Is a Cybersecurity A.S. degree worth getting, user?

Only have access to almost nigger-tier community college. Don't have the brain power to do it / study on my own.

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Damn CIA niggers!

>Don't have the brain power to do it / study on my own.
Then you shouldn't do that field.
Adaptation is the name of the game.
You don't have to be an autodidact (but it helps), but you'll always have to learn new shit if you want to be any good at it.

>Cybersecurity A.S. degree

Meme degree, no employer will take you seriously.

Get a degree in Computer Science.

>no employer will take you seriously.
If you get certs, they won't give a shit

Just do comp sci

Or maths with programming minor

I can do autodidact. I've taught myself how to mess around with javascript/python/webdev/databases but It's lonely and always lose interest after a while. I need an end goal and some people around me to motivate myself.

Don't understand. You're saying if I get certs employers won't care that I have a 'meme' degree?

Do CS. The normie MBAs you work for know what that is. Cyber security sounds like a University of Phoenix tier degree.

>Don't have the brain power to do it / study on my own.
You're in the wrong field. No one in tech cares about your degree, cert, or other piece of paper.

>Don't have the brain power to do it / study on my own
That field or line of work is clearly not for you as the changes come hard and fast. Find out what you like doing. Normally this is done at school level. Do you want to work inside or outside type questions. Dont waste money on something you dont enjoy as you will suck at it.

Heard Grambling is cutting edge in cyber securiddy. Kan only reggomend :DDDD

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>Computer science.
Unless he's going into development or something he won't need that much.
Getting any degree with certs is probably the best thing to do.
Certs prove you can actually do something, a degree just states you showed up to class enough to get a passing grade.

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Yeah, it's worth it. Just think about how often we hear about some cyber "crime", leaks, security errors, hackers. Governments and corporations need cyber security experts and they are the organizations that can pay you unreasonable amount of money for it.

You're glowing Mr CIA NIGGER

im doing cyber security.

the degree title is meme worthy. Engineering or Computer Science has more weight.

but the cyber courses should take you through A+ Network+ security+ SSCP CCSP cloud+ CISSP. Server architecture/virtualization. Linux.

Do it and get an easy tech job. Intel/security analytics are pretty easy.

all of these add $ to salary so the degree is just a check mark. Certs = dollars

Thank you, positive anons.

Your A.S. doesn't really matter that much the goal with it is to do extremely well GPA wise so you can get into a decent university to finish your bachelors. Just don't pick liberal arts because if you decide to get a bachelor in a real degree you will probably have to take some extra math courses that you would have already done in CC with a STEM degree.

STFU, faggot. Don't make me dissapear your mom .

>Engineering or Computer Science has more weight.
True but if you are going with those courses you are actually getting your self over qualified unless you are developing viruses or fixing vulnerabilities themselves.
Which is a whole new level of fuck vs just defending and guarding against it.

Get your certifications while working on the AS. Also learn programming. And OS fundamentals. If the classes consist of running freeware scans and configuring windows firewall its a waste of time. Real money is in the development side.

People will pay top dollar for understanding things like ASLR reverse engineering, sandbox breakout / escalation, etc.

>t. related field wizard

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im in a bachelors program btw so if you dont have any of the certs i mentioned in your courses just do them on your own if you got dollary doos.

Ucertify is great for CySA, SSCP, use Testout for A+ Network+ Security+ it has videos and makes it simple.

CISSP is pretty hard i didnt pass it tried earlier this year but its golden if you get it. 80-90+ starting

>"Don't get a meme degree"
>suggests meme degree
ayy lmao

what certs should i get for cybersecurity im sick and tired of all this retarded proofing bullshit on cs

AS are garbage.
if you must get a degree, get a BS or higher.

Too late, I have a BA already (in music... I know....)

Thank you for the helpful keywords. I'll look them up.

I love you, anons.

Is any AS worth getting?

"ethical" hacking is about as ethical as "ethical" child porn.

OP go "hack a bank", serve time, then get hired as a consultant at a 500% faster timeline.


I spent 2 hours in a holding cell once. Not going back there.

Associate of applied science in HVAC guys were getting hired at McKinstry for 50k a year. McKinstry handles the electrical and mechanical issues at Microsoft datacenters around the country. One guy who was tier 3 only had a AAS in hvac and he made over 100k a year. Thats a huge job if you can get into a data center. The people who did IT stuff, working for ATOS (a french contractor), started around 19 dollars an hour. They were the ones who updated the cloud for clients 24/7.

you get contracted and given permission attack a company.

its literally getting paid to do illegal activities. That is already known, you use same tools any user would use just with the intent to find a exploit not exploit the vulnerability.

you get to do social engineering, fence hopping, probing, pivoting. most of it isnt smacking the keyboard its waiting for your automated utilities to run.

the ethical term is a bs platitude. same as drink responsibly

What a moronic worldview.

Meanwhile back in reality where we make money, ethical hacking is doing things like running internal pen tests against your own dev cluster for security hardening exercises before rolling something out into production.

You haven't lived until you've seen a printf % format specifier in an input field take down an entire application ecosystem that could have gone into prod.

you're doing blue team.
i am talking red team.

also holy shit that reddit spacing

base pay for gov job in that sector is like what 60k+ private sector could reach 100. ive been thinkking for a long time to get but i dont have money for degree and i might nto be that smat for it . i could be a script kiddie and run scrips but to write code and shiet i dont think i would be able to do it . how are taking the cert like ?


Can confirm Testout is a pretty good resource.
But expect curveballs in finals.

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its just studying. not hard if you study the practice material as long as it takes.

also the issue many have with cyber security jobs is you cant get hired if you have a criminal history beyond the most benign offenses. reason being if you are viewed as a potential blackmail or exploitable entity and a way in to that organization. doesnt make sense to me but thats the way it is.

Semantics aside, there is good money in it for those on blue team. The search overlords are willing to pay $100,000 rooting a Chromebook and will shell out $15,000 for escape from sandbox island.

This guy fucks.

I'd help OP but he's already admitted to being a retard. The info is out there if you're thirsty for it, bro. Degrees are for faggots who aren't disciplined enough to acquire the skills on their own. Do you need an adult daycare full of gen-ed classes teaching you (((meritocracy is bad))) before allowing you access to the content you're actually wanting to study, presumably so you can excel at it and be hired for being good at it?

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Check out hackthebox and vulnhub if you can crack those machines then maybe you have a little skill. Don’t listen to these fucking faggots talking comp sci and shit, I’m ex construction but been hacking since sub7 now on to OSCP, these fucking faggots are the ones leaving LFI RFI exploits in their code all day long—because they do what they’re told to do like the brainless onions faggits they are. FTW. If you love doing it do it. Don’t be a fucking pussy like most of these micro penis sissies.

Cybersecurity is a meme. Don't bother getting a degree in a meme.

blue team is most often a soul crushing office job full of turboautists
at least on red you get to be hackerman sometimes.

Not really. Learn networking instead. Has a direct path to security and you can get hired as a Jr. Network Admin. No one wants/needs a Jr. cybersecurity person.

a refinement to this anons advice. there are ccie's out there that have a tough time finding work. programmability is becoming so much more important. network fundamentals yes, but again the dev side is so much more lucrative if that's your thing. unless typing show ? is your sick fetish, then by all means shine on you crazy diamond.

Lol go fuck your hand.

Web is the best attack surface ever. You just keep jerking off into your dogs mouth and pretending your safe. Faggit.

don't give away those processors it's a TRAP!

>. Learn networking instead.
You learn a lot about networking in Cyber degrees though. In fact it's one of the core classes in it.
Cyber security classes have programming classes in them now, at least the one I took. We had to take 3 ourselves, I took C+++,PHP and Python.

you think a DEGREE is going to qualify you for a job?

Its what you DO (skill sets, certs, labs) on your own that makes you competent, you fucking retard

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it's not a meme degree.

you learn:
systems administration
penetration testing
computer forensics
general coding practices
database engineering and implementation
security best practices

it's up to you to take the classes seriously and learn that shit, but if you do you'll have a wide range of career paths to choose from and shouldn't have a hard time landing an entry IT position to start with.
protip: get certs along the way - CompTIA + is a good start.

>t. cybersec fag

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>t. diplomamillshill

any AS is worth it user, do it, and keep going bro

so naive. while you're running sql injection xss js fuckery, there are potent vectors in the lower layers that have much more leverage. sure you might root some wordpress server and change blog title, meanwhile a well placed bgp route redistribution to the right route reflector can take down the internet to a continent. network security on the enterprise and global scale is the final boss of security with a very rare few who play in that arena and those who do are payed top dollar by governments and corporations alike to keep the internet up so you can get your sweet may mays in a timely fashion

It's an AS.

You don't even run your own AS, faygit

probably for the paycheck but not for the lifestyle not for the job not for the effect you have on the world -- since you will have none; there is no such thing as cyber security.

If you're planning to go for it thinking it's an easy alternative to CS, then I'd suggest you not waste your time and fill out an application for McDonald's instead. This is not a liberal arts degree. You're going to have to make an actual attempt to learn the material and pass the exams. That said I'd go for CS or EE instead if you can go for free and/or money is not an issue for you right now. But based off what I've seen in this thread I have a feeling you'll wash out no matter what you do.

This isn't pol related at all btw

yeah this thread is almost Jow Forums tier

Don't bother asking here. Go to the cybersec general on . They've got a few industry guys that hang out there, and a bunch of great resources already gathered.

Go suck a fucking fart, you think these netadmin faggots have any appreciation for deep TCP? They can barely hit the toilet when they get up to piss at night.

They were at one point. That ended about a decade or more ago.

>EE instead

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>A+ Network+

into the trash they go

Sounds like good way to become hacker too.

Realistically, all the hacker who's above script kiddie and amateur black hat is always someone from this kind a field along with IT isn't it?

Which CC?

does your state have a matriculation agreement with public state colleges for CC graduates?

whatever you do, don't go CS

t. been out of college with an AAS in CS for 4 years and still didn't get hired in my field

Dominate LINUX.

become an nsa nigger and leak all their operations to nationalists

I would also rec learning Linux and I mean everything on it. If you want to do anything in regards to technology you will NEED to learn operations with Linux. I would also recommend learning Windows server too.

as an user said above (and no this is not a troll) simply play with KALI for a few months and you'll literally be more well versed in the art than 99% of turds who drop a fortune for a degree. become smooth with the basics, like don't fake that shit actually make them become 2nd nature. as another user said they aren't looking for a degree they are looking for competent people that have experience.


is there any point to an cis/mis degree for it or is it a meme

even a meme degree will get you past HR


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Thoughts on the Security+ cert as a place to start?

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lol shut up leaf, you're drunk. hard to follow advice when whatthefuckdidijustread

College is a meme, an expensive one. Getting spoon fed outdated information... That is one of the worst fields for it. Not to mention a waste of 4 years. Have you ever paid back a loan over 40k before? Entry level for that field is probably 55k starting...

desu it's kind of hard, i would take A+ first

I passed the A+ and Network+ over the course of the past several months. The Security+ content has been far more interesting. I appreciate that I'm barely even getting a surface level understanding of an obscenely deep practice.

Do you like the coursework? If you do, then it's a good choice. You should really go for a bachelor's in it honestly, WGU and Charter Oak take a lot of CLEP, DSST, and other test-out credits, so you can get a bachelor's cheaply and relatively quickly.

You're not going to get hired in anything security related for years, people make the mistake of thinking that. Get a help desk job, move to sysadmin/network admin, then move into security. The gold standard of certs for security would be the OSCP. It's a very difficult cert, but it doesn't need to be renewed and it's well respected.

Pile on that debt like a good slave. Its smart because everyones doing. Hey the ten year is still under 3% !!!!! What a steal!

I'm finishing my A+, going Network+ then Security+. After that I figure an MCSA/CCNA and Server+

I suspect that in the next couple of years I should be able to get a pretty good job.

You need to know C or C++. That's pretty much a requirement if you want to excel in security and dive deep. Know Windows or Linux internals well, familiarize yourself with how programs work on a low level, and read up on reverse engineering. Understand how a program is mapped into memory, how the PE/ELF loader works, etc.

Tuition and test-out credits cost me around 16k total. I already had my associate's, but you can easily earn your bachelor's from nothing for under 20k if you plan it right. I'll easily make that back within a year. Brainlets dropping 20k a semester on college are getting fucked.

He said he already has a degree, I assume its not paid off yet. Add them together...

If you get your CCNA it kind of makes the A+ and the Network+ redundant desu. People will know that you already know that sort of shit if you can pass your CCNA. I would go for CCNA and something else. CCNA Security is a good choice of cert.

Torrent Chris Bryant's CCNA series and a copy of Boson Netsim. Throw in some packet tracer labs and you'll have it down well. Review with dumps for some of the fucking annoying and useless questions, don't waste your $300 because you don't know some acronyms that never get used. 9tut has dumps, check the comment section.

Take the community college. Then go into the Army with a job that uses that college. Stay in for 6 years. Make over 100k in 15 years.


I work for DHS. The answer is yes.

I'm in my final year of a cyber security degree because of the 0% unemployment memes I read up on when trying to choose a field.
I have no idea how well it's going to go trying to find analyst or pentesting positions but there sure are millions of them in my fucking country.