Connecticut to Give Electoral College votes to Popular Vote winner

How the fuck is this legal?

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faithless electors

Don't all States have this option? The delegates don't even technically have to v vote a particular way, if you remember there were some moles in the GOP who were planning on not voting for Trump

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Might as well not vote if you live in Connecticut.

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Electors can give their votes to whomever they want. Civics 101 my boy.

This is correct. But when the state governments start organizing it, it doesn't venture into the realm of illegality?

This but unironicly.

>all it takes is rap music to turn whites into obnoxious caricatures of ignorance and hedonistic decadence.
I'm pretty white kids arent stupid and can think for themselves beyond whats on the radio

Some can, not all.

According to the picture none of them can. Really says a lot of what the artist thinks of his own people

you think white children are above being brain washed by constant propagada? why the fuck do you think marxists are pushing to lower the voting age and raise the age to buy guns? because kids are responsible and thoughtful abstract thinkers?

>media has zero influence on culture
Does anyone really believe this?

If you're american and you don't look down on your own people you're in denial about the state of this country.

Its only if other states do as well. Try telling the voters of your state they are wrong. Would never happen or there would be a mass revolt.

>How the fuck is this legal?
the same way
>the EC of an state will all go what the majority of the state vote for
Instead of being distributed in the ratio of the votes

but I can see why Republicans are so scared, the only reason we have had the last 2 (Bush and Trump) is cause of the EC Loophole in the counting that allowed em to win without the popular vote

Kids dont use "radios"

The only states that would do this are butthurt leftard states. They should be careful with what they wish for.

CT is super mega hyper blue, how does this matter?

>how does this matter?
I have bad news for you

>The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia.
>The compact requires its members to cast their Electoral College ballots for the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote. The agreement goes into effect once states representing at least 270 electoral votes — the number needed for a candidate to win the presidency — signs the compact.

this means that whoever wins the popular Vote will also win the EC

Sure does. By subordinating the vote of the citizens of Connecticut to 49 other states, and specifically the most populous -- California, they've subverted the will of the people who elected them.

Lawsuits incoming regardless. It's going to be a shitshow. On the other hand, it's not like CT was ever going to be red. Every pajama boy "liberal fuck" lives there or in CA anyway.

When you vote in a Presidential election you don't actually vote for the person running for President. You are voting for someone selected by the political party to cast a ballet on your behalf. However, that person can be swayed and really vote however they want but they don't because party loyalty and all that. So, what can you do? You can not be a member of a party if an elector pulls a stunt that pisses you off. The parties know that if their electors vote against their constituents that will spell the end of a party since they select the electors, so it's very unlikely to happen. Or it used to be. Now, both parties, but mostly Republicans are acting like they can piss off millions of party members and stay viable. In truth, there isn't much difference between either party anymore. Boomers are the idiots keeping the Republicans alive and millennials are the idiots keeping Democrats alive.

>it doesn't venture into the realm of illegality?
no, is like Winner takes all "rule", its there, is a gentlemen pact, but is not law enforced, its simply the thing expected to do

Practically, it doesn't. Unless the popular vote goes to a republican in which case brace for lulz.

States choose how they give out their electoral votes

Personally, I don't think we should be electing the President or our Senators.

I don't think there was enough space in the comic to show the people put off by rap
Brevity is the soul of wit after all, these aren't Lefty memes

>I'm pretty white
for america

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>America moving closer to a pure democracy
And this is how our country falls people. Take note future historians

>Personally, I don't think we should be electing the President or our Senators.
North Korea please

You're conveniently forgetting that many states also have faithless elector laws that nullify votes.

Frankly, the way you're posturing invites people to create a third party that opposes both majors. Guess what that party would be, why its name rhymes with Yahtzee, and how this compact you support would guarantee its' victory.

You really don't think these things through, do you?

how is this bad, if anything it forces political parties to figure out ways to make "lesser" states more attractive than the coasts ones to try to lure people to live there and increase the political vote count.

>How the fuck is this legal?

Because in our system of government the states are supposed to have sovereignty, meaning that apart from some general guidelines they can chose their electors however they see fit.

If you had just taken half an hour to read the constitution you would understand a little more how our system of government works instead of waiting for a bunch of autists on a Tibetan gardening website to spoonfeed you.



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This might be the most Jow Forums comic I've ever seen

read around, only republicans are complaining about this

>letting californias 40 million mostly non white people decide every single election by popular vote
>doesnt even include the illegals who virtually can all vote in california if they want to
Great idea

It ain't a fucking loophole. It was put there on purpose to prevent have states from dictating federal policy for have not states.

Have you ever met old guard Republicans? My whole family is and they are scared of everything. My aunts and uncles on my mom's side are scared of just about every liberal politician out there

you though it might have been been ironic?
they are even here in finland
it is a master piece. Have another

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its a loop hole cause EC are not distributed equality to population, nor given out equality to voters wish by the majority per state never mind how small that might be.

They're essentially ceding their representation to the rest of the country in presidential elections.

I hope this is legally binding so that when Trump wins in 2020, he gets the CT votes. They shouldn't be allowed to faithlessly give the votes back to the Democrat.

except for gay marriage and rights for niggers! Those are federal mandates!

They wouldn't even bother with votes. The state governments will just pick who they want and claim 100% of their population toward them.

This is the most accurate thing I have seen in a while

>I hope this is legally binding so that when Trump wins in 2020,
Most Americans HATE drumf and that won't change, he won because of a flawed electoral system that rewards rural retards

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I'm pretty sure white kids

>when Trump wins in 2020
do you sheeps think he will even try 2020?? after his mandate finish and he has already make all the proper law adjustments, he will retire to be even more rich

>sanctions countries with better prices of goods he has tried to offers
>tax break to the rich
>build political contacts
>use POTUS name as a brand for his own business

Euphemism for popular music

>thinks rap music or any kind of music makes you act a certain way
If that was the case every metalhead would be a serial killer

Never said that nice strawman. Most people dont get enveloped by what type of music they hear

Well, how many niggers who've murdered someone listen to rap?

I'm sure they will completely abide this if and their predominatly liberal voters would be pk with this if a Republican wins the national popular vote

Go away leaf. No one in America gives the least bit shit about your opinions.

My point was that people generally dont imitate the kind of entertainment they enjoy.

I'm talking about white kids

They want to virtue signal because of this past election’s MUH POPULAR VOTE. This shit should be illegal though, as it breaks away from the purpose of the EC and republic form of representation to that of direct democracy through semantics

>if a Republican wins the national popular vote
IF is the magic word

when was the last time a Republican won the popular vote??

I'm sad Faith Spotted Eagle didn't win 2016. IT WAS HER TURN.

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Never, because cities are the most populace and nearly always blue. It’s a law that completely segregated the will of those who don’t reside in the city, there will definitely be some lawsuits over this

>This shit should be illegal though
if Winner takes all is not illegal, neither is this, is a gentlemen pact to who the Electoral committee per state will vote rather than have everyone doing whatever they want with their Vote

THIS should be cause for revolt, the east coast will determine the election and fuck everyone else.

Winner take all is still evenly distributed, popular vote basically negates all rural/outter-city votes; it’s false equivalence in practice

That’s fucking dirty, how is this shit not news?

Hm. Wow. I was super confused on this story. Now i get it.

They want to give their votes to the NATIONAL popular winner. LOL, disenfranchising their whole state. Absolutely insane.

democrats like civil wars, its kind of their thing esp in regards to states rights

This movement will last exactly as long as it takes for a Democrat to win the electoral vote but loose the popular vote. When that happens, "Muh electoral college".

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why is people getting sooo triggered about this? ALL president election save 5 been won by both EC and Popular Vote, only reason republicans dont want this now is that 2 or those 3 times happened in the past 20 years (bush and Trump) so they are seeing a silver lining how to exploit that system to win more in the future

>Winner take all is still evenly distributed
does not, this is the reason why runs up try their very damn best at swing states. under the current system (EC and Winner takes all) you can get the 270 EC votes needed with only about 20%-30% of the popular vote.

Do you think a Republican will never win the popular vote again? The pendulum always swings.

When that happens I'm sure the people of solid blue CT will be ok with their will being shat on

>When was the last time a republican won the popular vote

Donald Trump in 40/50 states

>Hasn't voted Republican since Bush Sr

It's going to be funny when Trump wins the popular vote in 2020.

>exploit that system
Breaking news: Republics are exploits to (((the system)))

>exploiting the system

You mean visiting the midwest?

>Donald Trump in 40/50 states
many states with as much as 10 people. wow.

jokes aside this mentallity is what prevents those states from improve, cause politicians dont care to make em more attractive for people to move there, just care to keep whatever small population is in it withing their political circle. republicans dont care if Mississippi is just 10 people, as long as those 10 vote republican.

Not so fast bucko. Reagan twice. G.H.W Bush and G.W. Bush once.

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look at these fucking newfaggots, these images have been posted to Jow Forums for the last 10 years

Read pls

But the dems know this.

The whole point of cramming education, media etc full of democrats was to slowly muscle republicans out of the political consciousness.
They know the pendulum swings so they're desperately trying to give it nowhere else to swing to.

Why would they do this? Hillary got their electoral votes didn’t she?

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Conservatives are against new laws to change the way a president is elected? who would've known...


You're saying the one the people want will get elected?

Just guessing but it seems symbolic. These are the kind of people who think the mobs in the northeast and california are the rightful owners of the US

It’s shit on, on a daily basis, high tax rates and no money for infrastructure, schools, Or anything else. EVERYONE IS BROKE, except for the pension funds for people like, say, JUDGES. Who work for 3 years and are guaranteed pensions of 500K a year..

>not a direct democracy
The people are retarded, Jow Forums and leftists are a prime example of that

>Only the peoples republic of California is a popular state, and its inhabitants who dont speak a lick of english and shit on the streets and its borderline Marxist politicans care more about the welfare of "smaller states" (The gulag states such as formerly blur PA and WI) more than those peasants who dwell there.

Like I said I'm sure CT would still love the popular vote if it were Texas deciding the fate of the mideast.

And what you describe about politicians keeping states lethargic applies just as much to send with their basketball American cities.

Maybe you guys should just concede Hillary was an abysmal candidate and move on already

*applies just as much to dems

I fucking hate phoneposting

If this doesn't kill peoples desire to vote in those states. Their vote no longer matters, it's amazing we've gone this far maybe we do need to have nuclear winter and let whatever survives try again

Time to invade Connecticut and liberate its citizens from the tyranny of the politicians when?

lmfao who gives a fuck about Connecticut. Stupid statelet between cuckachusetts and the cesspit known as NYC/NJ.

>t. upstate NY user
Greater upstate NY/western PA master race state when?

Ever been to Elmira? Even upstate isn't safe. Besides we're just NYC's backyard. They don't give a fuck about us

This, they are basically saying "we will vote the way DC and California voters will, sucks to be a citizen of our state: fuck you"

fug, you have a point. Every NYC transplant keeps making things worse here.

then maybe politicials will work to make other states more appealing for people/ companies to move there, grow the population and get mroe vote for their color...

Just about the same here in NJ, but it's too late for us with having a governor who already managed to be worse than Corzine and Christy

Legal weed isn't even worth it

Lol, people will just stop voting or move to bigger states. This will only make things worse.

Yeah, they just need more amnesty aliens, mutts, and H1B visa hires.


I'm with you, neighbor

Let's have a war over it and see how long the urban folk can last without clean water