Why is /ptg/ so pro-israel?

/ptg/ is full of pro-israel posters as found in this poll.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because Trump is a Zionist bitch

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Just think about how many Kikes browse this boards...

>posted once before now with zero replies
>81 votes total
lmao fuck off kike

JIDF is a real thing

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>Why did Hitler open up a two front war?
>Why won't Trump open up a two front Swamp drain?

Because Israel is the only country that will support the literal nuking of other countries.

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Because /ptg/ is left over from the entire pro-Trump psyop (not really a better word for it) during the election - and that psyop was run by people loyal to genocidal Zionist and psychopathic Jewish supremacist Jared Kushner.

Electing Trump was simply a step to the Zionists' ultimate goal: making their new messiah Kushner the first Israeli President in 2024.

Then, once a genocidal Zionist Israeli (Kushner funded the illegal-settler-written "The King's Torah," which decreed that God approved of Jews killing non-Jewish babies, if a Jew believed those babies might grow up to harm Jews) is in full control of the greatest killing machine in history...the Great Culling of the goyim will begin.

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Jow Forums mods have worked directly for Kushner (in the case of this graphic, Kushner's "New York Observer").

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They obviously voted ironically

Because webm related is your average mutt poster.

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Why are you not pro-Israel? It's like you want Jews in your country and not halfway around the world in the middle of a desert.

Again, the Zionist and /ptg/ goal isn't to support Trump but to support Israel.

Said differently, /ptg/ is so supportive of Trump only because Trump is such a servant of Israel.

And for the Zionists the ultimate purpose of the entire Trump presidency is to make an Israeli - Jared Kushner - the President.

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Trump knows Isreal is guilty of being part of 9/11. Trump is going to get even. You watch, nigger.

Cheers for that!

>Trump knows Isreal is guilty of being part of 9/11. Trump is going to get even

You cant be that desperate to think Trump is real. The guy is a zionist with jewish kids FFS!

Why are there so many anti semite rapefugees on this board?

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/ptg/ is filled with redditors and those are on the same ideological level as your average NeoCon

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Because this board is filled with kikes. Jow Forums is unironically one of the most jewish places online

based bump for the genius autist Ryan Dawson

>have you watched War by Deception or The Empire Unmasked?
He's the best documentary maker on youtube and that's why they banned him

a lot of people ''like'' israel because it's the only stable nation in its region that support western values.

meme flag..

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>Why are there so many anti semite rapefugees on this board?

There have been muslim shitskins shilling on Jow Forums from the first day on about da evil Jews.
Also NSlarping losers, it's what you get on an imageboard.

>only stable nation in the region

Gee i wonder why

>they support "western" values

No they only support jewish values. The modern west has a problem of appropriating jewish values and calling it "western"

Please tell what are these western values that Israel has?

No, that sort of "Trump's really on your side, goyim - would we lie?" nonsense is just more crap from the JIDF.

The JIDF responses aren't required to make sense, only to stop people from taking any meaningful action. When pressed into full defense of Kushner they'll even call people people *attacking* Kushner and Israel "JIDF KIKE SHILL!"

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‘Other countries that claim they are allies were involved, and I’m not talking about the Saudis.’
>why doesn’t he call them jews and start bombing them?
Im only saying he will get even with those involved with the conspiracy. I don’t see him nuking Isreal anytime soon.

Have you tried asking them? The thread is right over there.

As an israeli jew i can only say this:
Just nuke this god forsaken desert.

It's full of boomer faggots, kike shills, and reddit so it's not surprising at all.

fking nuke the whole world and start de-population now, this global society and culture is sickening to witness and live though

If only it were so easy.

The real global problem is the Rothschilds. Even Israel is simply the Rothschilds' pet Zionist project (that's why the Israeli flag uses the Rothschilds' Saturnian family business logo).

Until the Rothschilds are destroyed, they will continue to kill - giving no more fucks about other Jews than they do the goyim.

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makes me sick

Because they're cult of personality retards who just blindly agree with anything Trump says or does, like sheep

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Doubling down on their neo-conservatism.

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Option 1: a beautiful paradise island called Madagascar.
Option 2: the armpit of the earth surrounded by niggers.

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because it isn't run by sandniggers. All those middle eastern countries will only have peace when brought under 1 flag.

Freedom of speech, democracy, freedom to be yourself, basic human rights and basic rule of law makes a lot of people think isreal leans a lot more towards the western world than any other country in the region

its disgusting

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Why are Dims so pro palestinian?

>Freedom of speech
Multiple laws, policies, and court rulings in Israel violate nearly every freedom enumerated in the First Amendment of the US Constitution, including freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of peaceable assembly.
Israeli news media must routinely submit their work to military censors for approval prior to publication. Imagine if journalists in the United States were forced to hand over their work to the Marines for their blessing, and then ask yourself if the American press, bound by such shackles, could be considered free.
Ultra-orthodox Jews are eligible for welfare salaries from the Israeli government, which allow them to spend their days reading the Torah and praying, rather than earning a living. Catholic priests, Islamic scholars, Mormons, and atheists, however, do not get salaries for sitting around and pondering their beliefs.


Many countries in the middle east has democracies like Iraq and Lebanon

>freedom to be yourself

Israeli lawmakers astonishingly passed a bill this year that makes it illegal to call for boycotts of Israeli goods, services, and even universities or cultural organizations.

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Lastly, freedom of peaceable assembly is something the Israeli government openly dismisses.

There are over 500 military checkpoints, closures, and military barricades in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, which is slightly larger than Delaware.

While thousands of Israelis have been recently demonstrating in Tel Aviv and elsewhere for economic change, not everyone in Israeli territory can do the same.


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It's essential recognize that the primary goal of /ptg/ is to support Israel. They support Trump because Trump is their shabbos goy.

/ptg/ is just a longer-running version of the "Q" psyop. And as long as the goyim keep believing it, and don't question why America's President puts the needs of Israel over the needs of America...they'll keep running it.

(Don't expect the true believers to accept that, though, any more than the true believers in Q will see that scam.)

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no country has absolute freedom of speech, however, people in western nations don't have to fear been blown up because of their opinions(well, this used to be the case before we imported all the sandnigger crap)
countries like iraq and lebanon are a democracy like China and north korea are a democracy. They actually aren't.
And with freedom to be yourself i meant, there are things like gay parades and stuff in Israel, in other countries in that region they either force a sex change on you, hang you or stone you.

And all your ''muh kike lover'' is rather misplaced. I'm just trying to point out why there are people in the western world that like Israel.

>freedom to be yourself
Unless you're Palestinian.

Then you're shot.

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Israel has been criticized in the 1990s for its policies and its weak enforcement of laws on human trafficking. Women from the former Soviet Republics were brought into the country by criminal elements for forced labor in the sex industry. In 1998, the Jerusalem Post estimated that pimps engaging in this activity derived on average US$50,000–100,000 per prostitute, resulting in a countrywide industry of nearly $450,000,000 annually

In 2013, a report by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child concluded that Israeli forces had used Palestinian children as human shields in 14 cases between 2010 and 2013. According to the report, almost everyone who had used children as human shields had remained unpunished.

>no country has absolute freedom of speech
Goes from they have free speech to
>I-i m-mean the government controls all speech and media, but that is free speech, r-right guys?

fuck off kike

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Reddit, bots and boomers

More for us goys I guess, genuine thanks jews for making your holyland a shithole instead of you parasites taking up more precious earth that actually has value.

> iraq and lebanon are a democracy like China and north korea are a democracy. They actually aren't.

that is far from true.

I bet that you read nothing about their government system or followed their elections.

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Mods should b& those threads already
If not we should raid them with redpills about this "le gud umpurur drumpf" Zionist bitch

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As soon as Trump was elected the Zionists began using their MSM to fluff Kushner for the 2024 Presidency.

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my nation is weak on human trafficking as well. USA has multiple human rights violations (guatanamo). of course we aren't perfect, but we're better than all those sandnigger infested shit holes.

and you have no idea what your talking about on freedom of speech. You can go to Tel aviv and shout your support for iran or muslims. Go shout your support for israel or Jews in any surrounding nation, you'll be fucked big time. You can't even enter most of them with a israeli stamp on your passport.

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You didn't post it in /ptg/ though

t. Retard

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>You can't even enter most of them with a israeli stamp on your passport.
Yeah because Israel doesn't belong there.

>You can go to Tel aviv and shout your support for iran or muslims.
For jews only*

EVERY media outlet in israel has to go through the military to be approved. you are the one blinded by kike love

For some (((reason)))

are you somewhat jewish?

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Why don't you ask the thread yourself instead of doing these bullshit "behind the back" meta-threads?
Nice poll by the way. How many reddit posts did it take to get those numbers?

>my nation is weak on human trafficking as well.
>my nation

Nice try kike

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0. You can look it up yourself, faggot.
After this, go back to shitposting on /ptg/

Why... Dude when did you get so based all of a sudden?

Because /ptg/ is full of r*ddit children. None of them actually have political beliefs that don't involve sucking Trumps cock.

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>Why don't you ask the thread yourself instead of doing these bullshit "behind the back" meta-threads?
Oy rabbi, no need to plotz.

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Mods need to ban /ptg/ threads. They don't have even discuss anything. It's just 300 posts by redditors screaming AWOOOOOOO

OTOH they do act as sort of a containment area for some of the JIDF kikery.

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Fuck off kike. Your D&C tactics are pathetic

That is Christianity.

Do not reply to bait threads.

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