Based Granny Runs from Holohoax Polizei

I hope she's somewhere comfy and without extradition. Fuck those jizzbrains that want her to go to prison for thought-crime.

Attached: nazi grandma.jpg (618x410, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:öben

It's OK... she was apprehended after an intense shootout and standoff.

Sleep easy everyone, she's off the street.

>intensify search for notorious neo nazi
shes 89 years old for fuck sake
why do they want to arrest all those that were there at the time
makes you think

Attached: 1494399864322.jpg (572x303, 112K)

Germans can't own guns unless they belong to a sports team and undergo state sponsored colonoscopies.

Stay safe Oma.

This is how normies discover how weak the lies really are because truth doesn't need draconian laws to thrive.

I hope a thousand mossad agents die and infinite Jewish shekels wasted searching for this woman.

You might think this is a joke, but thought-crime is the worst of all crimes by far. It plants the seed of evil.

Stop trying to be New Sweden. I'm going to start calling Doucheland New Sweden.

>Kids getting raped probation.
>Grandma says holahoax didn't happen prison sentence.
WTF is wrong with these people?

Attached: newsa 1643.jpg (500x500, 117K)


The police raided her apartment today and jailed her. She will most likely die in jail since she's not in good health.
Hold on Based Uschi.
Pic related for all anons nearby. Don't let her be silenced!

Attached: haverbeck_mobilisierungsgrafik-01-1024x632.jpg (1024x632, 185K)

She should have ran. Are Germans vying for the idiot prize? No one in the (heh) entire realm could house and protect her? PATHETIC.

Let this be a lesson, anons. If you are righteously on the run from the forces of evil (and locking someone up for an opinion is evil) maybe perhaps don't hang around at home because the cops just might think to look there.

I wonder if they went in with swat gear and 30 40 heavily armed military type solders?

Attached: grandmacaptueunit.png (692x382, 589K)

fuck you pussy

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They'd censor the Bible if they could. Jesus says some non-Germany approved statements about the Jews in there.

She didn't want to flee. She knew the police was coming.

"Deutschland ist mein Zuhause und hier werde ich irgendwann sterben aber beugen werde ich mich nie!“


"Germany is my home and I will eventually die here. But I will never bow down!"

Danke, but that barely needed a translation. Still appreciated.

>She knew the police was coming
were is the correct form, user.

Attached: 1512363625169.png (600x720, 51K)

First they wanted to arrest that old bookkeeper and now this old lady...

>arrest that old bookkeeper
They already did. He died in prison.

And archive it next time, faggot.

He died before he had begun to serve his sentence. Which was something I was praying for.

yeah but the old book-keeper was not a holocaust denier - he was one who said he saw it, and it was true (because he helped)

he said he saw the selections, and the gas chambers ,and the pyres. he would have spat in this stupid viscous old retarded crone's face

Find the (((big nose))), you guys

Attached: FE76E8E5-9136-488D-A245-18C15164AFF0.jpg (620x402, 47K)

Who is that big-nosed civilian? Does anyone know?

Not the point, you frog eating faggot. He did all that and they still wanted to send him to jail. A poor old guy with only a few years left. What's the point of trying to redeem yourself and have spiteful people still wishing for your arrest. Fuck the jews and their "muh holocaust".

Don't know, man. I saw it here.

Don't blame her for not wanting to die in prison for a kike lie

Kinda ironic that she is basically getting a death sentence, and being locked in a prison for denying that the jews were given a death sentence and locked in a prison.

Attached: newsa 1480.png (580x282, 310K)

The one with the sjw red hair dye?

Fuck you new sweden

You can help Based NatSoc granny achieve her freedom from international Jewry by replying to this post, "TOO OLD AND WISE FOR SHLOMO'S LIES."

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Godspeed Ursula

Wouldn't she be one of the original nazis?

Yep, she's the real deal.

Attached: godspeed uschi.jpg (1500x1000, 394K)

>International Auschwitz Committee

Attached: 1432847736231.png (1070x601, 463K)


She won't have to share the shower with the big guys. Her life will bascially be the same as before, minus farmville.


Attached: hitler badass.jpg (650x366, 30K)

I hope she made it to the antarctic base

godspeed based /outgranny/

where is the fucking archive?

A Hueanon linked it further down the page.

oh, thanks hueanon

wish she got away

Can Jow Forums pls stop bullying us now and mercilessly hound Krautcucks instead?

At least we still have some redpilled people in our country.
Show me one leaf that comes even close to Uschis courage and virtue.

Can't remember the recent Anschluß. Did i miss something?

>Austrians are not Germans
fuck off boomer scum

I was just messing with you, Volksgenosse.

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I hope so

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Ah ehre we go again

On trial in England.. for this song (mirror)

Attached: British blogger on trial for posting Holocaust denial songs online The Times of Israel.png (645x767, 605K)

Canadian Monika Schaefer was arrested on January 3 2018 and is being held indefinitely in Germany pending Holocaust trail over this video. (mirror)
She references these videos at the end.
Questioning the holocaust - Why we believed
Ursula Haverbeck; The Greatest Problem Of Our Time (Eng Subs)
Off Your Knees, Germany - Ernst Zundel

Attached: Canadian Holocaust Denier Arrested in Germany following B’nai Brith Complaint Edmonton Jewish News (787x642, 577K)

Lady Michèle Renouf (a British citizen)and former Miss Newcastle will goto trial shortly in Germany for Holocaust denial.

Attached: German police probe British socialite s Holocaust comments Daily Mail Online.png (660x774, 904K)

Very nice

This British Bishop was fined €12,000 after a German court found him guilty of denying the Holocaust.

Attached: Bishop Williamson.jpg (800x500, 79K)

Count Dankula convicted in Scotland for Hate Speech. He taught his girlfriend's pug, to do the National Socialist Salute

Attached: YouTuber Count Dankula Convicted Of Hate Crime For Video Of Pug Making A Nazi Salute Gizmodo Austral (786x672, 634K)

Canadian Graphic Artist and author Ernst Zundel was convicted for 7 years for publishing the booklet -
Did Six Million Really Die.
He served 2 Years in Solitary Confinement, in CANADA for publishing a booklet !
Here is the entire booklet.

Attached: Ernst Zundel.jpg (798x286, 98K)

German Lawyer Sylvia Stolz jailed for a second time for DEFENDING in court a Holocaust revisionist (Ernst Zundel).
Law licensed pulled.
Served 5 years for defending Ernst Zundel and now an additional 3 1/2 years for a speech in Switzerland.

Attached: Former German Lawyer Sylvia Stolz has been jailed again Justice for Germans.png (666x373, 175K)

British historian, author, and renowned Holocaust denier David Irving was sentenced to three years in Austria in February of 2006 after his November 2005 arrest for "trivializing the Holocaust," a crime of speech in Austria. (I don't think he served the time)
He's still barred from Australia, Canada and South Africa

Attached: irvingtheatre.jpg (743x540, 88K)

German Chemist Dr. Germar Rudolf extradited from the US (he has an American Wife and Child)
and jailed (44 months) for Holocaust denial for publishing this book
The Chemistry of Auschwitz (Download PDF for free)

Attached: rudolfvrba.jpg (815x224, 84K)

German Lawyer Horst Mahler an 81-year-old who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for Holocaust denial was arrested in Hungary on Monday after illegally leaving Germany, officials said. He has served 13 years for Holocaust denial!!!!

13 YEARS!!!!

Attached: Horst Mahler.jpg (768x483, 63K)

>her appearance
Hmmm, a female jew calling out other jews? Good on her. Hopefully it starts a trend. You can't call a jew an antisemite Shlomo. Kek

Australian author Gerald Fredrick Töben who graduated from the University of Rhodesa, has served three jail sentences: in 1999, for seven months in Germany for breaching Germany's Holocaust Law, Section 130, that outlaws “Incitement to hatred“;[3] in 2008, for 50 days in the United Kingdom when he was transiting through Heathrow and Germany wanted him extradited under a European arrest warrant, which the court declared invalid; and in 2009, for three months in South Australia for contempt of court, for which he apologized to the court.öben

Attached: Gerald Fredrick Töben.jpg (453x320, 27K)

Her husband

This might be the most well thought out and correct post I’ve seen on this board. No joke.

French politician Jen-Marie Le Pen father of Marine Le Pen and grandfather of Marion Le Pen was arrested and fined three times for holocaust denial.
€183,000 (1987), €6,000 (1999)[72] and €30,000 (2016)

Attached: Jean Marie LePen.png (339x498, 247K)

Swiss author Jürgen Graf was jailed for 15 months in 1998 for this book
The Giant With Feet of Clay (Download PDF for free)

Attached: Jurgen Graf.jpg (1080x741, 48K)

Austrian Author Wolfgang Fröhlich has been hounded by the "Austrian" authorities and imprisoned ever since he testified as an expert witness in the 1998 Jürgen Graf/Gerhard Förster trial.
With a total of 14 years in prison, Wolfgang Fröhlich surpasses Horst Mahler with 13 years as the longest prisoner of Holocaust denial.

Attached: Wolfgang Fröhlich.jpg (336x252, 15K)

French professor of Mathematics Vincent Reynouard sentanced to two years in jail for denying the Holocaust in Facebook postings.
He served one year before fleeing.

Attached: Vincent-Reynouard-Die-Wahrheit-Oradour.jpg (300x219, 29K)

yep, you idiots shouldn't be allowed to post shit like this. it's dangerous.

She looks cute.

Attached: The Gramma I always wanted.png (678x768, 220K)

That is true, it is true.

Me too, dude.

Alfred Schaefer, brother of imprisoned holocaust revisionist Canadian/German Monica Schaefer find $6,000.
He'll be arrested next. He completly denied the Holocaust in court in Germany.
Listen to the ones with Alfred Schaefer in them.

Attached: Alfred Scheafer.jpg (1920x1080, 484K)

She's a real nice lady.
87 Year old German grandmother locked for THIRD time up for Holocaust denial video. (mirror)

Attached: Ursula-Haverbeck-german-jew-auschwitz-holocaust-holoxoax.jpg (1094x1094, 184K)

would give hug and serve schanpps or sherry to

But muh holocaust did happen, look at this fiendish invention by Der Evil Nazis to torture those poor Juden!

Attached: Jewpedal.jpg (720x710, 70K)


To all the Americans thinking he is joking, this is actually what we Europeans are taught in school.

They basically tell us that thinking the wrong ideas will result in another Holocaust and genocide. That's why leftists in Europe always use the old argument, "we all know where this thinking ends up..."

Europe is a prison planet and Americans will never understand what it's truly like.

Bless her heart :)

Attached: Holocaust Numbers.png (725x2650, 203K)

hope I don't get 15 years on jail for viewing this rightwing propoganda of some granny having fun

jesus, that tattoed faggot

Daily reminder that Ursula Haverbeck decided to go public when she did was because she was 88 years old, and knew that the papers would have to repeatedly publish that number.

Attached: ursula-haverbeck-im-landgericht-detmold.jpg (610x343, 62K)

One of my grandmas died when I was 14 and the other one when I was 22. And they didn’t live in the same state that I do. I miss them. That's why it pisses me off to learn that they are going to arrest a old lady.

Where are your men germany? Someone should have picked granny up and put her in a cozy cottage. The neighbors should have brought her food and when the police came there should have been 10k willing to die. This is pathetic.

>as the longest prisoner of the Holocaust
they are unironically treating these people worse than the naxis treated the jews



I never knew one of mine, pisses me off that they would arrest anyone for questioning obvious bullshit, let alone an old lady

I hope these people get some bashlack from this

Dude, not even here this happens. The left is always up to its antics but we actually value freedom of speech here. On top of that, Brazilians hate politically correct stuff.

The fact that she's going to PRISON for basically nothing is so grotesquely absurd that this clear violation of the basic Western principles of justice and rights alone is enough to justify the overthrowing of the system.

I never knew one of my grandpas. Unfortunately I don't think they will get any backlash in Germany. As I said on another comment, that old bookkeeper tried to redeem himself but (((they))) still wanted to see him in jail. I wonder where they buried him...

You can just tell that that woman was gorgeous many years ago. She aged extremely well. Hopefully she is alright.


So turn it around on them.

Point out socialist death camps.

"We all know where socialism leads, mass graves"

Still, you have to respect her for not leaving the country or something.

Americans wont understand, thats for sure.
They are going to be shot instead for complying.
>ib4 yo gun be rapd ahumedd
Oh well.

Attached: 1517398024332.jpg (431x427, 71K)


Not true, I did some research on gun laws in every European country. Germans can own guns.

She is the most positive and sweetest woman ever and man is her brother pissed off about this. She has been in prison in Munich for over a year, "awaiting a trail"

You can write to her here. She is very lonely and your letters would be welcome.
To write to Monika Schaefer in detention:

Monika Schaefer
Schwarzenbergstr. 14
81549 München

Attached: Monika Schaefer.png (399x575, 309K)