>Who is Patrick Little? Pat is a United States Marine Corps Veteran who served with honor in Afghanistan. He has 100% European verified DNA and has no family relation to any Jews. Pat is Registered Republican in 2nd place behind Diane (((Feinstein))) in the California Senate race. 2nd place is a VICTORY in the June 5th California Primary. Help Pat's message reach everyone! Help Pat save America! #PatrickLittle
>Where can I find out more info? www.LittleRevolution.us @CensoredCandid8 (twitter) @Patrick_Little (gab) www.youtube.com/channel/UCQIeOWJER3DmEAlM6RKePdA #PatrickLittle
>What is Pat's platform? -Merit-based employment in all government agencies. -Limiting representation of Jews in the government. -Outlawing lobbying efforts of foreign governments. -Death penalty for any politician introducing a bill that would lead to foreign aid to Israel. -Reparations to families of the victims of Jewish terrorist attacks on the US. -Give descendants of slaves a one time payment funded by diverting aid from the original slave traders: Israel -Fund research into teraforming Mars. -The holocaust is a Jewish war atrocity propaganda hoax that never happened. -Repeal the 1965 Immigration Act and restoring the policies of the National Origins Act. -Restoring the original intent of the Constitution, explicitly stating that the United States is a ethnically European nation. -Outlaw all lobbies except non-profit lobbies that work to protect the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the US Constitution -Nationalize Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all other natural monopolies in the IT industry.
>Should you donate Yes and No. Pat specifically said all donations goes through the FEC - zip code, name and personal info. If you are NOT already doxxed, Pat suggests you do not donate. If you are doxxed your support is welcomed!
Please help spread the message of Patrick Little. This is /ourguy/ and he needs help to make this happen. Fire up the twitter accounts, tell your friends, make memes! Ask everyone with a Youtube channel or podcast to interview Pat! Vote and support Patrick Little for US Senate on June 5th, 2018 and Save America! #PatrickLittle