If whites are the high iq master race then why is russia a literal shit hole?

If whites are the high iq master race then why is russia a literal shit hole?

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Ever tried creating a country? Try doing it again, but drunk.

slavs are not white dumbass

enough about Poland

How the fuck is it that slav women are qt as fuck but the men look like skinny quasi motos?

What is communism?

It's because their development was hijacked by ((((Marxist)))) hijinks for 60 years. Of course theyr'e going to be stuck in pre-war standards of living. In time, they'll rise and will surpass even the West, which is currently being overrun and decimated by (((diversity))))

Russian intellectuals have been genocided by their rulers in around every 100 years.

Also this

except for gorbachev

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>the actual state of soviet union


Fpbp fucking kek

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Alcohol destroys braincells

They are not faring so bad after 100 years of communism.

Are you implying Slavs are snow niggers?

>If whites are the high iq master race then why is russia a literal shit hole?

Jewish Oligarchs robbed the country of billions after the fall of the Soviet Union which itself was originally a Jewish scam to create Jewish world domination and enslave the Goy.

So after getting Jewed so much your country might be a shihole too.

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>quasi motos
You mean quasimodo, and not all of them look like that.

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because russians are mongols

Because they killed anyone with half a brain leaving only literal retards


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of course the clown gets it

Trump should have this guy shipped in to give him comb over advice.

because there's a range of intelligence values in which people think they know what's best for other people, and restrict and control others' lives. within this range, these people are so confident in their own intellect, and are indeed intelligent enough, to skillfully delude themselves about the results of their endeavors. it's really sad.


Living under economic Marxism for over 70 years will degrade anyone. Even today Russia's poor standards of living are due to so many Soviet concepts.

Add on the fall of the USSR along with (((oligarchs)) looting the country and you have a shit hole.

Also probably the main reason why the whole east europe region is behind west europe.