Why do weebs hates jews ?

Why do weebs hates jews ?
Jews are literally and historically the cause for anime

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the jew fears the Samurai

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i detest kikes but have no particular affinity for 2d sluts

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>lusting after 2d girls
>jew hating
my life in a nutshell.
btw who the hell is this faggot ?

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I watched Yuru Yuri and now I'm redpilled as fuck. Gas the kikes race war now 1488 Hitler dod nothing wrong.

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>Doesn't know about the ancient lost tribe of heebs who settled and founded Japan.

Reminder the anime is literally the only major commercial art form not owned and dominated by Jewish interests. Jews own US movie and TV industry. Jews own US based internet companies. Jews own the pornography industry. Jews own most of the sports industry.

Jews DONT OWN anime studios.

That's pretty funny considering how many weebs there are on the commie and /leftypol/ discord.

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I legit can't remember the last time i fapped to 3d

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WTF! I love the idea of fucking cartoon horses now

Anime is becoming mainstream. There's a reason /a/ is so butthurt all the time.

liberal twitter thought it was going to win the retard awards with no trouble again this year, but now they have fierce competition

Is he wrong Jow Forums ?

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>characters turn into blonde hair blue eyed warriors
>space jew Frieza tries to control universe=globalism

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>Why do weebs hates jews ?
Because they turned them into weebs.

The jews fear the samurai.

wow, I love korean moving pictures, but I hate semites, what do?

>anime is now anti-Semitic
Oy vey

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I fucking swear, I legitimately don't give a fuck about the corruption of traditional western entertainment frankly, but if they start coming for my anime i will fucking stab them. I even own a katana ready and waiting for the day.


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>they also race mix with their chink wives
Yep sounds like Jow Forums

Show me how much you hate the jews Jow Forums.

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I would like to think anime fans are more right-wing but I don't really know if this is true.

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You bitch.

wtf I love anime now


so i'm confused. does it count as pizza if its animated?

This confirms anime = degeneracy

it only proves niggers are inferior because they evolve from a monkey form into a human form which evolves into a super saiyan, the aryan

Strange, I hate anime shit and jews. Actually I think everyone hates jews. Even the jews I know hate jews so it must be natural.

loli and cp are very far apart.

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それ お しゃっとだうん する

Loli is cartoon cp

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so what is the most red-pilled anime out there?

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bitch lasagna

The jew fears the anime

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Here, let me bogpill you, it's extremely simple

You see, all western cartoons are utter trash, and don't give me that "except X or Y" bullshit, yeah, maybe those cartoons from your childhood were okay, but today's cartoons are all trash, they're all cucked to the core, they're all pushing for diversity, acceptance, homosexuality, transexuality and other mental illnesses, but also for degenerate behaviors such as smoking, being an atheist, believing in science or having pre-martial sex

Because of that, conservatives (Who don't like any of that) can't watch it because they don't like it

Therefore, the only not cucked thing they can watch is anime

Although some animes are degenerate, most are fine, where men act like men, women act like women

This is why the western anime community is over-whelmingly conservative

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>no no goy, you better stop fapping to your waifu and marry Stacy whom Tyrone left with 3 kids
>you're a loser nerd if you don't!

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I doubt anime is a gateway drug to antisemitism unless they got their hands on Angel Cop or something.

>Bulma is a chink

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It's fucking hilarious every time our vocabulary goes mainstream.


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>anime makes u a nazi
Wew, am a nazi now.

Boku no pico

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Look at these disgusting anti-semites

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Loli is just drawn cp you creepy old man.

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He's right. Liking anime is recognizing the Japanese as Honorary Aryans.

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Japan = more boobs
Jews = less boobs

look at wonder woman and marvel. the weebs crave the milkers and the Jews wish to remove milkers.

t. comfy user poster
comfy anonymous##卐comfy卐

god dammit i just fapped to this now i have to again

He's not wrong

Weebs are degenerate virgins

Thomas Wictor is the smartest schizo on twitter. I mean, he is right.


Have you seen Android 18? lmao

Utterly lost his fucking shit. A shame, since he is an intelligent guy.

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>wehraboo is a bad thing

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Weebs are split into two groups. Just look for anime avatars in any discussion, and they pretty neatly fall into one of the two:

1. Right wing angry, isolated manchild that has deep seated resentment for women since they don't want him. Professes hatred of degeneracy and easily brainwashed by right wing bullshit while simultaneously jerking off to highly degenerate hentai constantly. They thrive on internet anonymity and anime because they're shit in real life.

2. Feeble moderate leftie that carries their milquetoast demeanor into their hobby and internet presence. They don't want to offend anyone, and can mostly be found in YouTube comment sections stating the obvious and getting upvoted by a thousand normies that can't properly express a simple opinion.

CHAD nationalists report in.

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They are working on it


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No, it's porn not food you fuckin goof

Chadhans unite

Saiyans can only achieve their true Aryan form by cutting off their monkey tails and discarding their brutal, barbaric, animal pasts.

Much like the white man must cut off the primal apes that also cling to his backside and threaten to pull us back into barbarism.

Maybe it has something to do with japan being a part of the axis.

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CP requires abuse of a real child to be made.
Loli is a product of the imagination.

One requires destroying the innocence of a child to make.
The other requires no hurt, abuse, or pain.

Loli is moral.

>Jews are literally and historically the cause for anime
you're a fucking idiot, i dont even like anime but now because you made that retardedly false claim and this shit slide thread, i'm going to watch some, probably just rewatch some ginga episodes since i don't know of any good redpilled animes that aren't hokuto or jojo


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>if you like anime you hate jews
This might be the dumbest post made this year.
>If you like golf you hate apples

Legend of galactic heroes

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[[ lauging in learning the racial laws ]]

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You bet your ass they are! (((they))) own crunchyroll, and netflix. Netflix trying to make their own netflix original anime, and english dubbing teams inserting cringy political correct jokes.

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that's not anime that's yuuko from fantasm soldier valis, A FUCKING PC GAME
great soundtracks in that series tho

There simply isn't a way to measure how divergent the world line we've entered is from the ruinous scheming of the Semites.

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Anime is implicitly the most pro-white thing out there. It almost always portrays a perfect white utopian society.


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More proof that 2D > 3D

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nah, loli is pure as they are designed to specification and incorruptible, 3d is pig disgusting and ugly and mongoloid mutated and tainted and also extremely smelly


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Anime is a Jewish plot to turn white men into pathetic social outcasts so they won't be able to have white babies

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nice collage

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>Anime is a Jewish plot
It's really not though. The truth is anime is social outcasts making more shit for social outcasts to feel less shitty about their life. To make something cornily "awesome" and taking drama, masculine(for japanese culture), and feminine traits to exaggerated extremes to escape from the reality they hate.

When will they start dying off in droves? Modern hygiene and medicine was a mistake, these people just won't release their grasp on power and accept their inevitable demise.

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Except that the Nip government is funding shows that promote moving to the countryside, taking up traditional ways of living, and breeding. The only plot driving anime is in fact to undo the damages Jews have done.

>implying loli artist don't use real children as references in drawing

Not saying its wrong, just admit your looking at drawn cp my dude. It's not like your gonna get in trouble (depending on where you live)

Loli is not pure, they manipulation old men into doing their biddings.

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Nerf when?

Wictor is a Boomer CIA nigger

I'll never understand the "loli isn't children" argument. It's such a disingenuous bullshit mental gymnastics thing. It would be as stupid as saying that masturbating about men isn't gay because what you picture and fantasize about in your head isn't the same experience as actually fucking a dude, so masturbation is not indicative of sexuality. That's the kind of dumb logic being used.

Loli is modeled after children, some hyper realstically, and some more stylized, but the intent is children. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be classified as or called "Lolicon" in the first place. The genre is predicated on fucking children. It's just pedophiles in denial wanting to pretend they don't want to fuck kids, as if the people they're trying to convince view them any less despicably or believe such bullshit.