Why does Jordon Peterson believe white pride is racist but other forms of racial pride aren't?

Why does Jordon Peterson believe white pride is racist but other forms of racial pride aren't?

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because hes a kike lover


apparently this is a fake image

Because he's nothing more than a modern westerner after all.

That statement does not condemn non-violent and non-hateful expression of white pride.

Being proud of yourself is perfectly fine.

tribe vs tribe warfare mentality he doesn't support; others has to address but doesn't have to address cringe white group think; efficiency.

take it personally and be pathetic


fake and gay

Because he sucks and is a kike puppet.
Aryan dominance, fuck everyone else.

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Because you should check your fucking privilege you racist!

Real tweet or not, JBP is a super-kike.

I wonder who's behind these fake tweets.

Hmmm who could it be....

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12 Rules for Goys: An Antidote to Nationalism

But he apparently thinks it's OK for non-whites to be violent and hateful. Strange double standard.

Because he is a good goy

Why would somebody be interested in lying about what JBP believes?

Somebody is trying to manipulate the white nationalist community into disliking peterson.

Who would have motivation to do that?

Because he's nothing more than a classic"can't we just get along" liberal, to keep the white man on a leash.

Attached: jordan.jpg (962x630, 147K)

Any ideas who would be trying to influence Jow Forums against jbp with lies?

So based just donated to his patreon

>it's self
>Pan-Europeanism expressing it's self violently and hatefully

Holy shit this faggot can't even speak proper English

Peterson is boomer ideology repackaged with talk about slaying dragons just like you are vidya games to appeal to dumb young men.

It's a fake tweet.

Can you think of any reason someone would try to attribute those words to peterson?

If you want to fake his tweets try to avoid making mistakes like using it's instead of its

>listening to some e-celeb
lmao @ ur lief



because he believes that whites will magically survive if they do not organize.

-8D chess

So what you're saying is that meds aren't white?

More like 8===D chess amirite

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Idigo child here, racial pride is for the weak

(((8===D))) youarerite

>racial pride is for the weak

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Even still, it's not far from his actual opinions, at all.