Can I get a Don Blankenship Tread?

We need your meme power lads!!!

He is our fag, he wants to ditch Mitch

Has called out the dirty China man, and cocain Mitch neo cons hate him

They hate him so much they framed him up on BS charges.

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Let's be real for a second. He can't win a general election against someone like Manchin. He has 0 charisma. His policies are sound, but watching him during the debate was a snoozefest. That monotone voice and droopy face are terrible optics.

>Let's be real for a second. He can't win a general election against someone like Manchin. He has 0 charisma. His policies are sound, but watching him during the debate was a snoozefest. That monotone voice and droopy face are terrible optics.

I agree he is not the best speaker, but he killed it in the debates, and has sucked all of the oxygen out of the room like Trump did during the election, we will never get another perfect Trump, but here in W.V. No one is talking about Patrick Morrisey, Evan Jenkins, or even Joe Manchan.

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>lets hand the election to Manchin
fuck off, I bet they already have pedo stories of him ready to drop

this guy is based and ready to help drain the swamp starting with cocaine Mitch

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b a s e d

I think Trump is getting more bad intel and was singed by the Moore debacle

Blankenship is twice the intellect of Moore without the religious kookery

His demeanor is the ideal demeanor of a white American male, he would beat the fake as fuck Manchin by 30 points

Looks like he's not the only person looking into Mitch and his wife's connections to rich Chinapeople

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Last thing shills want is Jow Forums to realize what a based MF'er Don Blankenship is!

What are you, a China person?
That old boy is rough as a cob, I wouldn't be surprised if this plays out in his favor.
You've got to factor in the junky quotient in WV. The pillheads are probably lapping his act up.


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You're not using your head user. Blankenship is exactly the type of guy any MAGA voter dreams about

Exactly what he said
"the establishment is misinforming the President"
Dude isn't even mad because he's the REAL DEAL


stfu you fucking faggot, Trump has to be pc but he doesnt at his local level.

West VA of all fuking places has a commie chink roach infestation and they need to get rid of it ASAP.

>>sink the CHINK

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Dude Trump is laser focused on NK and Iran. Some Mitch sucking schmuck told him some BS about this being like Alabama and Trump fired off a shitty little tweet about it. Blankenship will win tomorrow and Trump will realize what a god send

Sorry, you don't speak for Trump.

Kike detected.

LOL how does it feel to be defending Trump now you little neocon worm? Trump and Blankenship will help weed out the slimy kikes and commies TOGETHER

>not superior based Kenny Blankenship

>cocaine Mitch

these are literally boomer tier insults

I guess this is how the maga movement dies

Trump isn't allied to Blankenship, and I listen to Trump not you.

Trump will do well to listen to the voters then. I'm afraid his tweet will be too little too late to stop the Blankenship momentum that exists in the state

>lets vote for a felon who can't win the general election
sometimes I worry about how retarded everyone on this site is. you guys don't know how to win shit, this is why the_donald is superior to Jow Forums and I'm being entirely fucking unironic. I have to wonder sometimes how many of you guys are absolute honest-to-god shills trying to undermine everything we've been trying to do for the last 2+ years.

do you faggots even realize that if dems take back congress they will impeach Trump? how the fuck can anyone on this site be so goddamn stupid. about had enough of wasting my time here.

There is literally nothing that will stop Blankenship from winning the general. Only one of the other two slick establishment kike loving candidates could lose to a clown like Manchin

Screencap this, Blankenship beats Manchin by 20% in November

>Blankenship beats Manchin by 20%
the absolute fucking state of Jow Forums, fuck this I'm out.

youre a faggot and an obvious shill

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sometimes I worry about why so many faggots like you insist on coming onto this site and being buttblasted at people posting anything here.

You attempt to down play everything and cull people in being limp wristed pseudo-intellectual kike micro dick loving faggots like yourself.

>>GTFO yid

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Agreed. Anyone who has been paying attention to this race knows the truth. Hell, just watch Blankenship on FOX news the past few weeks, the guy is as /ourguy/ as it gets

sorry, youre a faggit and chinkjew puppet now kys thank you

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Leftist shill thread trying to get another Roy

I'll be voting tomorrow. I haven't made up my mind yet, my heart says The Don but my brain says one of the other two crooks.

>ignores all the points made about this being nothing like Alabama and Blankenship being nothing at all like Roy Moore

shills have been pushing this clown all week. he will 100% lose the seat for the republicans

lol nice try there faggot, please shit post at least with less faggotry if youre going to try to derail this thread

>>this thread is about west VA and their possible ability to SINK THE CHINKS

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you two faggots are the shill, GTFO

Sink the Chink...

The seat is already held by Dems lmao ! The only ones who could lose to Manchin the Dem are the other two crooks running against Blankenship

The only ones who could lose to Manchin are China boy's two loser candidates
>Jenkins vs Manchin
Manchin +10
>Morrisey vs Manchin
Manchin +14

Blankenship BASED response to perceived "diss" by President Trump