Anybody else find it weird when parents kiss their kids on the mouth?

Anybody else find it weird when parents kiss their kids on the mouth?

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Has literally nothing to do with politics.

yes, it's like a perpetual shoah.


No because I am not a retarded degenerate who sees sexual things in normal human situations.

you have only one parent

Not really

yeah why not start your kids life off with a bunch of antibiotics resistent bacteria and virusses! good stuff!!!

and also further nasty shit you acquire in your lifetime

just remember a persons mouth is 1000 times filthier than a dog's

im not exaturating

at all

When you finish being a teenager your constant erection will end and you will stop thinking everything is sexual.

>Wrap children up in bubblewrap so they never get ill
Children need to be exposed to disease so that they build up a strong immune system.

Imagine believing this brainless pseudo science.

It has everything to do with politics

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>not making out with your mom

its hot

Yes I do, its gross and creepy.
These Jews are lying to you.

In rural trash areas like Kentucky and West Virginia not only do they kiss their kids on the lips but they copulate with them after the family shoots up with meth in their trailer homes.

Yes. It's super fucking wierd. I'm not even big on my relatives doing the cheek kiss thing. Very uncomfortable.

You're a cheeky cunt, you cunt.

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start the oven, kike

stop lying jew


t. afraid to kiss his own children because he thinks he might get an erection from it

I bet you dont you dirty kike. Your Rabis suck baby dick do kissing a kid on the lips would be A OK with you.


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Are you really telling me your parents never kissed you and you never kiss your own children?

I can tell you that an old man with a filthy beard didn't lick my nutsack after mutilating my dick.

Neither did mine. That only happens with H*redim.

You didn't get hugged much in your youth, did you?

>Good goyim! Fuck kids.

speak for yourself low-testie

>Burger flag
Are you one of the lucky ones? Jews jew'd my parents into jewing me.

How is it in any way similar retard?

You can kiss your kids. On the cheek, or the forehead, or the top of the head, not on the lips you weird pervert.

Kissing on the lips is inherently sexual.

Mmm, your pain & envy are delicious, luigi.

Thanks for warming my heart.

Yes it's disgusting.

My parents did that with me until I was about 11. Just because you see sex everywhere does not means others do.

why did you write out Haredi all the way?

Your parents wanted the the dick then.

Are you retarded m8

Moved here from eastern Europe, im a slavnigger


Why not?

What the fuck do you think happens when a baby goes through a vagina

K fag

yeah my bad type, why not

you find it wierd that parents kiss their children on the mouth because you are a closet pedophile

Dont get mad at me Ill explain

Everytime you see or imagine kids being kissed by their parents your subconscious kicks in. You get sexual feelings.

I advise you to seek help now! If there are kids in your life that you have contact with cease the contact.

Do the world a favor. Your friendly board psychologist

Its sexual and its weird. The fact that your parents did it doesn't change my mind, I have relatives who do it too. Its disgusting and your parents were disgusting for doing it.

So yes I'm going to relentlessly mock you for defending such a gross practice.

hello there Mr. New York City faggot? How are the drug addicts and niggers treating you today?

Liev me out of this

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Kissing your children in the mouth is a common custom among white people, just like showering with your kids.

There is a reason why whites are the top child diddlers among all groups, they're always at the forefront of degeneracy.