What did mankind do to deserve women?

What did mankind do to deserve women?

Attached: modernwomen.jpg (640x625, 91K)

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Adam was hanging around the garden of Eden feeling very lonely. So, God asked him, "What's wrong with you?"
Adam said he didn't have anyone to talk to. God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman. He said, "This pretty lady will gather food for you, she will cook for you, and when you discover clothing, she will wash it for you. She will always agree with every decision you make and she will not nag you, and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement. She will praise you! She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. "She will NEVER have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it."

Adam asked God, "What will a woman like this cost?" God replied, "An arm and a leg." Then Adam asked, "What can I get for a rib?" Of course the rest is history......................

...want to procreate and continue existing?

gave them rights

Prometheus snuck us fire.


This is how we know Adam was a white man. A nigger would never give up a rib.

*Looks at all of Europe*
Nah, not really.

well, the same goes for men 2bh
>Oh No, somegirl on the internet thinks i'm unfuckable, whatever will i do?
>Change so they find me desirable?
>I rather fap to hentai...

lol my dad told me this joke

Anyone who posts what you posted doesnt have to worry about women.

>lel he's a virgin

Big arguments coming out of user here.

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Adam and Eve is a stupid myth. Your joke sucked just as hard.

you wouldn't draw a shitty, snarky, relatable comic with DUDE PIZZA LMAO now would you?

Our theory on /mlp/ is that all males here are people who got offered (and accepted) a deal with the devil :
- you must spend one life in hell
- before spending one with your waifu
This is the hell part.

When will /mlpol/ be a thing again?

We give them food, shelter, security and children.
Without us they have none of the above.
Women are male property by default.
The more important question is why we got rid of our property.

Attached: females are anti-civilization.png (1469x1323, 2.68M)

Adam was the original beta male. He did everything Eve told him to. Her conversation with the snake, eating the fruit, and then sharing it with Adam, is an allegory for cuckoldry.

>I'm not mad. I'm so not angry that I'm going to draw this picture and upload it so others will tell me how not mad I am that you called me fat
Why are women like this?

Never stopped being one.
I don't lurk there so I can't say if it's good or not tho.

>Persians and Jews condemned homoeroticism
>Ancient Greece venerated it and Rome enjoyed it
Which attitude is more ""Aryan""? The mentally blunt anger of the illiterate slave hordes which populated Iran? The ugly life-hating resentment of displaced Jewish merchants and priests?
Or is it - per chance - the lifestyle of those peoples who breathed pagan freedom and exultation... the tanned and muscular admirers of boys and olive-trees? The loving warriors, the raging bards, the travelling philosophers?
Ah, Jow Forums, if only you would read the Symposium, or the Phaedrus! Then you might discover your true roots... the authentic path to beauty and wisdom.

Attached: greek-pederastia.jpg (970x582, 161K)

Grow weak.

Dumbass didn't even pay 2 ribs, then he could at least suck himself off too.

>That pic
>The queen of coping

Looks like you paid with your funny bone

you research for Hans Blüher. He thought similar

"Hans Blüher (17 February 1888 in Freiburg in Schlesien - 4 February 1955 in Berlin) was a German writer and philosopher. He attained prominence as an early member and "first historian" of the Wandervogel movement. He was aided by his taboo breaking rebellion against schools and the Church. He was received with some genuine interest but sometimes perceived was scandalous.

His comments on the homosexual aspects of the Wandervogel movement and the role homoeroticism and male bonding played in the creation of European culture and institutions were fiercely combated. Blüher supported these with a theory of the Männerbund.

During the transition from the German Empire to the Weimar liberal democracy, Blüher, a radical conservative and monarchist, became a staunch opponent of the Weimar Republic. In 1928, he had the opportunity to meet the former Kaiser Wilhelm II, in exile in the Netherlands. Blüher believed that pederasty and male bonding provided a basis for a stronger nation and state, which became a popular concept within certain segments of the Hitler Youth.[1] Blüher later supported the Nazis but turned on them in 1934, when SA leader Ernst Röhm was murdered on Hitler's orders during the Night of the Long Knives."

I think Männerbund, where (responsible) men and boys come together and they boys get taught male stuff is important.
Boy Scouts where such a thing I guess. Especially competent, androphilac men would be good for such a role. But I have no idea how one would prevent it from becoming a kiddy diddler club like the Catholic church.

>I rather eat bird shit

why is she red on the knees and elbows?

In a totally speculative sense, it's difficult to say with any certainty. It's uncharted and treacherous territory. I'm sure there were quite a few fundamentally sadistic, non-educational sexual encounters happening in the Hitler Youth. We might say that the Church culture breeds this sort of thing by its population of men with stunted, repressed personalities - in the old days all the priests were the sons chosen for priesthood and who basically spent their whole lives from childhood onward immersed in the seminary culture, divorced from normal social life, without an especially healthy way of dealing with their sexual desires. Who knows whether once all the boomers and shit die off if the Church priesthood suddenly becomes a lot better. But there's a lot of factors that you can't discount or elevate very easily, so it's hard to pin down.

Unironically I think the homosexual impulse has an important role to play in society. What form it should take is difficult to say. We're only really directly familiar with the contributions of sublimated homoeroticism in art and literature, and of the distinctly political "gay culture" and shit. How things actually worked in ancient civilisations is difficult to transplant to our own time.

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Feminism is a bio weapon