Lebanon’s powerful Hezbollah and its allies appear to have won more than half of Lebanon’s parliamentary seats in the country’s first general election in nearly a decade, unofficial results indicate.


Iranian-Lebanese Alliance when ?? Destruction of Israel when ?? sign me up i will be a volunteer in a war against Israel

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If you consider that Lebanon was once Christian, and then made the mistake of taking in Muslim refugees.

Hezboallah protects and is allied with christians

Germany will go through what Lebanon went through eventually :(


SAGE for cancer shill, kys fag

It was the "poor" Palestinians refugees who destroyed Lebanon, massacred Jews and Christians.
On her way to work one morning

Down the path alongside the lake

A tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake

His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew

“Oh well,” she cried, “I'll take you in and I'll take care of you”

“Take me in oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

She wrapped him up all cozy in a curvature of silk

And then laid him by the fireside with some honey and some milk

Now she hurried home from work that night as soon as she arrived

She found that pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived

“Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

Now she clutched him to her bosom, “You're so beautiful,” she cried

“But if I hadn't brought you in by now you might have died”

Now she stroked his pretty skin and then she kissed and held him tight

But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite

“Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake

“I saved you,” cried that woman

“And you've bit me even, why?

You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die”

“Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin

“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in

”Take me in, oh tender woman

Take me in, for heaven's sake

Take me in oh tender woman,“ sighed the snake


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that will surely come, the only difference is that we are not Lebanese,
and finally we will deport or kill all muslims

Siding with your genocider, hoping he will let you live is so sad to see...

Horst Seehofer gets a lot of encouragement for his statement that Islam does not belong to Germany. 76 percent of Germans agree with him.

we have enough of the nonsense here, if you understand Germany you know what that means

we only speak about islam, and soon we will take action , the dance begins

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I love the Arabs by the way!

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Palestinians are a cancer no matter where they tread.


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I don't think so, you will probably say that France is different but actually, the more the French got angry against muslims, the more the French institutions gave them favorable court judgement, subsidies, healthcare, naturalization and respect. Judging by migration levels, people anger and economics, I think Germany is currently experiencing the French situation just before the 2005 riots. At this point, the French too thought they were going to solve the problem and look at them now.

But they do protect christians user. They're on Assads side.

>But they do protect christians user. They're on Assads side.

Ironic considering american christians are the ones pushing for the Islamists in Syria to kill Assad cause Israel #1

Nah, they'll snap out of it like they did in the 1920s. They just need another leader who actually loves their country.

>Protects christians
>MY Genocider

wtf are you saying Kike Slave ?

IRGC Internet Squad on their usual shilling, I see.

There are also unconfirmed reports that Hariri may have lost his office, but so far it's looking like that disgusting saudi dog is going to keep it. Israel has only said that "Lebanon = Hezbollah" and that they won't discriminate between the two and treat both the same during the next war. They also said that they know where every missile I'm Syria and Lebanon are and also where every Lebanese and Hezbollah general sleep at night.

Israel is pissed and I hope that it ends up that Hariri loses the prime minister seat after the final vote.

we have a difference, we do not understand the topic of anti-Semitism here as fun.
this is the red line and the achilles heel of muslims

The only Christian group that hates Hezbollah are the Jewish/US backed "Lebanese Forces" party, who doiled their seats yesterday (they have like 8 now I think). The Shia treat christians really well and have even helped restore and defend churches in Lebanon and Syria.

I wish that most people who hated muslims and arabs knew their shit. But then again you are the same people that retardedly bark about Istanbul becoming Greek again... Christians lived without being preyed upon and slaughtered this entire time in the middle east before Saudi and Israeli backed whacky factions to fuck with Arab nationalism. Nationalism is the one thing the Jew fears the most because he remembers what happened when the many German states and tribes joined together.

Vast majority of Christians abstained from the election which shows how disenfranchised they are becoming with that country. It was a Christian majority (founded as such) and now they are a minority. With Hezbollah securing its hold, Christianity will never be the main religion in Lebanon.

They protect Christians as long as they accept their role as second class citizens.

>inb4 they are not
They why do Christians in Syria hold no political power? The Christian population of Lebanon has reduced drastically. They used to be a majority.

You're an idiot. The biggest Christian sect (Maronites) do not like Hezbollah.

>The Shia treat christians really well
They fought against Christians during the Lebanese civil war.

>to fuck with Arab nationalism.
Except for the fact that most Christians in Lebanon aren't very strong on Arab nationalism. A lot of them identify as Phoenicians, who were Canaanites.
>the one thing the Jew fears the most
You're dumb. Israel defeated the neighboring countries when they were under govts that subscribed to the so called pan-Arabism.

Is Lebanon the poster child of what happens when you let Muslims and Jews in the door.

>Laughs in alliance with ISrael


Lebanese christian leaders are pro-western and you know what that means.

>christians don’t like hezbollah
that’s true but Michel Aoun has made a pact of support with them, and he is the president.

>They protect Christians as long as they accept their role as second class citizens
Tbh if you rely on someone else to defend your country because your group spectacularly failed to do so, you deserve to be a 2nd class citizen


Haha XD
Keep dreaming buddy
No go back to fucking your sheep

Kanye West's entire uncut TMZ interview HARD to find because it's so Redpilled

He will win 2024

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