I really need your help Jow Forums. There is this preacher who still preaches in my city, in the wealthy, white part of town where he lives. He's been preaching for over 30 years, he has a Master's in Divinty, he's published at least 3 books, he's internationally known and who knows what other accolades he has.
The problem is, he owns a whole bunch of rental properties on my side of town, which is like 35% black, and 15% Other, he drives two different Mercedes, and he does a whole bunch of sick shit. He turns those properties into trap houses, he puts up the capital for people to start selling drugs, I've physically seen him bring someone a bag of boxes of Sudafed 12 hour extended release pills to make "Shake 'n bake", which is meth and worse, he turns a bunch of poor, young, drug addicted girls out (drugs which he's helping flood our neighborhood with).
For the girls who are already turned out, he just straight up offers them cash for sex. But for the younger, prettier ones who don't have full blown heroin dependency yet, he'll seem to be helping them, taking them out for coffee or food and giving them money or preferably dope. He'll even start coming by every day just to drop off $40-$120 cash or in heroin, so the girl can get a nice big habit that she can't really afford, and that's when he drops it on them that they have to fuck him. And that's just the beginning.
I know a girl who was 18 and beautiful who he did this to. He got the idea in his head somehow that she was a Wiccan, and she just went with it because obviously that's what he wanted to hear, and he told her that he wanted to drink her period blood, at midnight, on the first night of a full moon, and then fuck her while she received incantations or cast spells on him or some stupid shit.
And the most egregious thing that I know, he'll give them $60-$180 to take them to a hotel room and film them while some nigger dope dealers fucks them for 2 hours. Help me Jow Forums