Our memes got Trump elected

Our memes got Trump elected.

Prove me false.

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Who won the popular vote again?

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You do realize that Hillary would have won the election in any civilized country, right?

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Check the stats, redneck.

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Thank god this is America and not Deutschistan.

i cant

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I am going to be honest with you, I used to be Drumpffag just like you are, but I soon realized that this clown doesn't have the intelligence, nor charisma to lead a country.

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Illegal immigrants voting does not constitute the popular vote Kraut. Don't you have a truck to be running from?

frankfurt, the ruhrpott, hamburg, munich, etc all turkroached congolesed shadows of their former dignity. the christmas markets are dying user, gerry's killed christmas

Wasn't the memes, only rural and suburban fags voted for Trump.
Only cities have universities and citiypeople were mostly Hillary supporters

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>Illegal immigrants voting does not constitute the popular vote Kraut.
How about you post some proof?

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Empirically proven when Hillary Clinton dedicated an entire speech to combating "pepe the frog".
We all know who pepe the frog is.

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It was all a ruse
Trump was selected by bankers to be the evil CEO to do all the layoffs and be the villain on behalf of the shareholders.

Hillary was an unlikable usefull idiot to give trump someone he could beat, she thought it was supposed to be the otherway around

I know you're just trolling nowadays but I can't help but suspect you originally collected those images, in earnest, for when "the inevitable Jow Forums butthurt" (never) came.

>Trump was selected by bankers to be the evil CEO to do all the layoffs and be the villain on behalf of the shareholders.

>Hillary was an unlikable usefull idiot to give trump someone he could beat, she thought it was supposed to be the otherway around
Wrong, the election was rigged (see electoral predictions).

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basically true. Trump won by 30,000 votes across the midwest "blue wall" i am near positive 70% of those votes were indirectly due to epic miming

im from Taxachusettes and one of my coworkers son's in kindergarded voted for TRUMP in his fake class election because he "could never vote for KILLARY" in his own words. that shit ran deep senpai

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Ya'll were so cocky on election day. Watching the Hillary pepe threads slowly replaced by Trump celebration threads was the greatest spectacle I've ever witnessed.

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>I know you're just trolling
Another dumb redneck, how is life in the Outback?

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Fuck off Bannon

Trump won NOTHING, it's called cheating.

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I know this pics are crappy and as unfunny as possible but I always lose it at the Hilldawg that shit kills me.

How was your experience on election day? It was one of the greatest experiences I've ever had.

Whatever you say nu-kraut

Bait or Shill, B gone. You copying memes only made it worse

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lmao at the sahria blue that just dumped the meme folder. no wonder you fuckers lost.

>the emerging alt-right...(pepe! is screamed in the distance)

Outdated stale memes that were just copies of ours. I thought pepe was an alt right symbol? Watch your hate speech there David Hogg.

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>tfw I was one of the 80,000 votes in the rustbelt who did it for the memes

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My bad, didnt mean to include you when I was pointing out David Hoggs group is raiding

>the emerging alt-right...(pepe! is screamed in the distance)
That moment changed the election narrative forever.

Its called the electoral college

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