Preacher getting 18 year old girls addicted to heroin and forcing the to make blacked porn

I really need your help Jow Forums. There is this preacher who still preaches in my city, in the wealthy, white part of town where he lives. He's been preaching for over 30 years, he has a Master's in Divinty, he's published at least 3 books, he's internationally known and who knows what other accolades he has.

The problem is, he owns a whole bunch of rental properties on my side of town, which is like 35% black, and 15% Other, he drives two different Mercedes, and he does a whole bunch of sick shit. He turns those properties into trap houses, he puts up the capital for people to start selling drugs, I've physically seen him bring someone a bag of boxes of Sudafed 12 hour extended release pills to make "Shake 'n bake", which is meth and worse, he turns a bunch of poor, young, drug addicted girls out (drugs which he's helping flood our neighborhood with).

For the girls who are already turned out, he just straight up offers them cash for sex. But for the younger, prettier ones who don't have full blown heroin dependency yet, he'll seem to be helping them, taking them out for coffee or food and giving them money or preferably dope. He'll even start coming by every day just to drop off $40-$120 cash or in heroin, so the girl can get a nice big habit that she can't really afford, and that's when he drops it on them that they have to fuck him. And that's just the beginning.

I know a girl who was 18 and beautiful who he did this to. He got the idea in his head somehow that she was a Wiccan, and she just went with it because obviously that's what he wanted to hear, and he told her that he wanted to drink her period blood, at midnight, on the first night of a full moon, and then fuck her while she received incantations or cast spells on him or some stupid shit.

And the most egregious thing that I know, he'll give them $60-$180 to take them to a hotel room and film them while some nigger dope dealers fucks them for 2 hours. Help me Jow Forums

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You know what to do OP.

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Kek, good they're all whores anyway, fuck 'em.

...Oh, and not your personal army, faggot

If you actually care about God you'll deal with it and not let this evil continue.

If you have proof of his drug-dealing, report it to the police

Pull of a taxi driver on the mf
Otherwise stfu and git cucked

big if true

Thought about this.
No, just no. Regardless he should be punished. But these aren't "just whores" many of these girls are fatherless victims of sexual abuse an he is using his position as a trusted figure to push them into this lifestyle.

record every interaction with him and get some proof.

He's not actually physically dealing drugs himself. He's been doing this a long time and he's good at it. I know for a fact he receives some of his cut of the profits in the form of "rent" from "tenants", but if you go into any of these houses, they are in various stages of disrepair and there is no funiture except maybe a couch, TV and Xbox.

That's the problem, I don't interact with him. I recently got clean and sober too, which makes it even harder. And I can't get any of the girls to flip on him because they are too dependant on him.

I contacted an investigative reporter and left him a message a few weeks ago, and he left me a message saying that he might be interested, but he sounded old and tired of his job, and I just got out of treatment today, so I haven't called him yet.

There's also the issue that I fear for my safety is he was to catch on. I wish I could hire a P.I. to follow him for just a week, and he'd see him taking these girls to this sleazy fucking motel. He thinks he has the perfect excuse, because he can always say "I'm ministering g to lost souls." It makes me fucking sick.

>But these aren't "just whores"

If it has a vagina it's either a whore, or a whore in training.

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Kill him and leave no evidence. Not difficult bro

What the hell is up with that last part? Expose this guy to his church.

Op, you still here?

Do you have any proof? Can you get proof?

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op give info so user may vigilant

At least give us his name dude. You're anonymous and if we know who he is, we could help even after you've left the thread.

OP email me at [email protected]

If you can get proof then we can make something big happen!

If this were true, then you should catch them in the act and kill everyone involved.

If you have time to tell lies about Christian ministers on image boards, imam, you have time to study the Qur'an and the hadiths.

Either way, you have to go back.

op send infolulz marc@dfwhack if legit i'll hear his sermon

Anyone else here join random churches and spread rumors about the preacher too? It's a fun time. The trick is to be creative and extreme with the rumor, and people will believe it because it's "too crazy" for someone to just make up.

larp some more

I think if you killed him and never told anybody, not even Jow Forums, you'd probably never get caught.


Call the police you stupid nigger. Get pictures and witnesses.

OP, try telling the cops, or tell us. We will fuck him up

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400+yd rifle shot. Drug fags have huge criminal records and can be pretty much executed without too many questions being asked.

Yes, I'm here. And I know that I could get proof, but like I said, I'd need the resources to bring one of these whores with more than he's giving them. I don't have a car, or I would just fucking follow him around and film him.

Like I said, he's very clever and he uses the fact that he's a preacher as cover by saying that he's, "ministering to his flock." Jesus Christ, that's probably the part that disgusts me most. Using the teachings of Jesus to get away with this shit and I'm not even a Christian.

I can't just post his name here for several reasons. For one, I could get banned. For two, I don't want retarded anons inadvertently alerting him to what's going on, or some faggot r*ddit White Knight actually alerting him on purpose. And three, I'm trying to build a lot of ammo against him before I go after him. Is there some way I could organize a group of vetted, good intentioned, intelligent, capable people to give his info to and then work together to figure out how to bring him down? I've heard of people using Discord for stuff like this, but honestly, I'm 35, I've never had a social media accounts, I don't care for technology, so I don't understand much about it, well, honestly I don't even know what the fuck it is. Any help would be appreciated more than you'd ever know. This motherfucker killed my sister.

Dude, are you serious, or are you just fucking with me, because if you are fucking with me, that's really not cool. You have no idea how much suffering this man is causing.

This is not a larp. I have absolutely no reason to LARP. I could screenshot a text where I asked him to stop giving this girl money for dope, and I asked him if she had blocked my number from his phone since I first messaged him about it, and he responded that he didn't want to say anything bad about her because he "really cares about her." I mean, this is proof enough that he's been with this 20 year old girl multiple times in the past week, alone, meanwhile he's in his 60's and married.

Let's review the info you've given us:
>there is a drug dealing preacher
>he exists somewhere on earth, possibly the US

What are we suppposed to do exactly?

Have you thought about contacting the police or FBI

your ban is insignificant if your story isnt larp

Get some Jew liberal journalists on it. Keep a journal about all this, film him, get evidence.

This is pretty serious shit OP. If this is real you need to keep making threads in the upcoming days, but most of all try to gather evidence to show the police. Also be careful not to doxx yourself, we never know who's lurking

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contact the FBI or SBI. You aren't an investigator, they are

OP, find some evidence and get it exposed.

I'm looking for ideas right now. I can't just come on here and post his name, I'd get banned and some idiot would link him to this thread, and I guarantee he'd figure out it was me, and I would fear for me life if he knew.

And don't gloss over the fact that he is literally making girls as young as 18 dependant on him and heroin and turning them out and making them fuck niggers on camera.

I DO want to post his doc, I really do. That's why I just said maybe I could start a discord or something, but I don't really now what that is, I just know that some anons have use it for clandestine operations. The last thing I want to do is spook him into his shell, have him lay low until the attention blows over, and then it would be twice as hard to go after him.

But that's why I'm here. What should I do?

This was exactly my first thought. I already left a local investigative journalists a message about it and he left me a voicemail saying he was interested and to contact him back. But I live in a red state, even though my actual city is super fucking progressive, and I couldn't find out much info on the guy yet, so I don't know about going forward. I'm so afraid it's going to be difficult to find someone to trust.

Discord isn't a good bet for clandestine ops.
You can start by googling his name and looking for anything suspicious.
Use public records systems to look at the properties he owns and see if anything ties to them (amerinons give links to public info sites)

How much contact do you have with the girls?

Yeah don't do this - people like the OP is talking about have connections with the police/fbi. They always do. Snitching to the police only gets you dead.

Collecting proof of criminality and then dead dropping them in public spaces, that is how you deal with these people.

This is a Fed.
Also bump


RE: dead drops
Buy a bunch of the cheapest usb drives you can find and put the proof on them (make sure it's well organized, easily readable) and spread them out in very public areas e.g. shopping centres

It sounds like youre better off targeting law enforcement and giving them the specifics.

No, it's not a LARP, and I've been here for quite some time, I think 7 years or so, and I rarely make threads. When Trump first announced, and when we first got user ID's back, I posted threads every day alerting people about the "1 post by this ID" phenomenon,and thankfully with the help of some other anons it stuck. Point is, I don't troll and I've always tried to do good here.

As I've said before, my city is really big and I don't drive. And I know this may come as a shock with me posting here, but I'm basically a complete loner, so I have no one to help me. I do know one girl that he does this shit with, and he texts her almost exclusively. I know that he has to be telling her shit like which outfits to where, how much money he's bringing her, when she can call her dope dealers and what motel they are going to and shit, but she shares that phone with an older junky woman she lives with,and she usually erases all of those messages.

Also, he's extremely careful usually not to say anything by text. If he can't tell her actually talking on the phone, then he'll wait and tell her in person. I feel like all I need is someone to follow him.

Do you think if he was recorded picking a girl up who was bringing lengerie and platform heels with her, and they went to the sleaziest motel in town that rents by the hour, and he went in there with her for an hour, do you think that would be evidence enough? I don't see how he could claim he was "ministering" to her then.

And fuck man, he's got to be on camera there a bunch. That's where he makes his cuck films too.And he's got to have those saved somewhere, right? I know he gets girls to send him nudes too.

Do you think there's anything weaponized autism could do against him?

First gather as much evidence as you can. Then publicize it and blow his brains out.

>walk in church
>expose the scum with proof
>gets transferred

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One of these girls I know extremely well. Like extremely well. And through her, I could likely get the names and numbers of other girls. I also know a girl who used to trick with him but doesn't anymore. But you have to understand, just since I met him through that girl last Fall (we used to be dope partners; we'd hustle money together or individually, but we would always split everything we got 50/50), we've had at least 40 people, nigger dope dealers and white girls who are junkies all say to us, "Oh, you know Mr.B too?" With a wry smile. I don't get out much, I made all my money from home, but I'm telling, everyone around here knows this motherfucker and knows what he does. His hubris infuriates me.

Why do you ask?

Why not .... him? Afraid you can't post on Jow Forums anymore if you go too jail? That fag killed your sister and here you are

This isn't /b/. Show us something with prove or something entertaining and I may help. Fuck off with your LARP. If you're serious, then commit and prove it.