White boi, do you SERIOUSLY want to start a race war?

White boi, do you SERIOUSLY want to start a race war?

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Nigger please.
The basedboys you negroes see in your inner cities and popculture are literally 5% of whites.
Get fucked.

Attached: scoutsniperflagmaster.jpg (425x320, 79K)

Dude am I affraid of a gorrila ? No I'm not, I ha've tools that monkeys do not know how to use

Why do you niggers keep falling for this Aussie cuck shit he posts daily?

Do you auzzie cucks really want to start a war with emus
Oh wait

oh. one of these again i see.

Attached: 1523858200590.png (899x528, 274K)

You forgot your meme flag Aussie scum

Guns do not care about muscle idiot

Yes!!! See, let’s assume that all black males are literally NFL tier athletes... they are still retarded and have white coaches. A gorilla could kick my ass in a fist fight, but humans conquered them with our superior intellect.

A nigger understands how to brawl and fight one on one

An Aryan understands total war, marching, supply logistics, basic marksmanship, tactics and strategy in general.

We would crush them.