When Will You Wake Up from Your "Redpill" Psychosis?

Funny how your so-called redpill pill made you subhumans.

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>my first shitpost

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I don’t know when everyone started taking things so seriously

I mean, does anyone on this board actually give a shit? I’ve always thought it was just satire

Oh man I wish fox was that based.
Sadly they get the bullet too.

Anyone here who watches 'Fox News' and would claim to be 'redpilled' would be subject to ridicule. You're barking up the wrong tree.

t. comfy user poster
comfy anonymous##卐comfy卐


Prove how we're wrong.

The only part of Fox News that is salvageable is Tucker who has firm antiZog bona fides

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The fact that you don't know is proof enough.

Reddit does

Your mother

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Don’t pet the puppy to death Lenny

Fuck you dodged that one nicely didn't you cunt?

>you're wrong
>the fact that you don't know how you're wrong is proof that you're wrong
What was the point of this thread? Are you going to post anything of substance or is this the best you can do?

It used to be. Now it has metastasised into grim idiocy.

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up ship my name is wilhelm but u can call me t3h Ka1s3R oF pRU5514!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very maritime!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet maritime ppl like me _… im 55 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 read The Influence of Sea Power upon History w/ my generals (im implementing personal rule if u dont like it deal w/it) its my favorite book!!! bcuz its SOOOO maritime!!!! theyre maritime 2 of course but i want 2 meet more maritime ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of allys here so give me lots of recruits!!!! PRU5514!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>le red pill meme


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>can't even articulate an argument

This is why you're losing.

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this is good


i don't even watch fox news though

This is why you're losing.

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Says the salty faggot who comes on pol because he’s still buttblasted over trumps election victory

I'm literally watching CNN right now. I am based an woke, no lie.

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Tucker Carlson is doing more to question the state narrative on Syria than any other journalist on cable television.

>Fox News Shill for trump
>CNN Shills for trump

Any questions?