The organization is aiming to raise $500,000 USD to sculpt President Donald Trump‘s face into an iceberg

>The organization is aiming to raise $500,000 USD to sculpt President Donald Trump‘s face into an iceberg.
>If the group successfully raises funds, it will launch a live stream of the construction.
>“There are still people who ponder whether it’s a real issue. We want to build the monument for all of us, so we can see how long the sculpture lasts before melting. Often people only believe something when they see it with their own eyes.

The absolute state of the left.

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>Sculpt Trumpks face
>contribute for faster dissolution of Iceberg

Fucking retarded, do liberals even have brain?

No. They are a emotional animal operating purely on instinct, reacting only to their environment and the words of their masters.

Cutting your nose to spite your face

pretty much

>sculpt face
>doesn't melt

so rather than work hard to win elections or come up with policy that the vast majority of americans could get down with.....they're going to make a sculpture.....truly the party of the weak and worthless.

>hey what's a better idea?
>using $500K to set up an education fund for advocates for social justice?
>or using $500K to carve Drumpf's face into a fucking iceburg?

Its going to backfire when the iceberg doesn't melt and winks at the camera before contact is lost and the team is never heard from again

>Carve Trumps face into glacier
>Global cooling ushers in new Ice Age
>Ice sculpture hardens
>Trump in the glacier last for a thousand years

HWNDU 2.0?

>Sculps iceberg
>Trumps face summons lost god
>entire team killed
>never melts

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They need a half million dollars to show the world that ice melts. Isn't ice melting a universal axiom by now?

>china is trumps fault
This is all so tiresome


>Carve Trumps face into iceberg
>it ends up not melting at all
>there for hundreds of years
>humanity dies off from engineered viruses
>ayy's come down to inspect Earth
>find Trump's face
>assume he was King of entire planet
>Trumps face is forever linked with the Human race
>libshits eternally BTFO for literal eternity

I'm more surprised that its a group of Finns wanting this done. inb4 they sculpt a penis into it instead.

Is the idea to persuade Trump into caring about muh ice sheets to protect his ice sculpture, or mock the sculpture when it inevitably starts melting?

> fund stupid project
> leftists attempt to abscond with money
> arrange criminal prosecution for fraud
> they actually have to go through with it to avoid prison
> discover half a million is nowhere near enough
> don't understand basic safety
> or that ice bergs are dangerous as fuck
> fall off the face half way through carving it
> leftists die in a frozen mixture of blood and seawater
> iceberg reattaches to Antarctica anyway
> there is now a half finished second mount Rushmore to serve as a treatment to liberal stupidity and lack of self awareness

Considering climate alarmists tend to be less environmentally conscious in their day to day lives, No

I was just think this. It won’t melt and seas will forever be blessed with a giant trump face floating around

Once complete, they will seek another $500,000.00 dollars to point a hot laser at some undetermined location on earth.

> a real issue
I wish they would stop changing the argument of their opposition. Most people don't deny that climate change is happening, what they are asking is: is it a natural cycle and/or do humans have any involvement in it?

or they could feed people. or something productive

That which is not dead may eternal lie

god damn

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>wasting $500k in virtue signaling
I bet the sculptor that will pocket that (no taxes of course) is the son in law of a very progressive cunt whose NGO is organizing the event.

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Trump Derangement Syndrome is a global mental illness. It might be even worse outside America, because all the jew owned media translates their international news from places like CNN.

I'd still say that among young men Trump is still viewed more positively, since imageboard culture is so strong that fake news couldn't tell lies about Trump. Millenials from 15-30 are pro-Trump, ''hip'' 30-40 basedboy millenials are the most vocal anti-Trumpers.

>makes skulpture
>incoming mini ice age makes this stay for ages
>makes lefties cry
I'm all for it

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>Do not feed the animals : keep the WILD in Wildlife.

You know you can buy alot of solar panels for $500,000.
This more important though.

So they are going to pick an area that thaws annually, are going to watch surface level warming, and they are going to make a (((Scientific) diagnosis of the earth by watching a natural event.

Christ this timeline is getting boring.

Came here to post this.

But I don't want to bump without content:

Charles Munger Freudian-Slipped in an interview about bitcoin and talked about trading BABY BRAINS. Let's get them!

$500,000 is the going rate for an iceberg sculpture? Based

That's cold.

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Sensible chuckle.jpeg

>Liberals create a grand sculpture of The Donald's face hoping it melts
>Doesn't melt

Please let this happen

Trips overlooked due to the post not being eye catching. Sad!

>it still hasn't melted in 2020
>Trump holds his victory speech with the livestream as backdrop

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>yfw it doesn't melt.

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ayyy lmao

YES there is climate change
NO it's NOT human made


>posts image of iceberg
The absolute state of climate change debate.

> carve Trumps face into iceberg
> melts faster than anticipated, scientists can't explain it
> a lot of coastal cities are liberal shit holes
> the last thing they see is a massive tidal wave shaped like a smiling Don.
> This is their blue wave
Truly a master of quantum entanglement cribbage

>organization is aiming to raise $500,000 USD to sculpt President Donald Trump‘s face into an iceberg

A scam pledges to raise an impossible half a million to write FUCK DRUMF on the moon. When asked, they refused to say what would happen with the money raised if the goal could not be accomplished.
Give generously.

>So many people already talking about climate, Drumpf himself or liberals.

Y'all real dumb. No wonder Sarkeesian made a fortune off retarded channers.

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Someone tell them to donate the money instead to fight climate change

We have to use their fucking tactics and shame these motherfuckers into making a 180 turn

nothing is ever too expensive for cultural marxism.

It'll collapse half way into construction and kill all but one of the people working on it, one who wasn't there, and that one person will disappear with any remaining cash.

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that would be fucking fantastic


Don't equate a dog with a Jew. Ever.

If they are gonna do it at the north, it is gonna melt and melt soon, cuz its summer in north hemisphere.
What it has to do with "climate change"?

Is it possible to anchor an iceberg? Because otherwise it will float away from the pole and melt.

You’re not a real fascist if you don’t love nature and the natural order as much as your kin faggot; how can you love God’s creation if you seek to destroy it for a quick buck to save your manufacturing industry.

>fugggg don’t murder me on grammar desuuu