The leader of the Democrats wore a shirt that says "I don't believe in borders"

How is it legal for there to be an entire political party dedicated to subverting the rule of law

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It's not legal. However, as you may have noticed, laws don't mean anything anymore. You're either on team anti-white or you're fucked.

Doubling down ad infinitum. Almost like someone pulled the pin before they were ready to throw the grenade.

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Because the USA has not had rule of law for decades. We have rule of judges. Different things

Go occupy his lawn then, that will make him reconsider

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that's cool, i don't believe in taxes

So he's ok with me moving into his house, right?

They're going to abandon campaigning for the white vote altogether at this rate. 2020 is going to be brutal.

I suppose they don't believe in property boundaries, then, so if I want to build my dream swimming pool, I could just have it built in my neighbors bigger backyard, with all of that grass that is never put to use.

I would assume its unconstitutional.

In fact he should probably be impeached for failure to perform his duty.

So he’ll honor my outta state CCW then?

>but I do close and lock my doors at night.

Find out where he lives and stand on his property.

>Perez so irrelevant people would believe Ellison won

I bet he lives in a gated community

go into his property without his permission wearing an "I dont believe in borders t-shirt" see how quickly he remembers his fondness for borders.

What a shock, the Muslim is a fucking subversive

no borders no values

Who wants to bet that he has armed guards and a massive wall around his house?

Gotta vote him out of his district. Not a member of the 5th Congressional District of Minnesota, or not even a resident of the state? Borders don't exist, so don't use them to define my voting status, bigot!

>Don't believe in borders

Hey me neither, I mean Saudi tanks and military personnel can just roam through my country and I am sure that won't affect us at all. Wouldn't change a thing about my country...

He's a practicing Muslim and may run for president. And if he does? I'm going full Trumptard.

He was raised Catholic. Then he was a member of the Nation of Islam, which is more like Scientology than Islam. Then he denounced that when it became politically inconvenient. He's probably an atheist that pretends to be a mainstream Muslim convert for political capital. His wife wasn't a Muslim, and his son, Jeremiah, who was elected to the Minneapolis City Council, doesn't reference religion.


Seriously, what is with this mass delusion? Why is it politicians and celebrities, grossly powerful people, who virtue signal this fucking hard for things of which the logical conclusion is surely the end of their careers, or at least their way of living? It's so backwards.

poor people:
>we like capitalism, like the opportunity to climb ladders and build things for ourselves, we like to live within a simple and robust - but not overly authoritarian - system, that pays us little mind unless we're truly fucking up, and treats people from all walks of life as having equal potential within this system

rich people:
>the whole system's whack man, we need to tear it all down, but also we need to make it touch every aspect of our lives that it possibly canto keep things in order. We're all equally capable people OF COURSE and yet some of us are intrinsically worse off and we need to weigh the system drastically in their favour... this system which is almost certain to fall apart under the weight of all the bureaucracy, and the added strain of people flocking to it to abuse it
It's just fucking untenable.

Does having power go to your head so much that you completely lose touch with reality? I feel like that has to be some sort of self-regulating negative feedback loop of hierarchies in increasingly intelligent animals. These powerful people will make these changes, everything will go to shit and have to reset.