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Old news. Israeli scientists have figured out ages ago that Holocaust survival is inheritable genetically.


isn't this the same magazine that taught little girls to have butt sex?

oh vey....

I'vw read a similar article about the Holohoax on the Guardian around 2015 but i can't be bothered to link and screenshot. Feel free to jewgle it tho its not hard to find

Do I get disability now because roaches genocided/raped all my ancestors?

So slavery caused genetic damage


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what about trauma from having to live around niggers

>serfs, arabs, slavs, Indian Untouchables, all forms of Asians, and non-african americans didn't get the slavery trauma gene despite every society ever having slaves

How did they figure out the power of the oppressed gene?

Some blackfolk told me slavery wasn’t real, any truth to this

>isn't this the same magazine that taught little girls to have butt sex?
Excuse me..?

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Yes, we are aware of epigenetics. However there isn't a single white person alive now that isn't descended of a soldier or someone that fought in wars in the past 400 years either. Those traumatic experiences cause the same epigenetic changes, and yet here they are whinging about how blacks are inferior and need special treatment.

Who's the real racist?

yup, they claimed because vaginal sex was illegal, that they should have anal sex to keep their "virginity"

similarly to how in japan they use frottage, or non penetrative sex

>literally anything can experience which significantly affects you physiologically can actually be passed down through your genes
stunning information

fuck reading the thread
>third generation holohoax survivor
yeah sure thing kike


My ancestors were literal slaves undee turks and mongols to the point where my ethnic name comes from Slave in English

My great-great-great granpa was murdered by black people. Our PTSD from that has been passed down.

Don't tell the potato niggers


>teen Vogue

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how can genetic trauma be real if genetic inheritance isn't real

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Epigenetics don't necessarily pass down the same trust anyway. It has been demonstrated that men who have a shit diet in adolescence will bear offspring that are able to eat more sugar without developing fat. It's possible that trauma makes offspring more resilient rather than more susceptible, no one is born with PTSD anywhere. This is typical (((journalism)))

Trait not trust

Tmw slavery and the holocaust can be passed on genetically but apparently IQ can't.

then i guess all European countries have trauma from serfdom? or serfdom isnt the same? stupid kikes bullshitting again

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If genetic memory is real then nonwhites are completely fucked

Must also be true for war famine, the plague so were all fucked


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so all those white slaves.... the "i didnt think this through" moment

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Epigenetics only travel one generation and even then they are exaggerating the effect so that retarded she boons will read it. Imagine being a retarded she boon and reading that article and taking it totally as fact and believing your genes were altered by slavery. Just imagine how dumb you would be an all the stupid shit you would believe throughout your whole life.

Most people are a plague.

my ancestors were 'slaves' and i am white. this is all garbage and bullshit

muh ptsd
muh 6 million dead jews

Luckily that bullshit was BTFO real quick.

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>yo mama so btfo, her kids inherited the bruises.

Literally me but with the famine

what are you a racist nazi?
remove that .png goy.
reported to the ADL and JIDF.


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Looks like black people are genetically inferior after all. Since they can't be saved or changed or learn to take responsibility and act like decent human beings instead of aggressive animals, I guess we go back to slavery?

they did what?

>Trauma from slavery

Trauma from not having beautiful white skin, features, and intelligence

>Scottish heritage

Where’s muh reparations?

hahahahahahaha fucking ginger niggers

Uh, Anti-Semitic much?

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Remember when ptsd actually meant something?



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Then the only solution is black genocide.

>political color representation in an otherwise non-political article
I'm astonished at the level of subconscious manipulation
>teen vogue
Get'm while they're young and malleable

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Was this during Reconstruction?

It's funny how historians have airbrushed out black violence and rape post-Civil War that led to things like the KKK, Knights of the White Camelia, the Red shirts, the Redeemers and the White Line.

>No more blacks
>No more blacks with trauma from slavery
Problem solved.

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You fucking racist pig. Delete your hate speech now before you find yourself in trouble. Fucking lies

Great, its settled then!

Given that each and every human has ancestors that suffered some form of trauma -which having been passed onto us, makes us all victims.

No need to bring up slavery anymore...

I think it's more likely that shitty behaviors are passed down through families

go back to /tv/ you're giving us bad optics


What does the original say

Probably why I am an alcoholic. Fucking white people.

>seema yasmin
fucking ahmeds how dare they question our greatest ally?!

If trauma can be passed down, then surely IQ could be aswell.

This does not bode well for black people

I'm an Irish/Native America mix. I was reparations now.

Back off Finland. Famines are ours.

Excellent. Can't wait to wave serfdom, the Deluge, the Partitions, the Nazi/Soviet occupations and extermination attempts, and Communism in these people's faces. Kurwa.

>Teen Vogue
>May 31st 2016
>1 post by this ID
>Jow Forums still falls for it
>I fell for it with this reply

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>(((Teen Vogue)))
wow, what a respected peer-reviewed journal of genetics and medicine.

That's not at all how genes work.

>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""scientific study in Vogue""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""scientific study in TEEN Vogue""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

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> had interned in Nazi concentration camps

hold the fucking phone. they did internships?

>Cutting my arm emans that all my descendants will be born with 1 arm
What kind of moron publishes those papers? Affirmative action nignog scientists?

>gibsmedose reparations white boi

>but baby boys can't feel pain :^)

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Teen vogue is Joo propaganda guise
Pic related. It’s from their Snapchat page. Since when does teen vogue have political opinions?!

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GUYS we can double down on this. We turn this into "Racism can be passed through your genes." They put out this shit to try and make it reasonable for blacks to bitch about slavery who weren't slaves, but it ends with us denying the left's attempts to erase white Christian culture with their own logic. Sounds like art.

can high crime rates in black community also be passed down trough your genes?

Too bad parents can not ebt welfare through their genes

Formerly chuck

I still get night terrors and anxiety from Caesar’s invasion of Britain.

Amerimutts are so fat and disgusting, as there ever been a people dumber than them? I don't think so.

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>trying to redpill normies with nuance and logic that will backfire in their faces
>normies never double down on poor logic
Nigger what?

This is true.

Blacks cannot survive without whites paying their welfare

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So they acknowledge that at least, just at least, there is somehow a differential genetic component between whites and blacks?

Since when do we take teen fashion/pop culture mags seriously?

Make sure to get your son or daughter Teen Vogue so this nig can fill their minds with absolute horse shit

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Go back far enough and you're sure to find someone in your ancestors that was a slave. It was common amongst all peoples and cultures until white people, specifically British, forced the world to stop practicing it.

This. If they acknowledge that genes carry mental traits, then they should recognize ALL the mental traits that genes carry, specifically the fact that slaves were chosen based on how strong and dumb they were. That’s why African Americans typically have an IQ under 100 and are good at sports.

so i can pass on the trauma of living around violent niggers onto my children? sweet. gunna teach them to aim between the eyebrows.

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well obviously the slave genetic pool isnt uniform , those with genes that made them not survive slavery or be terrible slaves didnt get to breed .

but i think theyre talking about epigenetics . its well known that stress of all kinds affects your offspring epigenetically , also hunger .

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shut the fuck up man i dont need another reason to move to nuka world

>my ancestors

now that's what i call a potatonigger