.

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im not surprised. when i was in belgium it reached 23 and people had to sit down because the heat was giving them a headache

we get no humidity here in the summer, it's just dry heat

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If you can't handle the heat why do majority of Brits use heaters


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slide thread.

There's something to this. 23c here in Bongland is usually really uncomfortable and humid but whenever I'm abroad it usually feels a lot better, even in the 30's. It's awful trying to get to sleep in the summer too since our houses are built for insulation.

Then reporting just air temperature doesn't mean anything. It's sometimes the same here when we get days that barely even touch thirty and feel like death, I imagine London is a smoggy, humid shithole with all the people around.

Fucking hell!
Even us Nords can take 23 degrees mate. This is just silly.
Nice! Post beaches!

>tfw working in the yard yesterday and it was 87F with not a cloud in the sky.

classic case of not being properly trained in water drinking
you need that license or only the government can hydrate you
can't be drowning yourself bongs

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do you have a license for that temperature?

They just arent used to it. Not sticking up for them but they are obviously dehydrated and weren’t prepared for such a raise in temperature compared to normal. Id be sweating my balix of but I doubt id be passing out as long as I had plenty of water. All in all I understand but dont sympathise with them

Do you have a sleeping loicence, user?

It gets 43c or 110f where I live
Fuckin island pussies

for people that are free 23 celsius is 73.4 Fahrenheit.


>wtf, people who aren't used to something turn out to not cope well

no shit...saged

>"Gott strafe England"
>he actually does it the madman

So is where I'm from. It gets to 40C AND it's 90%+ humidity. It blows it real bad. Working outside is likely to kill you, you can run outside it feels like you're breathing through a straw. 23C even with 90% humidity sounds absolutely fucking pleasant.

Tip Top kek

low humidity makes it more bearable not less you dumb buck toothed faggot

I understand this

>not being used to room temp.

Only white person in this thread.

How many spy agencies are spying on you right now, like 5 or 6?

god bless the south

it was just bellow -20(f) a few months ago here.
We had a foot and a half of snow three weeks ago. It was 80 yesterday. Yall are just a bunch of panzy ass faggots.


Have you ever been in a humid environment reaching temperatures of 98*f?


They dont have ac

>scorching heat
23C is 73.4F (just a little over room temperature) If you are fainting from room temperature heat, you shouldn’t be running.

>runners need a fucking licence for running in UK or the MI6 try to kill them

Barely higher than room temperature. Bongs...

easily half a dozen probably up to 2 dozen. it's bad, but we can still say nigger without getting gulag'd

23 is sweater weather

hoody under light jacket weather.

t. third worlder

Of course I do. The sleeping loicence enforcement agents came knocking last month when my old one was set to expire. They told me that if I don't pay up 160 shillings they were going to send me to prison. I thanked them for reminding me and paid for a new loicence.

23c is slightly too cold 20c is fucking freezing

26°C Here, How can you even consider 23°C "scorching hot" lmao.

Room temperature is 16c. 18c if you're a chick.

U wot m8? 40°F is short short and t-shirt wheather

haaaa holy shit how does london even exist anymore. You faggots can't even survive mild weather

Bet they can handle the cold a lot better than you faggot.


From 1788 onwards, they called us backwards and criminals and sent us here

Just who the fuck do these British think they are?

I live in FL and it gets 90° with 70-90% humidity. 23c is a nice day here

It isnt.
However have you ever tried running 26 miles in it?

You faint at room temperature but yet I’m the third worlder? No wonder the Muslims were able to conquer your little island so easily

you're fucking crazy

they reason mutts can cope better is because they are 44% african

Room temperature is 4 degrees colder for bongs is it?

I can't believe i'm participating in an obvious boomer thread

here you go cunts, a scientific chart

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WTF isn't there was 40C in last summer in London?

so they fainted from running 26 miles, not the temperature. Sounds like your runners are shit.
>damage control this hard

22c and I just ran 1 mile (not an american one)

My Canadian gf was just also claiming this is hot enough to make people drop. What in the fuck?

So should we congratulate you on living in the desert or something?

No I'm just not a pussy, you're from the south aren't you?

don't you fucking speak ill of Dixie mother fucker

Yes even worse i spent my days in 40°C+ In Mali for just over half a year with full combat gear.
I have never consumed so much water as i did then.

Yeah man its 23C but I swear it feels like 15.

Because you're a sandnigger. Whites prefer the cold.

don't think so, most of America is colder in the winter and hotter in the summer because of lack of ocean temp moderation

It's the humidity and lack of wind which is the issue here when we get these heatwaves. Also you have to consider we routinely go from 14'C highs suddenly to 24'C highs. That's about a 50% increase in temps in just 1-2 days.
Imagine going from 25'C to suddenly hitting 38'C or something. I've got Greek friends that can't hack that, then they complain because as soon as they acclimatise it suddenly drops back to 14'C

>Think of us idiots for being used to living in a cold place
>Then call us stupid for not having aircon
Pick one, cunt

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Room temp is about 15 you retarded mutt, no wonder niggers own you

Someones bitter, one of Sherman's boys cuck great great grand daddy?

>combat gear
>in Mali
You wanna know how I know you're a nigger migrant?

Hint: there are no swedish troops in Mali

b..because shit gets really cold and we don't like that either
nigga how dumb is you?

Kek, bongs are pathetic. Only fellow extremophiles may post in this thread

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>imagine going from 25c to 38c or something

This time of year, some days here could be 8c in the morning to 30c at the hottest point.

Plenty of french and merrimutts though

you are fucking high

Most 1st world countries have freedom of speech and the basic values that america has. It's just we're not backward enough to have retained the imperial system and have progressed further than you americucks.