What's with black on black crime in America?

What's with black on black crime in America?

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Animals often fight one another.

Is that why Americans are so bloodthirsty?

naw thats the capitalism overflow

This dancing faggot is so annoying, why does anyone like this shit

>niggers being violent is capitalism
listen dude, I know the system you live in is called "capitalism" but that doesn't mean that any time you see something bad you can just point the finger at capitalism and call it a day you intellectually lazy mongrel

Blacks don't go out looking for other blacks to kill. They just kill anything close. No-one wants to live near that so they gtfo. Segregation is the reason black on black crime looks like a problem all of its own, when it's really just black crime.

Is that guy gay? He does a lot of gay poses.

I said americans. No matter the mutt color, they are bloodthirsty

Everybody hates niggers, especially niggers.

what crime is that, user?

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It’s just what they are. They’ve always have disproportionately high crime rates

surely it's just a Jow Forums meme, a right wing narrative drawn up to diminish black prestige in America.

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cultural issue, has nothing to do with capitalism

>intellectually lazy mongrel
based leaf

Niggers often make the mistake of relaxing around niggers and pay for it.

Blacks tend to live near other blacks. We have no special hatred for one another, it's just a matter of proximity. If you dropped us into mexican neighborhoods we'd probably be killing each other in droves. We tend to mellow out in white neighborhoods though.

TNB, Typical Nigger Behavior

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It's pretty hillarious is what it is.
Black on white crime is the real damage

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This, if you had to live around niggers 24/7 you'd turn to crack to cope, and eventually shoot everyone around you

Trump makes black people shoot other black people
It's so racist
Obama never made black people shoot other black people

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tfw that toddler watching her mother submit to the superior black man will be prime stock for BBC in a few years

not true, subtract the shitskins and American violence levels are even with white European levels

>Here we see a racist white woman being racist to her husband's fist

niggers literally have no ability to think 5 mins ahead


t. White trash meth addict

>niggers shooting niggers

Attached: hissyfit.gif (350x200, 489K)

that's awesome and sad at the same time, that our constitutional rights need 'sanctuary'

Unfortunately this

Cause niggers...nough said

he's right though, niggerlover

It's a Jim Crowe reference.

Attached: 220px-Jimcrow.jpg (220x315, 26K)

He's attempting to use the sights on top for the first time.

A lot of gang violence in the black communities.

Amerikanen zijn niet beschaafd.


he's right, whites commit roughly 30% of the total murders in the US
if you remove shitskins, you remove 70% of the murderers, the murder rate would drop to roughly 1.5 per 100 000

bad Karma and because retards still think they have freedom of thought
when King Nigger was president, even Silver-back gorillas became more combative and violent.
Also because of crack rock

Attached: Obama_Clinton_foreign_policy_satanic_israeli_footsoldiers.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

Well we are a war nation. Without a common enemy, we fight among ourselves.