Don't know how you're going to recover from this one, Jow Forums

Don't know how you're going to recover from this one, Jow Forums.

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Except we agreed to it

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When? Inaction is not consent.

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obviously a ton of effort went into creating this "meme"

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Its a necessity for modern society. If you don't want to pay taxes you are more than welcome to go live out DEEP in the wilderness with no social interaction or services. But of course you don't want that do you.

gtfo libertarianfag

Taxes are basically a shake down. You either pay it or get punished with violence (arrested, jailed, defamed). Its even worse than theft, it's robbery

are you autistic he was saying we agree with your image you fucking retarded reddit faglord

see pic

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Oh wow, Jow Forums is finally getting back to its libertarian roots. Love it, keep it going.

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No he's not, he said "except we agreed to it." Past tense. If he was agreeing with the image he would have said "except we agree with it/this/that."
Back over the border with you Pedro.

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Ehm, I didn't sign any contract whatsover.

>Libertarians make Rick and Morty memes
No, I'm not sure how they will.

In order for humans to function in a civilized society and to be protected from foreign invaders, the people must agree to give up certain freedoms in order to enjoy the luxury of such security.
If you refuse to give up these certain freedoms, then you can't lawfully live here or in pretty much any country for that matter.

>Implying the only way to make this happen is through coercion and threat of violence.

Would you voluntarily pay for things like roads? If yes, you just BTFO your own argument. If no, you should consider why you wouldn't be willing to voluntarily fund something, and how badly you want or need that thing in the first place.

So basically all non defense spending is theft.

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what roads designed to break every 2-3 years? the romans did a better job

Are you citizens?

it's this smugness that will you fuckers get the rope

anti-taxxers are the sovereign citizens of policy

pathetic babies

A contract implies that both parties voluntarily agree to the terms set forth within the contract itself.
Also, once a contract has been executed, the terms can't just be changed on a whim. In the state vs. citizen "social contract" the terms of the contract can be changed any time the state wants.

If you meet a girl at a party and tell her that by remaining on that couch she consents to fucking you, would it not be rape for you to fuck her just because she didn't move, is inaction consent?

Roman roads only had to deal with the weight of an empire, not the average western citizen.

How else would you make it happen? You think people are going to give the government any defense spending if the government just goes around door to door asking to give what they can? Can a government function off of voluntary donations?

First: A contract is an agreement between 2 or more parties.

So in order for the "social contract" to be a real thing it would have to fulfill that requirement.

1) Do all individuals living within a specific geographical area explicitly agree to the terms of the agreement ("social contract")? The answer is no.

2) I'm assuming then that your argument is that every individual living in a specific geographical area agree implicitly to the social contract by merely being born in that specific geographical area. This is absolutely fucking ridiculous. A 15 year old did not agree to be born and he does not agree to be arrested for smoking a joint by merely existing.

So, I just demolished the premise that people agree to the agreement and therefor proved that the "social contract" is not in fact a contract, but I'm sure my argument did not convince you and therefor I will continue to the second condition of a contract:

After an agreement is made, individual parties do not get to change the terms of the agreement without approval of all parties involved.

The "social contract" is not in fact a contract, because 1 party gets to dictate all the terms and change them on a whim. It's surreal that anyone can accept this as legitimate. Why would individual parties be allowed to change all terms and conditions at any time without consulting or even informing the other parties involved.

Are you claiming that you actually agree to all the conditions of the "social contract", including all changes that were performed by the government last month? Do you even know in what manner the "social contract" was changed last month?

Now, I probably still haven't convinced you that the "social contract" is nonsense, because you probably believe something like this:

Everyone implicitly agrees that only one party is allowed to dictate all the terms and change them whenever they feel like by being born in a specific geographical area.

Funny because I'm going off of John Locke, who's writings was key in the founding of the United States.

You must be from the other country.


This is circular logic, I already demonstrated that it's not possible to agree to all the terms of this so-called contract.

So it seems like the rules and conditions of what makes a contract don't fucking matter at all and one party can just do whatever the fuck it wants and we all some how agreed to allow 1 party to do whatever the fuck it wants by simply being born.

In summary: The social contract is an agreement arrangement that agents of the state have determined, applies to all living persons in a specific geographical area. The actors that have determined that the social contract applies to all people, have also determined that they are allowed to change the terms of the arrangement whenever they feel like. And as cherry on top of the cake, the people who make and change the terms of arrangement whenever they want get to determine to consequences of failures to abide by the terms of the contract.

you got ricked

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>go innawoods
>build a shack, start a garden, fish and hunt for meat
>get arrested for trespassing, poaching, fishing without a license, building without a permit, and tax evasion

There's no way out.

By staying here you agree asshole.
You’re free to leave.. See how that works?

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No I'm not "free" to leave, I'll pay an exit tax on the way out to bring any assets with me. Get fucked, statist.

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Time for a NEW new deal...

You’re guaranteed rights, as a citizen, under the constitution not some imaginary social contract.

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So thats where Incels come from

My rights come from God, not from a piece of paper.
We all have the same rights, it's just some of us have convinced our government to honor more of them than other governments do.

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Youre welcome to be an enemy of every state and their people if you wish, you wont win of course, but whatever. We get it governments are gangs who keep you safe from other gangs for capital, but thats been the winning stratrgy since the dawn of time and no amount of hippy-dippy kumbaya singing Lolbertarians is going to stop that.

>Gibs me muh deportation extortion

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Your parents did when they birthed you on a nation's soil.
If you disagree with the terms, when you come of age you can leave.

That’d be awesome if we lived in Heaven

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> from foreign invaders



Jew shipping lanes are paid for an well maintained.

But the road in front of your house will get fixed some other time. AKA fuck your suspension.

People can help each other, or privately make roads, probably doing a better job than our shitbag government.

These suckers are making upwards of 100k USD, and spending half their time on re election plans.

Just because the government doesn't control roads doesn't mean there won't be any, same going for emergency services and education. We are capitalist, meaning that the people, in an eternal upward spiral to be the best, will be the most educated, most powerful, and most safe.

The only people i would be worried about are those slappy-ass, socialist niggers.

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