Why is bad?

So called "low IQ" African people live happier and more fulfilling lives than your average Westerner (likely to be taking anti-depressants)

They have warm family relations. They get married to the qt in the next village. They work far fewer hours. Will any of you ever have a fraction of that? Even when they are faced with death and misery they are more content than you will ever be

Face it, if you're on Jow Forums you are probably bitter and unhappy. With all your civilization and tech, you will still die alone. After death, you will receive nothing better than the mud hut dweller. You slave away to pay off your mortgage a month before you die. Is this what is supposed to be superior?

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Then why do they want to migrate to the West?

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relativism, the chance to experience massive success and achievement in highly functioning societies is greater than its ever been, with that opportunity come the chance to fail or not act at all which leads to depression, if you don't like modern life you can always leave but if your man enough to step up to the plate and swing your efforts have the chance of being rewarded with luxury and lavish not even the old kings could comprehend

Because they dont know better and i am speaking from experience. I grew up in cuba and my life was as meaningless and empty as theirs. Once i migrated to the land of the whites i saw how small and empty my world was back there.

Hello niggers, another fine day of mingling with humans on the 4chinz? How is your aids today? Have you stolen anything good lately? Looking forward to hearing from you.

They’re not smart enough to be upset with the world

>Probably dies within the first 3 decades of life from starvation or aids.

Nigga pls

Do niggers in africa get to enjoy a big fuckin pizza? How about an ice cream cone on a hot june day with your friends? Or play xbox in their teens? What about roller skating? Or maybe fishing on a pontoon out at the city lake? Or what about going to a sweet keg party? What about traveling across the world and enriching yourself in foreign culture? What about being attractive? Or swimming at the beach? Niggers in Africa will never know the joy of western civilization. I take solace in the fact every day. *clickclickjamoo* can take his malaria burgers and keep them.

they literally work 24/7 just to survive and not die of aids, kys retarded leaf