Netanyahu puts wrong foot forward by serving Japan’s Abe dessert in a shoe

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archive next time
in all fields

Rat hospitality. This is only the beginning for Japan.

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The Jew will awaken the samurai if they continue to push this disrespectful shit. Next time when Jews come over serve them chocolate in the swastika shape, when they start foaming at the mouth remind them of an ancient Buddhist, Shinto or whatever symbol
kys faggot

Holy shit man, I'm generally not disgusted by jews, but god damn!

I thought this was a joke at first. Why would you serve dessert in a shoe?

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Probably as an insult.


Archive or gtfo faggot

It was not a real shoe, it was a work of art slightly resembling a shoe.

see here fag

Post mordenism amirite

Wasn't posted yet asshole, you should have started with it anyway so now I'm not even gonna read it. Fuck you and your faggot ass thread.

Yeah I honestly wonder if that chef has an issue with Japanese people. I have a hard time imagining a chef genuinely thinking it would be a good idea to serve a prime minister a dessert in a shoe/shoe sculpture. Particularly a Japanese prime minister, I feel like it's pretty common knowledge that the Japanese find shoes to be dirty and don't even like them in the house let alone on a table.

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>Ret me know if you rike seconds judaya

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People are paying attention to this because Japs of course like normal people take their shoes off inside because shoes are dirty (thus serving food in one is seen as insulting or confusing at best).
Seriously though, in what culture is eating out of a shoe not gonna be seen as dirty or crude?
Seriously, typical Jewish lack of self-awareness of their own postmodern degenerate wierdness here.

Jews lol

>Japanese dont like shoes in their food
Nigger who the fuck likes shoes in their food? That shit goes on your feet

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next time those commie kikes go to japan

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Jews aren't stupid. They know exactly what they're doing. They've been playing this game for thousands of years.

>jews aren't stupid

Hahahahahaha that old meme

>slightly resembling a shoe

It more than slightly resembles a shoe.

It was an incredibly stupid idea. Why not serve it inside a realistic sculpture of a toilet instead? That would be just as appealing.

>Jews aren't stupid

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> That shit goes on your feet
only in india

Japan is one of the few economic powerhouses not directly under jewish control but only vicariously controlled by jews. Its also in the top 5 economies and and so closed off the jews hate that their merchants cant gain a foothold and even the gangsters the jewish/russian (same thing) mob send end up disappeared by the Gokudo.

i don't get it

is it a gourmet cake in the shape of a shoe or is it a literal shoe with confectionery on top?

what in the actual fuck is wrong with jews?

I've read whole thread and still can't understand the shoe... Was it some wierd take on food art or something. Either way its stupid and insulting.

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its a literal shoe with shit in it

was the homo kike (((chefs))) idea

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Is there any proof that japs will do anything? I doubt it.

Abe's a c*ck.

Kikes mad because another ethnostate exists.

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Does Israel even have friends anymore?

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I wouldn't eat something like that.

Was the shoe made out of all Jewish leather?


jew skin is to thin to make any good leather products, perfect thickness for lampshades though.

They have the US of A, and Ethiopia.

And they say Germans have no sense of humor.

Shoes are a big insult in Japan, walking with shoes indoors shows great disrespect.

The infinite arrogance of the jews towards the goyim. But the single time someone does something similar back to them they cry foul.

Trying to hard, jidf. Just admit your king fucked up and maybe Abe won't release the samurai on your sorry ass

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Appealing, and apoopaling?

You’re correct. You bring up a good point about post-modernism. The shoe is peak post-modernism. Post modernism is an art form that is chaotic. But chaos can survive without detriment, or can it?

Japs serve icecream in toilet shaped bowls for humor.
It might honestly have been less insulting.

Looks like shit in a shoe. I'd be pretty pissed too

So this is the true power of German humor

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That's a pretty cute meme

Never seen it before

Good job user

Kikes do nothing on accident. It is disrespectful and the jew is baiting Abe to say something about it so he is antisemetic. Then it will be spun that Japan hates outsiders since they don't take refugees. He should invite the jews to Japan and feed them pork.

>Why don't people understand Jewish culture.
>Eats desert out of a shoe.

Japs aren't overly sensitive

All they will do is take note and remember the disrespect if Israel demands respect later

This is nothing to chimp out over, just something to shrug and remember: jews are disrespectful



Israel has no friends

serious question Jow Forums

is bibi autistic?

Holy shit how retarded are these people? I'm not even an Antisemite but I'd be pissed if a jew served me something like that.
Or start thinking that he wants to kill me.

hes pure evil

>I'm not even an Antisemite
Get up to speed or get out

Unrealistic, Israel is not in the position to virtue signal about refugees.
They are just fucking retarded genuinely believing that this is something fucking great.

And they are making it clear to the whole world why

>Japanese don't even wear shoes in the house
Who the fuck does wear shoes in the house?

everyone who didn't adopt the "no shoes in the house" policy from the orient.


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>Get up to speed or get out
I was intensely Antisemitic before, I just don't believe anymore that jews as a whole are evil.
It's just the elite and the masses among them are loyal to their ethnicity and shut up like most of us would.
And of course many among them abuse the possibilities available since they can't be criticised.
I believe most of us would use this weapon if we had it to crush every critique.

antisemitism isnt a real thing

>pointy kike shoes
Why is their feet so small and thin?
Aryans will snap their bones like twigs under our boots.

Fuckers probably didn't even wash them before hand.

Pretty sure the japs have a sense of humour and get the joke.
>Eating high class food out of an object normally associated with uncleanliness.
>Woo arnt we rich that we can use expensive shoes as dinner plates. We made it. We are so rich. Fuck the poor.

The whole point of shoes is to protect the feet outside not bring the shit from outside inside

This is why the WASPs kept kikes out of their country clubs for so long. Crass people obsessed with sex and scatological humour.


It's just a disrespectful joke that isnt very funny

jesus this guy makes me laugh.

yea okay it was a "work of art" but what did it mean? what did it represent in that setting? i mean why not a hat, or shirt? what does the shoe MEAN? how can it be anything but an insult.

People who dont mind having dog and human faeces in their house.

I dont think its a funny joke but I do get the idea behind it.

I don't have carpet in my house so wear whatever you want on your feet.

Mate we take or shoes off so we don't traipse mud into the house.

Plates were too expensive

yes, and the orientals culturally valued cleanliness long before Europe.

Maybe true. But there's a difference between critiquing the influence of their retarded meme factory intelligentsia (Communism, Postmodernism, etc) and going all out claiming that all jews worship Satan and eat Christian children on Hanukah.

americans put their shoes in the fridge

It's eye rolling tier hardly even worthy of a polite smirk

Whites are the piggus of Japan

I would've thrown this piece of shit at the chef's face. Truly a slimey race who expect everyone to bow down to them.

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I never wear shoes in the house and I don't know anyone that does. Not from any country.
It's entirely possible that not wearing stuff that's been around in dirt and what in your home is something uniquely oriental that was just copied by the rest of the civilized world, but more likely you're just an amerimutt that even wears shoes in bed.


> “There’s no culture in the world in which you put shoes on the table.
Pretty sure I saw a video of Putin and Obama drinking tea made from a fucking boot.

Wow....these Jews think that they can get away with anything. Degrading other cultures is like a power trip to them.

Just a stupid faux pas. Israel has no reason to offend Japan for any conceivable purpose. They will fire the chef and say sorry and it will be over.

>the offended parties were two unnamed diplomats

so basically the outrage is entirely manufactured

ching Chong’s deserve it when they started turning from god and embracing effeminate atheistic anime and machines. now kikes will destroy asia too, the whole world belongs to yhwh and his chosen

lol you got me right with the last word.

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I literally wear shoes in bed, never got ill from it. People are obsessed with germs these days for no reason, it's retarded.

>how to endorse gassing yourself in one easy step

So this is the power of Judaism...

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>not ever reading
take off your shoes and go read a history book.

Why should they fire the guy? Their values and tastes are strange in general to us.
As long as it wasn't done on purpose I would send the chef to Europe to learn how to make a normal dinner.