Anti-Semitism Rampant on Twitter

According to the ADL, Twitter is rife with anti-Semitism.

>4.2 million anti-semitic tweets in a year
>81,00 anti-semitic tweets a week

What can we do to fight back against this bigorty?

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Other urls found in this thread:

maybe if kikes weren't so shitty people wouldn't hate them so much

Maybe dont label ANY critisism antisemitism

No Jews = No Antisemitism


Good people are waking up

82,000 antisemetic messages would be a slow day on Jow Forums

Those are some rookie numbers

You realize that you have given Jews the tools, to doxx anybody, at least in the USA, who wrote something critical of jewish behaviour? And they can blackmail people with being fired from job?

Sorry, but America is over. It will be a technological jail where elites control people with Artificial Intelligence, track them down, punish them and experiment on them with multiculturalism

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Can't fiddle the Little m8.

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40.2 million anti-white tweets in a year
What can we do to fight back against this bigorty?

I agree broseph, these are some seriously deficient numbers

This is total bullshit. I've had my twitter locked from merchant posting. Post Tyrone meme all day long nothing. Name the Jew you get banned.

So it is time to gas the kikes?

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you should be thankful they didn't doxx you

That doesn't make sense, i made at least a million anti-Semitic tweets alone, that means all the others were one offs.
Wtf am i the only anti-Semite?

Gotta shoot for 6 million lads.

well you know what he says
succes bleeds jeslozy

.2 million anti-semitic tweets in a year

I'm honestly suprised they didn;t round it to 6

Pic related is how many tweets have been sent so far this year (essentially just over 4 months). 4.2 million in a WHOLE year is nothing

Roughly 0.0021% of all tweets are "anti-semitic". j00s BTFO

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this idea should get the (((Nobel))) peace medal.

Counter that with a poll of Jewish Loxism?

Half those anti-Semitic tweets were me

Also twitter stock is a Ponzi scheme

Remove the globalist ruling class from power try them and hang them and you might find many things get better.
Including anti semitisim.

You shills need to stop listening to your masters and realize you are being told to focus on symptoms not the problem itself.

I agree, that is just not enough. Fukkin bigots

An organisation whose only right to exist is fighting 'anti-semitism', conducts (((study))) and finds that there are 'staggering' amounts of 'anti-semitism'. Who would have thought ?

Why do so many people hate the jews? Maybe they should stop calling things like standing up to International Bankers anti-semitic? It just makes people not care about being called antisemitic.

Only 4.2 million/year? We're not doing our job properly then

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Or maybe jews should stop calling "goyms" animals? Or arabs should stop calling people "kufirs"?

I heard from my JIDF source that 65% of those are their own doing.

stats on anti white tweets

Oy vey remember the 4.2 million!

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the ADL itself is antisemitic

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Abbreviated list of antisemitic items according to ADL:
> the percentage "100%"
> the number "12"
> the number "13"
> the number "14"
> the fraction "14/88"
> the fraction "14/23"
> the number "18"
> the number "21"
> the number "2"
> the number "211"
> the number "23"
> the fraction "23/16"
> the number "28"
> the number "318"
> the fraction "33/6"
> the number "38"
> the number "43"
> the number "5"
> the number "511"
> the number "737"
> the number "83"
> the percentage "9%"

>Goyim are criticizing us relentlessly on twitter
>Better censor and intimidate them, that'll shut them up!

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4.2 million... That's almost 6 million!


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how are we not exposing this shit? ADL was founded by a jewish child rapist and pedo (that's common around jews though) who said he was being persecuted for being jew

Literally the ADL


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That's WHY the ADL was founded, not WHO founded it.

get off our board reddit shill

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Holy shit, this is fucking gold, they declare "100%" as a hate symbol
>be leftist basedboy twitter user
>tweet something, like "i'm 100% in love with the Nintendo Switch"
>your tweet gets counted as an anti-semite tweet by the ADL

Bigorty has become a terrible problem.
Bigorty steals all the new cabbages.
Bigorty wips him bum on the hand towels.
Bigorty not hold in him fart in restaurant.
Bigorty wipe him nose gold on underside of bar.
Bigorty eat all tiny cotton mousy in vagines only pee room.
Bigorty scratch him bum and sniff fingers loudly.
Bigorty eat own earbooger while smacking lips very much,
Bigorty bite off toenails then spit in soup bowl.
Bigorty squeeze dem big zits in front of shop windows.
Bigorty not nice.

83="Hail Christ"
So, it's basically the same, as "Allah Ackbar", but i'm going to guess, that the latter one isn't on the list

They've probably made most of them themselves.

I can't imagine how many tweets there were not in English

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this is the best one so far
>Because non-racist skinheads may use this acronym as well as racist skinheads, it should be carefully judged in the context in which it appears.
So, if I'm NOT a racist, while saying "All cops are bastards", it's perfectly okay, but if i'm a racist, while saying the same thing, it suddenly becomes a hate symbol?

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i'm done

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Jew calls for extermination of your race and destruction of your home
Call them out on it

Anti Semitic Tweet

Jewish fragility. They can't handle any criticism.

dont give them any ideas...
>oy vey its a cybah shoah!

Yes. Pepe is a hate symbol too.

>pilpul, the infograph

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Nah I didn't post a million but feels breddy gud to be part of that number

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Ill keep calling niggers, kaffirs though

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Lol that is some 6 million dimension jewing

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Could start by hanging all ADL and SPLC members

60% of those are bot accounts and retweets.

We continue to push it.

>criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic
>not voting Democrat is anti-Semitic

I fail to see how this hasn't sunk in yet...

Let's get those numbers up to at least 6 million

Exterminate Jews.

I'm guessing they're not interested in how much of that is coming from Muslims though right? Because of course that would be anti-semitic in and of itself to even consider that relationship.

>4.2 million
Only 1.8 million to go...

They're right, this is a travesty. Those messages should be coming from people in real conversations and speeches, not just on twitter.
We need to do better!

when the jews give a fuck about anti white thetoric ill give a fuck about anti semitism and not before

Cool,can they do an anti white tweet report now? A 'first of it's kind'

No kike the fire rises

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>Putting the ADL in charge of censorship

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those are rookie numbers

Finish the work of uncle Hitler obviously

>According to the ADL, Twitter is rife with anti-Semitism
Well, according to the ADL, Trump is literally Hitler and 2/3 of the US are literally Nazis...
So who gibes a shot, what the ADL spews out today ...

Oy vey shut down twitter.

Actually thats a good idea.