I'm utterly black pilled. I have no hope and I'm on the verge of a breakdown...

I'm utterly black pilled. I have no hope and I'm on the verge of a breakdown. Every political news from the West makes me want to end it.
How do you, my black pilled brothers, deal with it?

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fuck you nigger

Like this.

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don't read the news you media-influenced faggot
>crying because of a news article

am i a pussy for being like this?


It doesn't have to be religion. Read about consciousness/universe/physics and meditate.

just don't take any of this stupid shit seriously.
when you realize no one has a scooby on what they're doing whatsoever
it's a bit funny, no?

that's when you can go start focusing on whatever other shit there is. whatever you might be into. crafting? fishing? lifting?

Your country will probably do ok as long as you keep producing white babbies. Most of Europe except Sweden, Germany, France the UK will do ok too.

I fully integrated the blackpill into my being and now I'm not even mad anymore. Keep consuming blackpill material until you reach the threshold of what you can handle, and you'll pass through the other side. Avoidance is pain.

>not getting excited at the possibility of habbenings
You're not black pilled. You're just a fag.

Did he think that tarp would catch everything? I mean, if someone has a better explanation for it being there than I am all ears, but I feel like its a bet of wishful thinking to believe that the tarp alone would prevent a mess.

There won't be any. Every country that's doomed demographically will just slowly rot away without any major shit going down.

You deal with it by soaking it up and focusing your anger towards self improvement.

It's a helluva way to live with the redpill. Every defeat only radicalizes me more and prepares me for the day I'll have to step up and defend my people when shot hits the fan

the blackpill makes you outcome independent; stop taking redpills

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yes you piece of shit
kill yourself you subhuman slav


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Well sooner or later that does come and maybe the system was designed like this. Start with Alex Jones and others you see they cant even get off the Trump train when it is clear he is a pervert and a liar and how desperate Americans are that they think being fucked up the ass is somehow 3D chess. Who will not give up hope? Maybe that is the game in order to make you give up hope so that you cant resist. I have started to see the humor in it all.

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we have the same shit with birth rates and muslims like Europe (our muslims are less religious tho) + no freedoms of anything so the nationalist movement was easily killed by our kike-loving tsar

Like dis

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>be black pilled
>completely reject black pill, start taking iron pill instead
>everything starts going your way
>it is the absolute cure
stop being a little bitch and give it a shot

Angry patience.

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short term politics are meaningless. in 15 years time, both Trump and Alex Jones will largely be forgotten.demographics are destiny.

Separatism. Isolate yourself from the threat, get some fresh air, network some IRL friendships that are western nationalists. It's not crazy shit.
What IS crazy is coming back again and again when you know it's just bad news.

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Take a trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway.

I always wanted to do that.

Get off Jow Forums, find a white girl and impregnate her.


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The fact that every second someone who isn't a normie lives spites (((them))) is more than enough for me.

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>peace for our time

I drink shitty Russian vodka

Dood, go out, go to some rural area, watch some nature and realize how much it doesn't care. Nature literally doesn't give a fuck and it will be here longer than us. Be like nature because it's smarter than kikes.

Take a look at South Africa. That's about as much of a happening you will witness in your lifetime.

If you’re not a mutt or a minchling you have a better shot at redeeming yourself and your people. Hurr durr, muh blackpill, get the fuck over it and be thankful that you’re not collateral damage.

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I have no fucking clue. I hate most of my life. I've had trauma in my life that basically seems to have made me unable to be happy. So I don't want to be happy, but I want to be content, to not worry about money, housing, or other mandatory needs. I have a wife who wants kids but can't have them, a six-figure job, and good health. But I have no goals in life. There's nothing I want to do. I'd have no issue with going to bed tonight and just dying in my sleep.

I've tried to figure this out for years, and I still feel the same way.

Use the illuminatis knowledge for personal gain.

Use people, invest in whatt the central bankers are doing.

Let in more immigrants so you have a diversity of opinion to keep it crisp.

Also find a strong independent woman to keep you happy (and in check).

Bruh in 5 years nationalism came a thing imagine when stuff actually gets worse

thank you guys
i'm trying to focus on my life but i keep coming back here

You’ve lost sight of the present. Take some time off the internet and chill the fuck out.

You’re alive and breathing, that’s pretty cool isn’t it? Make the most of it whilst you can. No point in fretting about shit you have no control over.

I'm just forced to wake up another day.
We deserve chariots to pick us up and enter the spirit. A horrible earth! I just accept my torment in sin, and fuck money for keeping me in a social structure of isolation

And nothing has happened. And nothing will happen. There won't be any major happenings. Either your nation has the ethnic numbers to survive or it will go down the SA/Zimbabwe way.

First, always be humble. You are not the 'chosen one', holding all the right positions and having a moral burden to save a dying world. You are one of seven plus billion people, who hold almost as many different outlooks on life. Realize that many of your positions are probably wrong, that there are two sides to every coin, and that maybe the world looking bleak has more to do with your outlook and with you as a person than it does with reality.

Then learn what you can change and what you cannot. Create the best life that you can for yourself, and then learn to accept your lot in life. Work hard, and then learn to live with the destination your work brings you to even if it's not perfect.

Take responsibility for your own emotional well-being, don't blame "MUH DEGENERACY" or "MUH GLOBALISM" for your problems in life, that's all on you. If reading about politics makes you want to end it for instance, why read about politics? Do you really think reading articles on Jow Forums will help you to be a better or more happy person? Will it give you some deeper knowledge that will enable you to fix your life somehow? Or will it just keep you stuck in a miserable and depressed rut.

>You’re alive and breathing, that’s pretty cool isn’t it

Why? Life for living's sake is simply existence and without purpose. The retarded breathe. The hearts of coma patients beat.

Unplug. Go fishing. Take a week off from all electrical devices to recalibrate and reset.
>r9k never listens to me

Meh, my job is my black pill. I am making six figures but I have to work with literally retarded poo-niggers and chinamen and get told at every big meeting how wonderful "diversity" and visa slaves are. I'd rather be dead than keep doing this, but the entire (((tech))) industry is like this.
There is no escape other than death.


Fuck off Pajeet. There's almost 2 billion streetshitters in the world.

All "pills" are bullshit meant to control potential dissidents by distracting them and offering a sense of novelty/reward at being clever enough to comprehend it/be in on the secret — A memetic Skinner box that spreads propaganda and disinformation as a fun bonus. The only way to break the cycle of bullshit is to observe and dissect yourself and the world around you with honesty but without bias, judgement, or preconceptions.

Are your thoughts really your own? Observe. If this information is so sensitive or unknown, why is it so prevalent and easily available? Observe. Are you responding after careful consideration or are you reacting on impulse/instinct? Observe. What's the source of your thoughts? Observe. Are you acting of your own will or are you mindlessly being manipulated? Observe. Why does this post unsettle you so much? Observe. Are you really observing, or are you pretending to so you can continue to live in delusion/illusion without having to consciously face that you don't want the truth? Observe the observer.

If you want to break free it starts with one single step: Observe.

You'll thank me later for how clever I am. :)

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America will go SA way
Canada, Australia, Western Europe and later Eastern Europe are going muslim

Be glad you can see through the lies. It means their brainwashing bullshit doesn't work on you. Do prepping. buy gold / silver. Also this >We are here for a reason - to see the ultimate mega fuckup happening of all time - the revelation. Its happening now. Nothing worldly matters at all. This shit world will pass. You are supposed to be blackpilled because this world is the illusion.

Don't lose it or kys. Every day is an opportunity to better yourself and a day closer to the happening

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You niggers need to learn breathing techniques. You're probably suffering from oxygen deprivation which fuels your fatigue and depression.

You just need to make it to the other side of 2050, China will take care of the muds afterwards.


go throw some rocks at a tree until you feel better

This is legit advice.

>Realize that many of your positions are probably wrong
oy vey

Just play vidya and do /sig/ (self improvement) stuff. Do some prepping and lifting. Also READ. Tell off that part of your brain that says "now is not the time to read!" that´s a useful part but also very dumb and primitive.

Read some history, maybe some philosophy. Think about topics such as death, genetics, read The Selfish Gene (even if you´re religious it´s still great). Realize that mankind has been through such incredible amounts of shit, Europeans especially, and still we perservere. We shall overcome user. Many will fall, but bravely and with purpose - finally - brought back into their lives at it´s zenith.

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thanks for the insightful commentary friend :^)

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Can you not feel the happening a-brewing?

I'll save it for later, cuz I might need that one day. Damn Canadians. They always find da wae.

yeah, thinking what china's gonna do to africa makes me slightly more excited about life. but also my country is probably gonna get enslaved the first

Everything is dualistic. Yin yang. Reject it all and go beyond it.
>what is beyond good and evil ?

I don't care about news I just want to end it anyway

>Work hard
Bad advice.

Live hard.
Overcome material desires and live frugally. Do things instead of have things. "working hard" is just paying our masters more tax shekels

Every generation thinks that. Gen X thought that and before that the boomers learned their duck and cover. Nothing ever happens except slowly and drip by drip. I doubt you'll ever get to see as anything as major as 9/11 in your lifetime.

take the iron pill

i wish i did

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Push through the black pill. On the other side is true power.

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Im certain I will witness end times shit

Zen master in Pakistan, who knew
>what is the sound of one hand clapping?

the only thing you can do, kill hillary clinton yourself.


Hi fbi

im very blackpilled on heaps of stuff too man. the way i deal with it is to just stop caring. realize that one day you will die and none of this bullshit will even matter. dont an hero or anything, lets at least watch the world go up in smoke together and shitpost about it while its happening. stop drinking alcohol, it just makes shit worse.

Kys metaphorically but stay alive literally .
>The is what Christ and Buddha meant

Knowing one day all hell will break loose and itll be a free for all.

I think that'd be pretty fun.

I'm waiting for the day the whole world dies.

>le concern troll black pill thread
Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.







>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

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There is no other side, unless it's an iron pill. Get up early, begin your training and learn because every experience will become your tool for improvement. You know what you want to be, so make it real and when you do, fight back.

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Don't end it. End (((them))).

If that’s really how you feel then you might as well just end it now

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster,
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make a heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And—which is more—you'll be a Man, my son!

Work out, get strong, be prepared.

Smoke a bowl and plot your escape.
See the world.

Good idea.
All euros come to the South and learn the way of the gun.

>utterly blackpilled
yeah right

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Watch Jordan Peterson videos
> don’t stop watching Jordan Peterson videos until you start seeing hope for your future
> make your bed faggot

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nothing really no points
doesn't mean shit my guy

His lectures on Biblical stories were quite good.

>how do you deal with it
you consumed the black pill the wrong way friend
in order for the black pill to have a positive affect, you must first let go.....sounds easy right?
wrong..so wrong, the hardest part is LETTING GO
once you've done that, taking the black pill and experiencing it's benefits happens instantaneously.
The sweetest effects of the black pill is being able to watch the rot and decay of society in real time with a shit eating grin on your face hahaha. When you see a beautiful white woman with an ape, you no longer feel jealousy you only take sweet solace in knowing her kids will be negrified and she will mark herself as tainted and undesirable. Imagine watching a beautiful white woman destroying her genetic, right before your very eyes lol...mmmmmmmm
you must let go friend...only then can you revel in the sweet decay mmmmmmm

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Jordan Peterson is the enemy of a white majority Canada, a very dangerous and influential enemy. No blue-haired SJW has caused as much damage to any attempts at stopping the Canadian population replacement as he has.

well played kekistanis

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this is pretty much what I am hoping for but I always feel anger great anger towards this society.

If you lose hope AND pride you're fine

i'm hoping to reach this level soon, sometimes i feel this way

It's okay Vassili, I love you. Come 'ere.

you must let go....you must be void of all connection to the ones you love, to the ones you hate, only then will you enter the ether..
The sweetness of the rot is worth enduring, once you've accepted the outcome..

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