
A dinner with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and their wives last week was interrupted by an offensive cultural faux pas: Dessert was served in a shoe.

"There is nothing more despised in Japanese culture than shoes," the diplomat said. "Not only do they not enter their houses while wearing shoes, you will not find shoes in their offices either. Even the prime minister, ministers and members of parliament do not wear shoes to work ... It is equivalent to serving a Jewish guest chocolates in a dish shaped like a pig."


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I hope he doesn’t commit suicide over it.

That's like finding a horse head in your bed and saying "opps! Maid's fault!"
No, this was a fucking intentional insult from Netanyahu to Japan.

Kek. Fucking Kikes want a free pass on everything.

More like cut off diplomatic relations with Israel because Netanyahu went full asshole.

You know Netanyahu approve everything, but he blames his goy chef.
What an asshole. He just can't stop himself form doing shit and blaming goys.



There are never accidents where jews are concerned. They are just daring you to call them on their shit so they can call you an anti-semite and "win" the argument.

They fear the samurai because they can't control him, so they insult him

those damn kikes deserve nuclear annihilation

Is it common in israel to eat out of shoes?

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Port of Haifa surprise bombing attack when?

>dessert in a shoe

is it some kinda weird joke.

cos it looks to be made outta chocolate.

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they should serve netenyahu pork.

I thought Muslims have the problem with shoe.

abe should be happy they let goyim eat at the same table...

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The fuck am I looking at here?

Wooooow I can't believe they did that what the fuck? I'd have beat his ass with the shoe. I'm not even a gook or a nip and I'm offended.

The best diplomacy is conducted with a shoe.

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Fuckin kikes, always stirring the pot...

Those are Israeli women.
You see, the high incidence of homosexuality in Israel is not because they're actually homosexuals, it's just so hard to tell Jewish women from Jewish men.

>lick my fucking foot goy
the absoute STATE of jewish etiquette

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I'll give Georgie-boy one thing, for an old fucker he had reflexes of a cat in heat.

They must take shoe dodging classes.

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Just a (((cohencidence))) like usual when it comes to kikes.

Japan's about to get a lot of those in the future - starting with their borders.

That image is epic on many levels

All state dinners for Indian delegations are to be served out of mini toilets from now on.

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I dont have insta.

Cant see shit.

worse, he will join with China and kick the US military bases out of Japan

This. Force the kike to eat plate of pork chops in the shape of a lampshade.

>It's unclear what message the Israeli celebrity chef Segev Moshe, who prepared the dinner, was trying to send by serving the chocolates in a shoe
Just another neurotic Jew compulsively adding ugliness to the world

Good. My country has been very rude to the Japanese through the acts of the obnoxious and poorly disciplined GI‘s who cause havoc in Okinawa. It is high time for them to get out or at least be walled off from the rest of the Japanese population. I am sorry for their behavior, Japan.

What a disgusting, vile, despicable race of rat people. Jews honestly deserve worse than genocide. I honestly truly hope that hell is real so all Jews go and rot in it. It would bring me joy to go to hell just so I can hear the screams of those deplorable animals every day for the rest of eternity.

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And he laughed the event off. It wasn't his idea to go into Iraq. His (((advisers))) and (((greatest ally))) told him to. He had no way of predicting that (((they))) would turn the war against him. Makes you wonder what he didn't do in order for the whole anti-war movement to spring up only to have Obama contemplating going into Syria and the same clowns that opposed Iraq were indifferent to Syria.

I missed that! Holy shit

Black rapists is a far beyond rude...

They can only hurt us because they have their hooks in us.
End their banks and print our own money.
Send their degenerate peoples to Israel.
Actually prosecute bribery of congress and the president.
Keep Israel and the Jews out of our election.
If the world did that, they'd be powerless.

The guys going to live forever. Have you seen him exercising?

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It really does bother me that we send them rapists.

They need to stop torturing dolphins though

It's a fake

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I believe it. His parents were ancient. I'm gonna go ahead and call senior dead because he looks like he's been dead for 6 months. Maybe it's the cult. Maybe it's pickling themselves in cocaine and liquor or maybe it's maybalene. Hell if I know, I'm too poor to know.

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Ah. That would explain why I couldn't find shit and didn't remember it.

You are correct. US diversity needs to be banned. Civilized US Military should stay however, to train Japanese military. I am sorry Japan, I can’t say this enough.

I hate jews as much as the next guy but come the fuck on. They might as well have a female PM if this genuinely upset him. I thought Japanese were stronger emotionally than this.

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It was a PM-PM dinner. Wives were there. Media coverage. The men sat 6 feet from each other and it was supposed to be seen as a friendly dinner. There is nothing pretty about the shoe, if you ignore any cultural sensitivities. So the argument that it was artistic freedom on display is concocted. It’s actually mocking Japanese sushi platters, which to westerners look like traditional Japanese shoes. This is the same blunt provocation as Putin allowing a dog to get near canine phobic Angela Merkel. Not only was this shoe an insult, it was an insult delivered at the highest level.

First off, politicians shouldn’t be accosted, but those are canned responses from her. She repeats the canned joke twice, gets no bites, and moves on to the next one liner.