Redpill me on the nintendo switch Jow Forums

Redpill me on the nintendo switch Jow Forums.
It really is just a console and you faggots are overly paranoid but what should one expect from you.

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Half the switch s*yface pictures are satire anyway. Owning a Nintendo is no more degenerate than any other gaming console or PC

fuck off Reggie

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It's a v-pol meme op,relax. Just play your games and try not to be a faggot. That's it

>comparing a console to a PC

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>Switchfags actually believe this

>console: plays games
>PC: plays games

What's wrong with this?

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>that pic

nice wh*Toid face

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>I love cumguzzling

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"Relax and try not to be a faggot" should be on a t shirt.


Yeah it's pretty fucking gay dude.

XBone+ even has dynamic 4k, am i rite

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It's just a console. The meme is about all the faggots that go apeshit over it because they're pathetic cuckolds with nothing better to do.

Well, no

the OP is saying that YOU in a sense have nothing better to do, by judging them.

So they go ape shit over a console - who cares?

Does it come down to white birth rates?

>playing the electronic jew
Yeah leave reality to the shitskins...

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>console: plays semi interactive videos
>PC: plays games

okay, well what's reality

politics and culture?

says who

Safety? Crime rates are going down

So, who says life should be based on politics and culture

let me summarize: Life should be based on how close or far away what you love in life is to your life.

If something you love in life is really close to you, then celebrate as you should. Simple.

It simplifies life, but notice how people with down syndrome are always happy?

Imagine being like that, but with a brain. It's peak confidence and zen

We're just laughing at retards and you're only taking it personally because it hits close to home. I'm going to buy a switch when the new SMT game comes out.

Don't put words in my mouth mutt, is actually right, that was what I was questioning. I saw Jow Forumsacks go apeshit over the switch as a symbol of cuckoldry a while ago and wondered what your reasoning was.

Having sex with white women and having property in your oun country. If you dont do it foreigners will.

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Nothing bad with the console. Mainly because these cucks are the majority that buy them.


When will Bill gates come out with PC+ to try to compete?

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don't call me a mutt behind a meme flag

I'm saying - they could probably be doing that, but they just are on a vibe where they express themselves more freely.

That's what I'm saying, you likely only freely let loose and express yourself in ABSOLUTELY NARROW SITUATIONS

What if these people just have more confidence than neckbeards on Jow Forums that are laughing at them?


Think about it user - when's the last time YOU got laid?

I don't give a shit either way, I don't "judge" anyone that has a Nintendo, I observe the memes. Le Soiboi memes don't interest me much anyway.

/pol has a distinctly pedantic flavor today. When did classes let out?

Nothing wrong with playing some video games, especially with your kids.

But being an adult man obsessed with a kids' video game console and posting retarded looking pictures on social media to broadcast your idiocy is maximum shoya.

It's an ugly childish looking piece of shit that has a screen with a resolution that was outdated a decade ago and a fanbase that thinks spending $80 on a cardboard box kit is a good idea. It's too big to be a portable because it can't fit into pockets so unless you carry a purse you can't even carry this little autism machine around with you to play in public.

You'll be able to emulate its games in 4K for free in a few years whereas right now you have to pay $60 each for 720p pieces of shit

If you buy this thing you are literally retarded.

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to my summarize what I was trying to articulate here: People with low self confidence are more likely to judge a situation and hold it based on what they see.

I'm saying it could be a possibility that the dude here: is just more expressive and content with himself. Think about how the Alphas in high school acted. They acted similarly over stupid shit

pick one and only one

90% of games are for both systems. I bet you couldn't tell the difference between xbox and a high end pc

In a righteous world these men would have been warriors for their people and paragons of virtue, the embodiment of the natural laws of this world. Instead they've been fed estrogen and video games to the point they are indistinguishable from anorexic women. Society doesn't need very many warriors now, so it poisons men to deny them their legacy of hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary instinct. Our civilzation maximizes effeminacy, sin, and hedonism while destroying our very spirit.

Nintendo Switch is a console that caters to basedboys. Most of the games cater to manchildren who are overly nostalgic as opposed to children.

Nintendo is pretty much cucked now. Shame as I've used Ocarina of Time as a means of reinforcing traditional masculinity/heroism and the concept of coverture to my younger family members

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Why spend your NEETbux on overpriced tablets when you can play shit for free on CEMU

Thats because devs make games for consoles and then they port them to PC, so they aren't really using PC full capacity.

It's just a game console.
Basedboys like it because it has mario and zelda, and it's the 'in' thing to be into nostalgia right now.
The rest of us like it because it has Xenoblades and it's gonna get FE and SMT games eventually, as well as Smash.

So PC wouldn't even have games if it weren't for consoles.

Imagine being so brainwashed to politics/social status that even a console which does nothing but play games is grounds for people to go on diatribes about a persons status
The people that post pictures of themselves with it though are cancerous millenial faggots however.

For the record, I’m saying ALL VIDEO GAMES ARE DEGENERATE no matter what you play them on.

But if it makes you feel better making fun of people for owning a switch then by all means carry on.

Video games are degenerate but Nintendo are literally the worst of the worst offenders, overcharging for outdated hardware and droughts of games.

Yeah, but consoles are still for normies anyway.

if I were a judge on the day of the rope:

To slow down and stay sane in modern society, you should follow what you love. THAT is the survival tool of the 21st century. It's following what you love.

This society that we built for ourselves is not meant for humans. I really believe that. The fact that I can flip out and be pissed off and want to kill someone completely proves that modern society is a sham

So how do we not chimp out? It's staying connected with what you love in life.

It'll regress the straight white male's image from a society standpoint, but if it's not immediately hurting anyone, I'd say he's not making a bad decision

Cucks get a pass

It doesnt have any good games. just shit for kids

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>are cancerous millenial faggots however.

Exactly. By all means, they make men look bad.

But still, they'd get a pass on the day of the rope. I'd give him the thumbs up, in the coliseum

ITT: Console-owning, video game-playing adult faggots trying to pretend they're so superior to this other owner of a different console.

If you own a Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Vita or 3DS, please commit suicide.

>redpill me on a stupid manchild toy
the absolute state of pol

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>This society that we built for ourselves is not meant for humans. I really believe that.

Explain yourself, i've heard this line of thinking before but not from a goy.

I only have a PS4 for KH3, I just want some fucking news already

copy and paste the bulk of that for a /v/ thread and post the link

that looks more complex to use than a ps4 though

99.9% of videogames that come out today are complete and utter dogshit. I genuinely feel bad for people over 21 still actively playing videogames post-PS2 era.

Had to travel for work recently, red eye out of laguardia
Wore a suit, looked sharp
Busted out pic related on the plane
Had my coffee, had my lil complementary bischoff cookies
Was fuckin comfy
Nobody seemed to care

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Modern society drives you neurotic

fake niceness everywhere you go

We're nicer to strangers when having a conversation than we are with our families.

That's on the right hand

On the left hand, you got how all the stresses and anxieties that hit us throughout the day - a byproduct of the people doing whatever is they can to keep society and themselves chugging along

A lot of things, really

We've evolved to produce and achieve, as opposed the consuming life we're encouraged to live (modern society)

Kingdom Hearts 3 and FF7 Remake are the ONLY PS4 games I care about

Viral marketing campaign by Xbox / PlayStation to keep control of the "hardcore" gamer market. Jow Forums is amazingly easy to convince into rolling with a meme. Same with "onions." Onions is one of the largest exports of red states and now they aren't mad China is going to stop buying US basedbeans, crippling our Midwestern farmers.

Jow Forums gets played like a fiddle constantly and thinks they're "so much smarter than le basedboy redditors XD"

Oh shut up, there's plenty of good indie games

indie games from the early 2010s sucked and were cringe worthy, but they've gotten so much better now

Like in any year, that game would have been dope

What the fuck? Basedbeans. Onions beans.

Yup, filter turned on after the meme solidified. Happens every now and then.

Some of the games are fun, but it's not worth looking like a four year old playing it in public.

>talks about Jow Forums
>actually referring to nu-Jow Forums
friendly reminder this shit only started with the shill and boomer invasion around the time of the election.

>implying "based old Jow Forums" wasn't the same shit

I'll give you that there were less trump dick suckers, but the general "I'm so enlightened in my edgy and right-wing beliefs" was here before Trumpfags flooded this place.

Does an ant grasp the size and shape of it's colony?

So, highly degenerate then?

I mean I feel like I'm that ant

I feel like I realized how fucked we are. It doesn't have anything to do with HURR MILEY CYRUS TWERKING ON JAMAL!! WE'RE FUCKED

No fools, it's moreso - modern society that consists of accessibility, convenience, instant access, constantly judging people without knowing their story, piss poor human interactions all of the time, everything.

Take someone from 2018 talking to a guy who's froooommmmm....We'll say 1918.

Even if the guy from 1918 effortlessly used 2018 lingo and talked modern, he'd STILL come off smoother and less anxiety ridden - less weird to the natural state of man

Find what you love in life and have that be your guiding light for your survival tool

T. 28 year old college student that's becoming a motivational speaker for a side hustle

I am 36 and own every nintendo system since I got my first NES in 1987.
The Switch is amazing. I used it to get through my sisters wedding since people leave you alone if you are gaming. I played Mario Kart until I could leave

Stick to getting your degree. You're not as deep and enlightened as you think you are.

Granted anyone going to a "motivational speaker" is an idiot already, so maybe you're just good at being similar to your target audience.

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Think about it

We constantly judge people who drive like idiots or this, that, and the other

So even by doing all of that modern society shit..Because of all of that, it'll be harder to naturally at-ease hold eye contact with people.

Why? Because we judge people 24/7 over micro bullshit-things, that we internalize that is everyone is doing that to us

Now why do we apply that rush-rush way of thinking to everything - effectively dumbing us down?

Because modern society doesn't allow us to really spread out and lay out a thought over why that guy cut you off on your way to work.

Focus on what you love to stay sane - the closer you have what you love in your life, the slower and more calmly confident life becomes

>that ID
what the fuck

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I need a side hustle to finance hobbies & friends.

If I focus on college 100%, I'll go insane.

And for good reason, to: The broader your social circle, the more successful you become.

100%, Bill Gates would not get to where he got without Paul Allen, society itself would be a bit different.


If in this day and age you are an adult and are still playing any type of electronic game, even in a cellphone you are not different than these switch onions memes, this the truth.

If after you acknowledge that you are being used as cattle to (them) and choose to ignore it, you are automatically deserving to get every trick that you are getting, if you life is a shit you deserve even more.

There are dozens of better and more productive ways to expend your time, especially the ones who gives you knowledge and helps you to get richer.

What caused the anxiety of people talking to you? Let's talk it out for real for real

There is absolutely nothing wrong with owning and enjoying a nintento switch as an adult male.

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I can smell the onions wafting from your breath

You're getting an undergraduate degree, dipshit. It's not that hard.

But you'll get scatterbrained if you don't slow down doing what you love. It literally re-wires the brain chemistry, doing what you love. It helps you calm down, and will even help you make better decisions throughout the day because of it, if you dedicate an hour or two to just doing dope ass fun shit

And I mean, the new Zelda & Mario are dope ass fun shit, apparently

Eh anything below a B is an F for Nursing. Definitely within reason to get stressed out, so it's indeed a logical investment to dedicate time to doing bullshit dumbass things.

Anyway, that's where the side hustle comes into play. for me personally

Yes that’s exactly my point

This user gets it, it’s just the hot new thing. The same śöÿfags that take those pictures are the same fags that play Dad of War, videogames are degenerate no matter which play them on

And my point is that regulated degeneracy helps you stay balanced and centered

I mean think about it: College kids party because of the mental load of work they're doing. They'd snap if they didn't smoke weed and play nintendo

Or even banging a chick with your buddy and uploading it to Pornhub. If it regulates the chemistry and everyone is having a good time - fuck it, embrace it.

21st century enlightenment baby

>getting below a B in nursing

Holy shit I can't believe someone would pay to listen to you speak...

Go triage for me so the real medical practitioners can work.