This is the saddest and most disturbing thing I have seen in a long time. Why in gods name does a 3 year old need to know that much about ANY gun? And if you say “gun safety”, I say now he knows how to load a gun at 3!!!
This is the saddest and most disturbing thing I have seen in a long time. Why in gods name does a 3 year old need to know that much about ANY gun? And if you say “gun safety”, I say now he knows how to load a gun at 3!!!
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ISIS used childs as suicidebomber
how will your son defend against this at kindergarten if he don't have a gun?
he's so cute I want one.
Liberals fear this as another person with a healthy interest in guns is another person they can't win over with nonsense arguments about "assault weapons"
wtf is this shit?
i'm literally shaking, this is FUCKING CHILD ABUSE
Yes because we all know liberals don't brainwash their kids and force them into political riots and protests..............
>muh IS
Children shoot more people in the USA each year than terrorists do.
I dont see the problem.
this is why you dumbshit non-whites don’t want a race war
sounds like terrorists are a bunch of soft ass faggots
>I say now he knows how to load a gun at 3!!!
Literally best parents
He knows how to be safe around a tool that without training is very dangerous. I see nothing wrong with this.
This is like those ISIS videos where they arm kids.
Nah, I'll just sit back and let all the white people get shot by their spawn who treat guns like toys lmao.
More like white parents.
So that if one day he accidentaly comes across it unsupervised by a adult he wont blow his brains out thinking its a toy because his parents were smart enough to teach him this when he was a child.
Common sense really, if you lived in a country where it was simple as pissing in a bottle to get a chainsaw, chainsaw attacks or you had a chainsaw in your house the 1st thing you do it teach people not to cut their own fucking head off
>finger in the trigger
>dry firing
If you actually knew anything about gun safety you'll realize that he just violated pretty much every rule of gun safety.
>assume every gun is loaded
>do not point the gun at anything you do not intend to destroy
>finger out of the trigger guard
>More like white parents.
Right. Like I said.
>he knows how to load a gun at 3!!!
Why is this a problem? He's 3. It's not like he can get to the gun and the ammunition on his own. He probably can't even dress himself.
so he can kill his classmates when he turns 17
You clearly didn't watch the video. He's treating a working gun like a toy, as if crashing a toy train together if he were at a model railroad shop, or banging pots and pans in kitchen supplies.
>It's not like he can get to the gun and the ammunition on his own.
You overestimate the intelligence of gun owners.
>need to
The sad part is that this kid could kill you and your whole family, and there's nothing any of you could do about it.
>it’s a non-white immigrant leaf bitching about America
Did America fuck your gf or something? Lemme guess, you’re some salty Haitian or Salvadoran that lost his tps status and fled to Canada like a faggot cuck.
Why do you think there are so many people calling for common sense gun control? It's because we're tired of gun violence.
Obviously, some parents will be negligent. In the US, the parents are held to be criminally responsible if a minor misuses a gun that the parents had not properly locked away. So what you're complaining about is both already illegal, and not something that can be completely stopped regardless of what you do.
Might I also add that the numbers you posted are incredibly low. Out of a country of 350,000,000 people, only 43 of them were shot by a toddler in a nine-month span? That's about 1 person a week. More people are killed every day in traffic in LA alone. Lol
> It's because we're tired of gun violence.
Gun violence has been going down a lot in the past 20 years.
Thanks to the assault weapons ban implemented in 1994.
Gun violence hit its peak in 1993, and then started declining after the assault weapons ban in 1994.
oy vey
Nevertheless, encouraging a child to play with a real gun is one of the worst things one could do as a parent.
>encouraging a child to know how guns work so that they can properly use them is irresponsible
you don’t even live here faggot go back to your country
they get shot because they are terrorists
then why didnt gun violence go back up in 2004 when the assault weapon market exploded again?
the only people who obsess over this are the Chapo trap house crowd
and honestly...most of the time it's simply because they are rabidly ant white
It's actually really smart to teach young white people how to use guns. Just in case shitskins get out of hand one day, you never know
Guns are made to kill people.
>about gun safety
I really wish you fudds would get the NRA dick out of your ass for once. Can a wrench turn a bolt if there is no bolt? Well neither can a fucking gun on display with no fucking ammo. get over yourselves.
Kid will get someone killed if parents aren't careful.
>just pull the trigger willy nilly it'll be right
Little cunt has ZERO gun saftey, would late term abort/10
43... Out of how many hundreds of millions?
>White boy
>Father present
Mass shootings have been going up in recent years and most of them were committed with assault weapons. Las Vegas, Parkland, Sandy Hook ring a bell?
there's no ammo in the gun, he'll be fine
And some people need to be killed. Should a robber who points at a gun at your child live?
If the kid was black, would gun nuts still think it's adorable?
Wow, you are some weak maple syrup.
>the comments on this shit
>liberals quaking in fear of a 3 year old
These people simply could not survive outside the city boundaries of NYC, LA, or SF.
Robbers usually just want your belongings. You don't get to be the judge, jury, and executioner just because someone robbed you. Human life is more valuable than anything that can be robbed.
Look at the joy in his eyes
They'll be ammo in the next one mate
He'll be an adult by then
But gun violence has been going down, so what's the problem?
Why aren't you tired of things that are actually killing a lot of people?
ITT: liberals ascending to god-cuck status
>where the golden shores of the promised land are made of onions
You might not get to judge if a person who might kill you needs to die, but I do because I'm human and it's my god damn right to do so.
>dry firing is bad
This meme needs to die.
YOu guys need to realize this is extremely painful for white liberals to watch.
>white kid
>white kind knowing how to use a gun
very bad
>attractive white woman
>attractive white woman adoring a kid
very bad
>attractive white woman adoring a kid utilizing a gun
very, very bad.
Realize that this simple 30 second clip hits so many of their unconscious buttons.
>It's muh right to kill people
You're a psychopath. Seek professional help.
If they are black gun nuts, yes probably.
White people.
If you're tired of guns killing people, you should be really really tired of blacks killing people.
Blacks kill way more people than guns do
You can't.
I hear in Canada, criminals phone ahead to let the homeowners know if they're there to rob or kill them. It's just the polite thing to do.
The fatal flaw in your argument is the fact that the assault weapons ban did not reduce the availability of assault weapons. There was nothing stopping you from purchasing a firearm which was identical in function to the 'banned' weapons. The only difference was cosmetic.
This is what people are trying to explain to you - it's not that the ban was a raging success and we're trying to hide it because we want our guns, it's that it genuinely had no measurable effect, and if we want to be serious about reducing gun violence then we must acknowledge when certain measures don't have the effect that people claim they do.
I don't want people to shoot other people either mate. That's why I don't like the idea of people instituting a totally useless ban, declaring mission accomplished, and then sitting idly by while the bodycount continues to rise.
The vast majority of the cities with the highest murder rates are located in republican states.
The fatal flaw in your argument is that if assault weapons are functionally the same as non-assault weapons, then why are you afraid of a ban on assault weapons? You could just buy the non-assault variant?
The white bitch won't actually kill me. The muslim bitch is funded by jews to kill me
>The vast majority of the cities with the highest murder rates are located in republican states.
So? How does that change the fact that blacks are killing people way faster than any gun?
Thanks for the whitepill, video saved.
>most robbers just want your stuff
When 2/5 of robbers in the us are armed with a firearm, it's a good chance they are willing to kill you for your stuff. Who are you to judge that I or anyone in my home deserves to die because someone wants my belongings?
Conservative Parents
>teach their young boys how to handle weapons
Liberal Parent
>teaches her young boys how to be a girl
Blow in the wind leaf
Kids will be interested in guns no matter what. This way he gets a healthy outlet for that interest under supervision. You need to couple this with safety though guns need to be locked up so that children can only access them with adult supervision.
There is nothing wrong with being a girl, are you seriously comparing that to teaching children to use deadly weapons?
>3 years learning how to use dildos and suck dick is a-ok
> 3 year old using guns " OMG ITS AUNNDA SHOAH!
Here's you (You)
End the Meme reserve, it is inflating away the value of our memes
>majority are Republican states
You ignore they all have Democrat mayors. Most of them for several decades.
>if assault weapons are functionally the same as non-assault weapons, then why are you afraid of a ban on assault weapons?
For the reasons I just stated...
>This is what people are trying to explain to you - it's not that the ban was a raging success and we're trying to hide it because we want our guns, it's that it genuinely had no measurable effect, and if we want to be serious about reducing gun violence then we must acknowledge when certain measures don't have the effect that people claim they do.
>I don't want people to shoot other people either mate. That's why I don't like the idea of people instituting a totally useless ban, declaring mission accomplished, and then sitting idly by while the bodycount continues to rise.
Uh honey, even 3 year olds have the right to stand their ground. Are you ageist?
the absolute STATE of the kvetching muds in that thread
Violent cities:
>St. Louis
>New Orleans
All hugely black Democratic Party-controlled cities last I checked.
But it expired on September 13, 2004, in accordance with itssunset provision.
Nice slide post, rabbi Muhammad.
And it should be brought back.
We share the English common law of a home being a man's castle. I would tend to agree that you have a responsibility to retreat in public (if running will make the situation less dangerous overall.) But no man is expect to retreat in his own abode, regardless of how the intruder is armed, because there is no where to retreat to. You literally have the right to shoot someone who enters your house unless:
a. He doesn't have a warrant
b. He has been in the abode longer than overnight (it technically becomes his castle too and the same laws as public places are enforced, domestic shootings make up a good portion of shootings in my state, it's why we have juries)
Other than that, the DA wont even charge you, as you are not liable for the well being of those intruding your home/apartment/whatever.
a. He has a warrant. My bad.
>Children kill people with cars more than terrorists do
>Gun safety is the same as training for jihad
My sides can only fly so far user, please stop
seems like a good lad
Boys like guns.
Why demonize a kid for knowing how to operate a weapon?
Cry me a river you overly sensitive faggot.
over 200 kids a year get backed over in their own driveways
>ohh the horror
White people are violent psychopaths. That's why this white kid needs to know about guns.
>You don't get to be the judge, jury, and executioner
If we are home when they break in yes we do
>Human life is more valuable than anything that can be robbed.
If you kill criminals they win
Your clearly a fanny who scared of machinery, i expected as much from a leaf.
I bet that 3 year old could kick your ass
holy shit, that is adorable!!
>There is nothing wrong with being a girl
unless you are a boy, then your parents should get the rope first
Instead they should just wait for movies and television to teach their kid bullshit and bad habits.
Dry firing slowly causes damage to the hammer and bolt stop. Why the hell would I cause unnecessary wear on key mechanical components of my firearm?
>If you kill your enemies, they win
It's time to stop posting Justin, you have a country to ruin