He was one of the most blackpilled individuals
What does Jow Forums think about Lemmy?
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Hedonistic nihilism is the only logically consistent philosophy
>you're going to die anyway
Not if I'm raptured first, you bluepilled kike slave.
>Hedonistic nihilism
>Not if I'm raptured first
Not really nihilism his meaning in life was rockn n roll and having fun so just rampant hedonism
God likes men, not mice.
Didn't even know what he meant
>surviving the apocalypse
Do you know how I know that you dont read books?
Clearly had no concept of probability and statistics.
That's fine to an extent but most people actually want their life to have meaning, just because you don't care doesn't mean everybody else feels the same
He means that we MIGHT die tomorrow so it really doesn't matter what you do today everything is a risk. Do you think he meant it literally? Americans are so stupid
Is blackpill = nihilism, By your definition?
Nothing wrong with Hedonism. Never liked Lemmy's music that much but he had the right attitude towards life on this planet.
>bluepilled kike slave
>coming from someone who worships a dead jew
Americans never fail to disappoint
i need a cliff to jump off....lemming
Lemmy was a good guy despite his image.
Exactly if you are (((Christian))) you can't be redpilled and will most probably be bluepilled. The stupid (((alt-right))) clings to Christianity and spreads hate like the stupid kkk fanatic mutts.
He was pro-diabetes and died with diabetes.
Cancer actually or a mix
>Lemmy was well known for his alcohol abuse. The documentary Live Fast Die Old stated that he drank a bottle of Jack Daniel's every day and had done so since he was 30 years old. In 2013, Lemmy stopped drinking Jack Daniel's for health reasons.[24] During his time with Hawkwind he developed an appetite for amphetamines and LSD, particularly the former. Before joining Hawkwind, he recalled Dik Mik, a former Hawkwind sound technician, visiting his squat in the middle of the night and taking speed with him. They became interested in how long "you could make the human body jump about without stopping", which they did for a few months, until Mik ran out of money and wanted to return to Hawkwind, taking Lemmy with him.
tfw I still have the live recorded cassette of 'no sleep till hammersmith'. Fucking badass album. He also collected shitloads of german army memorabilia btw
that's almost the opposite to nihilism
Why do these people have ass in front?
>a dead jew
I serve a risen saviour.
Jesus Christ crucified and raised from the dead IS the redpill, Sven.
I think his motto "Born to lose, live to win" sums him up and is good to live by.