What even is this world anymore.. How can God allow this level of fuck.
Do we.. Deserve white genocide..?
Other urls found in this thread:
yes fuck white faggots
This is why some denominations don’t believe in free will.
I bet all three of them are totally level headed well adjusted people.
Lol. What a fucking car crash. I see nothing good in any of theirs future.
Crazy ass white people, their white women marry and tend to have open relationships with a side dude..
You people are fucking nuts.
Minorities do this too, they just don't openly brag about it, but don't worry when (((they))) are done with us they'll "fix" your people's sense of shame too.
>How can God allow
A man gets what he fights for. If you fight for degeneracy like the leftists, you'll perish in the filth you have yearned for.
Same goes for us, but with not only surviving but thriving.
It's time to kill each other until the loss of life is so horrific that nothing else matters.
Lol, the extra gifts at Christmas???
So that confirms we are dealing with immature fucks here. Fast forward ten years when they are all getting saggy.
She will have lost her looks and realise she's on the outer, childless and completely unfulfilled.
One of the dudes will have developed a mental illness as a result of the sexual abuse he suffered as a kid. The abuse of course, led him to this lifestyle.
The other guy realised years ago it was all a bizarre sham that would never work. He will go off whoring himself on gay hook up apps because keeping himself for only two people is virtually impossible for these people.
>minorities do this
No they don't. Only whites have open relationships because white """men""" are weak enough to allow this to keep happening
End it all
This entire thread is full of permavirgins who will die alone. No one actually cares what people choose to do with their sex lives
The ones that do this are liberals and faggots. They're on your side, nigger.
Figures two fags with a whale.
And they are still whites. It's part of your genetics, you recessive beta cunts
t. Moshe Goldsteinowitz
Polyamory people are some of the most disgusting degenerates one can run into.
Why? Just... why?
I'd like a slightly chubby girl like her, I'd take care of her and ensure she is pregnant and barefoot year round while I chop wood in the forest next to our house. But she chooses this.
>"cohabiting for two years"
>"two dogs"
wow, how am I not surprised
Aimless people who fill the void in their heart meant for children, responsibility, and love with pleasure, lust, and childish whims.
Perhaps there is something affecting people. Troubling to encounter such events indeed!
t. comfy user poster
comfy anonymous##卐comfy卐
>believing youtubers are filming their real lives and not actually following a script
lmao they are even shilling dna testing through trending youtubers
it's nothing but propaganda, not reality
Wasn't this a joke on Parks and Recreation?
Why the fuck do you even browse Jow Forums if you're such a twat? Ironically or unironically.
> it's okay when Mormons do it because God
Shut the fuck up pol
>those feels
Yes, we do
Mainly because we are allowing it to happen
See, this is where nigger logic never fails to fail. Whenever your kind tries to concoct some anti-White argument, it's almost always around something liberals do.
Liberals are the same group of Whites who support your species. If your IQ wasn't around 80 you'd be able to figure out that if a degenerate segment of the White populace supports you, that does not speak well for you. It means your presence in our societies is a detriment too.
Remember when ole Emmett tried messing with a proper White man's wife? His own mammy could not recognize the carcass after discipline was dispensed. Now eat shit and die you sack of detritus.
you aight white boy
>blah blah blah
Just shut the fuck up already you whining s0yb0y cuck on a insectoid cartoon appreciation website
how can you be so blind and degenerate at the same time?
>Hating dogs
Hello Mehmet.
Gays and cucks have higher IQ. If you deny this then you would also have to deny the other research that proves that Whites or Europeans have higher IQ. Most of our geniuses are homosexuals. Look up Davinci who was a homosexual pedophile. Look up Alexander the Great or Hitler who were also homosexual.
It's never official, but niggers cheat so much it's pretty much expected. They can't comprehend loyalty or monogamy
He’ll yes you do. You let the Jewish plague spread degeneracy far and wide.
>t. Spic who ran from Trumps SS-Totenkopfverbande because hes a pussy wetback who LARPs as tuff boi
At least youre out of my country, taconigger beta.
>I have dogs so its OK to not have children
I can smell the nose.
Another video on that channel. Wondering why the up/down vote is evenly split? My down was deleted for one.
Isn’t it great we fought those evil axis powers. Hooray for muh freedom
God does not allow it, man does. God just gave us a mission to be caretakers of the earth, and to live righteous lives. Man allows himself to stray from this mission. God saw goodness in us when we were made, if we fail to live up to that goodness it is not God's fault.
If God made you a perfect piano, and you failed to play it well, is that God's fault or yours? God gave us the opportunity to live according to His will, if we fail it is our own fault for failing, not God's for giving us the opportunity to succeed. This is why forgiveness is necessary, because we all fail to live up to God's perfect vision. That doesn't mean we embrace degeneracy just because we will never be without sin.