Has peak Europe been achieved?

This is the best Europe.
Change my mind

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Perfect except one thing:
Give back stolen territories to Moldova
Give back Ukraine to Poland and Russia


i like binlan clay here good job

>part of UK
Fuck you.

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to moldova I assume you mean the strip of land currently owned by ukraine on the face of the black sea?
It clearely looked wrong but from the 5 mins of research I did it looked like it was ukrainian
would this generate massive butthurt? any ukrainian/ romanian in the thread?

also different hues signify different regions/ provinces, with a ghigh degree of independence
colors signify spheres of influence/ cultural/racial blocks ukraine and belarus are in the same block as russia, as they have a different hue of the same color, but I left them a border as I seem to remember ukrainians dont like russia very much

once again, different hues indicate a clear separation

Stop making Ireland independent they are niggers and wont know what to do with it, and stop making Germany bigger if they deserved more territory god would have given them the ability to win wars.

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Give back Belarus and East Ukraine, West Ukraine can suck itself.

>Has peak Europe been achieved?
Not yet, but we're getting there

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Since they were similar colours bunched together I assumed they are just subdivisions of a nation.

why do you jokers insist on giving transylvania to bozgors when they are 15% of the population?

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This. Fuck Germany. Why you idiots are so obsessed with these subhumans is beyond my understanding.

kek m8

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kinda are, but the whole backstory behind the map would be a federate state of europe, with each province acting with a high degree of independence
you still get the benefits of a strong central governement, a thing that would make europe into an undefeatable juggernaut if it had one, while making the people happy as they wouldnt get bossed around by their neighbourghs, every province having its own local government to take care of civil life
so they would be mostly independant, the colors simply being added bureaucratic structures to increse cooperation and cultural activities

>taking away our pomorze regions and not giving us back our old land from eastern meme countries

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Where is my Great Iberia?
Also we need bigger countries

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>and stop making Germany bigger if they deserved more territory god would have given them the ability to win wars.
This. If Germans always end up overplaying their hands and managing to turn enemies into friends in order to take them out and also making stupid decisions while they're ahead. it's the German Curse

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poland is not a country you dumb fuck

Why isn't Corsica, Nice, Monaco, Istria, and Dalmatia Italy? Why isn't Strassburg and the Baltic strip German? Why isn't Bohuslän, Finnmark and Iceland Norwegian?

You know a geographic concept is ALWAYS ridiculously autistic when it beings with "Greater".

Show flag, Kike

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kill yourself nigger
tu n'es pas un vrai français

yes really, it gives the germans some breathing room, and russians have no reason to be there
you win some you lose some, thats the idea behind the map
if we did something like that irl, a few million people would have to change homes, they would bitch for about a generation, and the ones that follow would wonder why this wasnt done before

besides, germany has OG status

Prussia with Poland
No, just no

Give it to Germany or Lithuania

>m-muh prussia
prussia, quite literally, does not exist
the region known as "prussia" or "royal prussia" was dismantled after ww2

there are less than ~30k germans living in modern day region that was once known as prussia

Slavis jihad now! Giving polish clay to germans and slavak clay to huns is heresy and i would use my czech guns and home madde bombs on every numale and boomer protecting this idea.

Nice is 100% french, they never were italian, only roman
Monaco is its own thing, but mainly france and definately in metropolitan france
Corsica doesnt feel the least bit italian, they feel Corse, sometimes more than france, with this map thjey would be somewhat self governing

there are no prussians left in prussia, they all had to move or be exterminated
I gave it to poland so that they wouldnt feel too butthurt over pomorze/danzig

this pretty much

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Precisely, which is why the "redrawing borders" bs will never happen

why do you give land to countries that have 0 claims on them?
there are 0 poles in konigsberg and there are also less than 50 k germans in the entire western poland

shit like this does not make much sense

Plus why would you even give Slovenia to fucking Germany?

Your united kingdom was once great britain and there is nothing wrong with that for example

Because he has no concept of history or ethnicities

I see Occitania, but where's Gascony/Aquitaine, Corsica and Sardinia?

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I dont want to completely fuck over russian and ukraine, I let russian keep crimea, and gave some of its land back to hungary, I try to minimize the butthurt

>why do you give land to countries that have 0 claims on them?
because that doesnt matter
once the changes are made the claims will be there, its either that your you keep having ivan as a neighbourgh while also losing land to the east, that would cause you unacceptable levels of butthurt

also about slovenia, it gives germany a mediteranean sea acces, they would fare much better of economically if they were part of germany, and I try to make the decisions that make europe as a whole wealthier and more powerful
slovenia would still be populated by slovenians, very little would change

its like ripping a bandaid, it may hurt for a short time but its better afterwards

oh yeah lets move ~9mln poles from western poland -- the same western poland that we spent billions on ( it was in ruins after ww2) because some autist from france gave us an useless, poor królewiec

you cant just completely partition off every region with the slightest bit of cultural difference because a different lord use to rule them a thousands years ago, the provinces still have to be big enough to compete and function
I gave britany extra land for that reason, once again, more about political and economic rule than hard frontiers

honestly i wouldn't be surprised if you were german
this is some autistic bullshit you are spouting

newsflash, genius
germany is already trying to order everyone around
the new nordstream puts half of eastern europe at huge risk
germans do not care about anyone but themselves

yes lets do exactly that, the poles have proven themself to be incapable of making their land prosper, we want a strong europe, so might as well give more to those who can handle it

>t. krautnigger
read about the history of Gdynia
under the german rule, it was a small village with less than 2000 inhabitants
but under polish rule, it quickly became one of the biggest ports in europe

and now gdynia has 250 000 inhabitants

by the way
Compare eastern germany to the rest of germany and you will see some big differences

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Awesome Turkey.

fuck off moor

>reee why are we retarded
truth hurts I am sorry

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We already are dependent

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>countries that suffered under communism are on average poorer than their western counterparts

We dont need canton Valais, but give us back Trent (let austria keep german south tyrol), Nice, and Corsica.

> (You)
>Nice is 100% french, they never were italian, only roman
Bs. The 1st French Republic captured it in the late 1700s.
>Monaco is its own thing, but mainly france and definately in metropolitan france
Also bs; it was Genoese/private ownership (of a Genoese family) until the treaty of Turin.
>Corsica doesnt feel the least bit italian, they feel Corse, sometimes more than france, with this map thjey would be somewhat self governing
Corsicans are "Sardinians", which is closer to Italians than French.

>germany wasnt under communism
>estonia wasnt under communism
the simple fact is, you re the only ones who have ever recieved the title of honorary niggers

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>Corsicans are "Sardinians",
They speak a language really close to Tuscan, while Sardinian is in its own language cluster, different from any other romance language

>france gets luxemburg

Sardinians speak a variety of languages. Disregarding language, they are both culturally more similar to Italians than French.

serriously have you ever been to those places? I have, and corsican dont feel italian at all
they feel quite close to sardignians, as they have the same orgin and, sardigna is literally really close, you can see it from the beach, and its around 1 hour of travel by boat
languages are a bit different, but they feel independant, not italian

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we litterally dont you retarded nigger, do you even know where luxembourg is?

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he means the waloon region,i think

well the wallons are litterally french, and pretty retarded ones at that so they probably wont miss them

you do realise that eastern germany is not even half as rich as the rest of germany, right?
It is still in a sorry shape, despite the fact that Germany spent literally billions on eastern germany.

Communism does a lot of damage
ask any eastern german

Estonia was lucky, they managed to avoid destruction from both world wars

well still, would you be mad if this was the country you were born into? With ex prussia being populated exclusively by poles, with polish architecture, polish names etc?
this would at least give you a proper country

>well still, would you be mad if this was the country you were born into?
I was born into such country, duh?

you probably don't even realise how much land we lost.
no other european country -- maybe except for austria or hungary-- lost as much clay as we did

and yet you don't see us whining about "muh rightful clay" every 2 minutes on pol


Yes, you idiös. Say that Corsicans are not closer to Italians than they are to French so that I can show to others on this board what an enormous liar you are

Ireland has never been independent. All the time it used the pound as currency it was tied to the Bank of England, effectively as a vassal. Now it is part of the European Union and uses the Euro it is a vassal of the EU.

so what, you lost those lands to ivan, not to the krauts
if you want more clay you should get it from them
the truth is, Poland has a density of 120 ppl/ square km; where as germany has a density of 230 /km2
they need more clay period

uniting us with lithuania
That would be fun... for a while. Then a civil war would happen.
Also sink that shithole Crime(againsthumanity)a

>the truth is, Poland has a density of 120 ppl/ square km; where as germany has a density of 230 /km2
>they need more clay period
grow up, please
and stop being autistic
in 2018 in europe people are de facto allowed to live almost everywhere they want

once again, eastern germany has much lower pop.density than the rest of Germany

seeyou wouldnt be united at all, just have a few more economic ties
like a very soft baltic union

No I meant Luxemburg. Do YOU know where it is or are you people incapable of reading a map?

>germany without prussia
mate, prussian culture is one of the most important things in german history.
you can make a map without elsaß-lothringen, heck you can even mape a map without bavaria. but NOT without prussia. its simply way to important historical.

>gets btfo in every battle
>abuse random people thousands of years later

This is the power of the celt.

Gibz Macedonia and I approve

it doesnt exist anympore mate
only russians live there now
surprised you re only at the deny stage of grief

>his country is referred to as great britain

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luxemburg is in germany in that map