President Bone Spurs could never touch this.
Suck it up Buttercups.
President Bone Spurs could never touch this
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didn't mccain reveal US flight routes to the NVA?
It got people killed.
>snowflake mad
I dont think the left realizes how good it feels to watch this disaster of a human fucking die an actual cancerous death
pictured just moments before he murdered 148 US Navy sailors
he may have been a hero in his youth but in his old age he became a tool for ZOG and getting other young soldiers like he once was killed fighting to overthrow a moderate Baathist government and replace it with ISIS.
The world would have been better off if he had died in that POW camp. There's several thousand American soldiers that didn't get to live to the ripe old age of 80 like he did because of him and his neocon crony buddies.
I have seen this image again and again and again. And yet no one confirmed it as legit or fake news and gave it substance. If it was real, he would be in jail now.
I'm not gay, but I bet McCain slayed mad puss
they turned him senpai he works for them to this day
>couldn't get into the Naval Academy if they tried
cry more snowflakes
Not an argument, nigger.
Didn't he crash something on the order of 8 planes because of how shit tier of a pilot he was?
>If it was real, he would be in jail now.
kek I remember being this naive
It helps when daddy's an admiral, and grandpop too.
>McCain graduated from the Naval Academy in June 1958; he was fifth from the bottom in class rank, 894th out of 899.
>High five!
John turncoat songbird MC cane. In 2016 the audio of his treason came out it had been mislabeled in the archives. the CIA had recorded it and used him as a Manchurian candidate all these years. His fellow service men that didn't squeal like a pig were proven truthfull finally. the real question is why did the people of Arizona keep voting for him when in 2008 it came out he was a liar and a traitor.
John McCain is literally the military version of the silver spoon, he only became a pilot because his dad was a big shot admiral
>frosted tips like all the faggots
That wasnt puss he was slaying user...
This is the only way to become a fighter pilot though.
just because nepotism is common in the government/military doesn't mean it is an acceptable practice
john mccain was basically sgt barnes from platoon.
Crashed less planes than McCain
he had the looks, now imagine if he could only fly a plane
Bruh, you straight dead
lol nice
Traitor should have been tried and executed.
Mccain was sanctioned because during the fire that gutted the USS Forrestall he hid in the ward room and offered no assistance
Really are you a fighter pilot with no connections to government or military. Because the 2 fighter pilots I know have connections. hell even the movie Top Gun Tom cruise characters father was prior military pilot.
Is tumour dead yet?
McStain not Chad
never a hero, never tortured. couldn't even eject properly and his cavalier unprofessionalism is what caused him to dump his ordnance payload on the decks of the forrestal and break his own arms after fucking up over vietnam.
At least he went instead of running like draft dodging pussy trump
Wow the McCain-hating Kremlin is blasting the US Senator tonight!
>didn't mccain reveal US flight routes to the NVA?
The only people who would know that are our enemies (the NVA) and America's other enemy the Russians
>they turned him senpai he works for them to this day
Trump works for the Kremlin. They turned him.
Fuck that, Sgt Barnes was based and looking out for the safety of his men.
>Didn't he crash something on the order of 8 planes
He crashed 3 planes in flight school and came last when he graduated. 1 crash would be an auto-ban (if you don't have an admiral daddy of course).
Then you have the Forrestal incident.
you got it backwards
trump works for israel ,same as the kremlin .
Man that Hillary pepe is always so fugly