Socialists aren't people

socialists aren't people

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>implying you can opt out of capitalism

you literally can

>you live in a capitalist society, so you aren't allowed to be anything but a capitalist!
I'm not a socialist, I'm just saying that pic is as retarded as you

difference between socialism and capitalism is that soc is mandatory. government is compulsory. nobody is FORCING you to buy things. nobody FORCES you to do anything under a truly capitalist system, thats the beauty of it.

there are people today who live in communal societies in the US. nobody is stopping you from joining them.

your comment doesnt make any sense dude. you can live in a capitalist society and be a socialist without owning apple products and trendy clothes, big headphones and frequenting trendy, overpriced establishments, obviously.

if you're going to call yourself a socialist then immerse yourself in the most extreme and totally voluntary parts of capitalism, like most (almost all) of these "people" do, then you're a huge fucking hypocrite and full of shit.

sorry if you got triggered cuz this hit close to home. you're prob a hipster, i know.

capitalism is TOTALLY voluntary. 100% non compulsory in all practical senses. you can buy land so cheap, for a one time cost you can own fertile land in much of the US for like 200 bucks an acre. of course then you have the (socialist) land taxes, but those are so small in many places it's not stopping you.

it's EXTREMELY easy to live a non capitalistic life in society today. there are a million co-ops and communal farms you can go to. YOU JUST DONT WANT TO CUZ YOURE FULL OF SHIT.

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This is just a capitalist boogeyman

>nobody is FORCING you to buy things.

I like eating.

ofc they should avoid the iconic brands like apple and shit but desu most of them have always lived in that capitalist society and thus are formated to live accordingly to it
as you said in your previous post , if you want to get out of capitalism you have to go live in a communal society
not everyone is fond of the kibbutz way of life
I, for one, live in a bureaucratic socialo-fascist country and I don't agree with most of the laws and way of life of this country but I still have to live in this society and can't really do anything to get out apart from going in an other country
my point is: just because you live in a society and therefore benfit in a way or another of it , doesn't mean you can't criticize it

>What is agriculture?
>What is animal farming?

Then 100 % of humans with an iq above 100 are not people.

>there are people today who live in communal societies in the US. nobody is stopping you from joining them.
While this is true, do you know what would occur if large enough groups of people started voluntarily opting into these communal societies? The bourgeoisie controlled government would quash the peaceful rebellion to force their base of consumption to return. It has happened before in this country. Part of the Nixon administration's goal in criminalizing drugs like marijuana was literally to attempt to break up the hippie movement (a movement which emphasized communal values and sprung forth many of the surviving communes which you are most likely referencing).

Capitalism is involuntary because you force others to accept your concept of property.

Pot was made illegal before the 60s. Try being Amish instead

>you can't talk about slavery because society is built on slavery

Are cappies genuinely retarded or do they know that they're shit people?

Yeah, my country is built on genocide and feudalism. I'm still going to live here and prevent it from happening again. So fuck off.

>Yet you participate in society. Fascinating.

Shit you can't do without money or in the city.

this argument is so dumb

>like all of these people do
Source needed

subhuman animals

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The modern american islamophobe will also use algebra, better step up the russian agitprop or papa putin wont praise you like the useful idiot you are

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Hello Plebbit.

Just hippopricks

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KYS Ahmed

just do it alone

"Communism" is a buzzward pushed on young naive minds by leftist teachers and professors who sell them on "economic equality" without ever explaining the cost.

I've never actually heard any teacher speak positively about communism.

It's funny how the biggest socialists in America (Obama, Hillary, Soros to name three) are also filthy-stinking rich.

It's funny how Obama preached economic equality while one of his "legacies" is making the rich richer and the poor poorer.

>socialists aren't people

You got that right. They are nothing but vermin.

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OP's meme implies that Socialists are against the production of goods, they aren't.

Socialists have issues with the means of production (the economic context of how things are produced), not production.

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>Obama, Hilary, and Soros are socialists

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You don’t understand. We just want poor people to not own property.

>socialists aren't people
They're vermin who should be killed

its true

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That pick looks shopped, the angle is all off

They bought their lighters and gasoline from 7-11 too. Their black block clothes from a department store like everyone else. If they want to get a gun they have to visit a profit-making establishment. None of that would stop them from then torching the place. A feudal lord getting impaled by pitchforks that he technically “owns” is ironic but not really hypocritical.

Honestly, I've come to realize that the overwhelming majority of people who criticize socialism have zero understand of the basics of socialist theory.

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Every time I interact with a commie, I find I can hate them just a little more than I do already.

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Underrated d*bs

Because they’re not socialists but Corporacrats.

You can do those, you just wont because youre a pussy

I think people give too much credit to things that don't deserve it
Welfare is reactionary that ended up spiralling out of controll

Worker Cooperatives are profit making establishments, and they are inaccordance with socialist theory.

To be blunt, you don't understand what socialism is.

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Oh look guys, another divide and conquer thread.
I wonder who's behind this post.

buddy hate to tell you but there are a SHITLOAD of MAGA hat wearing, right-wing, totally capitalistic people out there today who hunt and forage and grow their own food on the regular. like a shitload of them, seriously. again, nothing is stopping you, you just don't LIKE the other ways of living.

You totally missed my point. Are you implying that it’s somehow unfair or hypocritical to use the “tools” of the old order to create the new one? It just doesn’t matter to a revolutionary (and certainly not a black bloc anarchist).

here in the US you're still free to live any way you want. if you want to live free of capitalism you actually can.
if you want to say you're a socialist and then live in urban, iPod, starbucks, fashion, TV, internet, DVR, on demand, netflicks, facebook, starwars memorabilia and everythingelse type of life, then you're a hypocrite and you're just totally full of shit.

Hmmm, seems that I have missed your point.

No, I don't think it's hypocritical.

I support changing this system, by using the tools of the old.

yeah you just don't have your facts straight at all, as another user pointed out. the nixon administration only passed drug legislation because previous legislation that had made marijuana illegal was ruled unconstitutional in 1969. jesus, learn your facts you fucking pothead. potheads never have the whole story, do they?

you're just doing a whole lot of mental gymnastics here anyway. "ooooooooh but if we're free the government will try to stop us!" yeah well, that's why you vote for libertarianism and classical american right-wing ideas rather than fucking socialism and leftism, isn't it, dumbass?

you're essentially saying something is involuntary because you aren't allowed to steal something from someone. god you people are the most sociopathic and self-centered beings on the planet, aren't you?

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source needed for whether or not modern day socialists use iPhones and go to the starbucks to make facebook posts about how they hate capitalism? really? REALLY NOW? try going outside and observing the world around you for literally 10 seconds, there is your source lol.

Socialism isn't against the production of goods, so it doesn't make you a hypocrite.

By your reasoning, a pro free market capitalist is a hypocrite if they buy products, because no free market capitalist nation exists on the planet.

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totally incoherent

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that's solely because they face social pressure not to.

look how smug that stupid onions faggot looks

kek I usually hate these but this one is good

obama, clintons, soros, those people are the ones that literally wanted the 1% to have EVERYTHING and their policies reflect as much. bush belongs in that club too.

they did it through fudging regulations. they would say "ooooooo carbon tax! save the environment!" and then a carbon tax is passed and little guys can't afford it, so they go out of business and the big guys have no more competition.

that was their scam. look at the telecommunications act under clinton, that's a perfect example right there. now all of our media is owned by a handful of companies.

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oh boy, i was just waiting for this.
no, my meme doesn't imply that at all. you just added that part in yourself.
oh but BTW, do you see a lot of silicon valley tech companies moving to cuba or venezuela? no? didn't think so!

Socialism is a governmental concept.
Capitalism is an economic concept.
They are NOT exclusive.


this is what every socialist thinks, and yet they can never get that it's themselves that are disconnected.
obama, hillary, soros, all people who claim not to be socialists publicly, but who have given sufficient reason to people, through their actions and rhetoric, to know that deep down their agenda was much farther left than they pretended.

they operate in the window of acceptability. so for example obama and hillary were both against gay marriage until it became "ok" to before it, then they say "ok, gaymarriage for everyone now"

but socialists are all teenagers, and so inexperienced with the world. they don't know how it works, so they just think "hurrrr im actually the one that knows everything!"

Then what is implied in your meme?

Venezuela is a failed attempt at social democracy, and Cuba is one implementation of socialism.

(The majority of the Venezuelan economy is private, in case you don't know.)

There are many different socialist theories/models.Cuba = 1 version.

And one thing Cuba did get right is their excellent healthcare service. Despite 50 years of sanctions, preventing them from legally purchasing all US patented medicine they have a world renowned healthcare service.

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it never ceases to amaze me the way you guys genuinely convince yourselves that other people "just dont know what socialism is"

no bro, it's you who doesn't get it.
this is such a common response to this. like how on EARTH do you people genuinely get this idea that people think "socialism is against profit"? i want to know where that comes from because literally ZERO people think that and yet you seem to think everyone does.

it's hypocritical because all of that shit is produced and paid for by a capitalist society, do you get it? they're living in the lap of luxury bro. living the highest standard of living of any people ever in history, and still bitching that they want to change the system. bitching that "it's unfair" as they sit there drinking faggy lattes and diddling on their phone.

fuck off, you retard socialists. i have never NEVER seen a socialist intelligent enough to actually engage in a conversation and understand the points the other side makes. its ALWAYS just retarded made up strawman points like the one you just pulled out of your ass.

>living the highest standard of living of any people ever in history, and still bitching that they want to change the system
The US doesn't have the world's best living standards. That accolade probably goes to Sweden (inb4 ebin memes), Switzerland, or Singapore.

is it post a good commie day?

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you know you are evil because you want to steal from people and force them to live under tyranny and forfeit all of their freedoms, right? like you are genuinely the satan of the universe man. that bad.

wow nice response.

Stop being amazed and try pulling your head out of your ass.
Canada is a Socialist country. Most of Europe is Socialist. America is partially Socialist.

social democracy*

What is your understand of socialist theory?

Obama and Hiliary promote Centrism, eg. capitalism with social welfare programs and regulation.

They did not state that they wanted to implement policies that outlawed corporations, or policies of eminent domain transforming corporations to public enterprises and work cooperatives. (Which would make them socialists.)

Hilary received the most lobbyist money than any candidate in history. She openly said that corporations had been demonized for too long.

You seem to think that left wing = socialist. Socialism is about the how things are produced.

Capitalism = the separation of use and ownership of capital (eg. Limited liability).

Socialism = worker or public ownership of capital (eg, public enterprise, worker cooperatives).

Social welfare programs and economic regulation can exist within a capitalist or socialist economy.

Social Democracy (eg. Bernie) is capitalism with strong social welfare programs.

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I own this planet. Stop trespassing.

that's a complete missing of the point and nobody ever said anything about the "US". why does EVERY SOCIALIST do this in converstation? it's the same tactic every time 1) create a strawman based on linguistics and semantics and 2) hone in on it to try to derail the conversation away from the points you can't defend.

sweden is not socialist no matter what bernie sanders says and there are starbucks and iPhones in sweden, you fucking retard. same obviously goes for switzerland.

god you people are truly the lowest of the low, intellectually.

The only foe that matters are WHITE LIBERALS.
Take no prisoners and leave none alive

That's because they don't state what basic theory is.

If I ask you for example to explain what makes a socialist theory socialist, could you?

For example, Mutualism and Maoism are both socialist, despite one being a market anarchist theory, and the other being a totalitarian state theory. What unites them both?

If you know the answer to that, then you understand what socialism is.

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Obama and Hillary are objectively not socialists. They don't even count as social democrats.

>And one thing Cuba did get right is their excellent healthcare service.
Have you ever been to cuba by any chance? their fucking hospitals are fucking garbage just like their doctors, please stop the meems.

>you want to steal from people and force them to live under tyranny and forfeit all of their freedoms

What are you basing that on?

>why does EVERY SOCIALIST do this in converstation? it's the same tactic every time 1) create a strawman based on linguistics and semantics and 2) hone in on it to try to derail the conversation away from the points you can't defend.
I was using the example of the US because I assumed we were talking about the US. Even if they did have the world's highest living standards so far, that doesn't mean things couldn't improve further or that there aren't issues that need resolving.

The UN and UNICEF disagree.

none of those places you mentioned are "socialist". canada's corporate tax rate is like 10 or 15% omfg lmfao. you're saying the most retarded shit imagineable.

the left tries to sell this meme that these places you mention are "socialist" and yet places like sweden literally finance their social programs with massive wealth inequality and low taxes on the richest, with high taxes on the middle class.


Didn’t marx say that capitalism will sell its own tools of destruction? Come think of it large corporations shilling against 2A makes sense now...

Studies and statistics > Your anecdotal evidence.

>places like sweden literally finance their social programs with massive wealth inequality and low taxes on the richest, with high taxes on the middle class.
Are you retarded? Sweden is among the most equal OECD countries.

>nobody is forcing you to buy anything
I personally enjoy being able to buy gas instead of pushing my car

Narcisism + stupidity = libertarianism

wow what a wall of teenage autism.
when are you going to realize that many people in politics, particularly on the left, don't actually believe what they say and that they mask their radical agendas with centrist messages?

>You seem to think that left wing = socialist. Socialism is about the how things are produced.
this is literally how your burnt out autistic teenagemind thinks, doesnt it? you literally think that everyone else around you doesn't know shit, and you are sitting on the magical cloud of knowledge, so high above everyone else, who is just uneducated.

my god, stick your head in an oven, you ignorant retard, please.

>The UN and UNICEF disagree.
The same ones that throw pity parties for african countries and love to send their blue helmets to create a country of their own? Yeah, no fucking kidding. The UN and UNICEF are corrupt closet marxist organisations and are wrong. If Cuba was so great, people wouldn't be LITERALLY fucking swimming across the ocean to leave it.

I’d like to live free from degeneracy, I don’t think I’m free to do that in the US.

this is what total lack of self-awareness looks like, huh?
this is the kind of post you can read and know 100% for certain that the poster has never had a single friend in his or her entire life.

>every socialist IS TEH SAME!1!1!1!1!one one one *reposts on reddit* front page XXXXDDDDD

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>The UN and UNICEF are corrupt closet marxist organisations and are wrong.
How many layers of retarded are you on?

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>unironically claiming that politicians always tell the truth about what they think
my GOD lefitsts literally believe this "democrats tell the truth tho!" horseshit!