Elon Musk is dating commie feminist Grimes

Elon Musk is dating commie feminist Grimes.

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Uh k

Jew detected

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Elon Musk Must like Headaches.

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Never heard of that dude.


musk is just doing it ironically, once she starts acting like an actual woman in hopes of getting some of that electric rocket money he'll drop her on her face and laugh his ass off at her subsequent downward spiral.

Is she related to that Grimes guy from the Simpsons?

I didn't know Elon was gay.

This is one way that leftists and anti-whites get into power, by marrying politically-naive rich Chad goyim, then corrupting their children.

Who is grimes

She's using him for his cash. He just blew through millions with Amber Heard, you'd think someone that smart would have figured these whores out by now.

This is...really unexpected. I like his cars and inventions and her music is pretty good but both of them together is unfathomable

shorting tesla

I probably had more fun jacking off to Amber Heard pics than this guy did fucking her

I mean Grimes makes some fine fine beats but that may be the Stockholm syndrome talking from too many bubblebath listening sessions on tryptamines with a Jow Forums ex-gf

Watch one of this women's videos. She is a siren/witch of the Marina Abramovic ilk. Elon better check himself before he ends up at a world famous Podesta hotdog party.

Hopefully she does not use her feminine powers of manipulation to convert him to marxism

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Elon has some self-destructive tendencies.

>tfw no grimes gf
hold me senpaitachi

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>be Elon musk
>can get any girl he wants
>sticks dick in a homeless justin bieber lookalike

Pic related.

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Elon himself is Jewish so I don't understand the hate for this matchup.

Great, it's not like she's gonna fill his head with nonsense and we'll have Mars colonized exclusively for black pimps and blue-haired underage prostitutes.

She literally looks like something out of a trashcan.

Looks like a fucking man

Cute burmese python tho

>be billionaire
>plan to seed man into the stars
>dates an ugly fem nazi marxist


No wonder he's been all over the show lately. She'll probably take half of space x if they get married and divorce and liquidate it to feed Africa for a month

Wish I was at home, could do "Elon my son.."
Haha fuck

>She'll probably take half of space x if they get married and divorce and liquidate it to feed Africa for a mont
If he gets married without a prenup he deserves it desu cam

If I'm remembering her music correctly, it's basically a ripoff of crystal castles

potato face imo.

elon musk is the biggest cuck. i thought this was common knowledge

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>tfw no grimes gf to sing to me while i lovingly pop her pimples and shave her upper lip

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is he not of dutch descent?

Oh god what the fucking fuck

Wait that's a FEMALE? What the balls

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That bitch is legitimately ugly.

What the actual fuck is wrong with his taste in women?

Elon is so based, bros. I wish I was Claire.

they are both worthless faggots anyway why should i care

That's fucking hideous.

Glad his companies are all about to fold. Fuck this homo

Canadians are disgusting

Every "woman" in the entertainment industry and government is a transexual. Look at them and think to yourself "that's a man" if you're a lazy faggot or look up skeletal and facial differences between men and women and you will see. They all have super broad fucking shoulders and giant male skulls. Their top of the line surgeries and makeup will fool the weak minded.

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t. trap porn addict

>t. Ad hominem

t. taking flippant rebuttals to baseless claims on Jow Forums far too seriously

A canadian hipster electronic pop musician (AKA another Kate Bush derivative) who got popular both for her music and he "le quirky autistic nerd girl" visage before her FUCKING LEAF feminist genes kicked in and she started getting mad at men fetishisizing the very visage she set up.

Her music got worse as the mind virus took over and she kept trying to change up her style to kill the "old me" that got her popular.
She also got BTFO'd by BASED jew Ariel Pink.

Elon isn't handling the financial news well

He's nothing but a conman.
Space-X is a complete hoax, just like Nasa and all other space agencies.

This was my first thought.
That earnings call really was a shitshow.

Smart move. Telsa will load up with Diversity picks from here on out. They're doomed.


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>my favorite female musician (not named Taylor Swift)
>my favorite pop-sci innovator (the rest pander lefty politics 24/7, Musk's apoliticalness is refreshing).

I endorse this. I just need to know how the fuck it ever happened. I also hope that Grimes keeps her face caked because she looks AWFUL without it.




Is Musk trying to contract the Femin virus?

Information on the Femin virus:

>The Oxytocin hormone and it's importance to pair bonding, maternal behavior, in-group preference, pregnancy and other functions
>Biological and psychological differences between liberals and conservatives
>Biological differences among gays, transsexuals, and pedophiles
>Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression
>How Civilizations Fall: On the role of radical feminism in the decline of civilization
>References in mythology to the Femin virus
>The Rockefellers' connections to Femin and bioweapon programs
>Gloria Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the Femin virus on American black communities
>The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a Femin outbreak
>Elevated Femin infection rates helped cause the Cambodian Dark Ages
>Texas contractor arrested while possibly investigating Femin virus
>murder, leadership change at CDC over Femin virus
>WHO announces Femin virus as “Disease X”
>List of symptoms Femin hosts display (work in progress)

Femin is a retrovirus that inserts its genome into the human genome. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.

This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in maternity, pair-bonding, ingroup preference, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that feminists tend to lack.


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she is ugly as fuck