Off Duty Cop pulls gun on Man for buying candy

Man pays for candy in store in California, off duty cop pulls gun on him, tells him to leave store for stealing. Clerk says, "He paid for it". Cop is all, "hmm, ok. nevermind"

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Too many people are on edge. It's almost like multiculturalism and diversity breeds distrust of your neighbor or something.

>t. bootlicker

Your next words will be
>I was only pretending to be retarded

Looking like that I wouldn't be surprised that someone used him as a scapegoat... Hehe...

>t. lolberg who thinks 300 million niggers will vote lolberg.

Man I fucking hate cops. Dude thinks he's a badass. He's out there just LOOKING for 'criminals' to 'bust'.

1. Create and train new police force from scratch. No contact with previous police force.
2. Mandatory retirement for all previous cops.
3. New, properly trained, non-shitty cops take the place of the old shitty cops.
4. Things are now fine.

Big deal, it was an honest mistake and nothing came out of it, it wouldn't have to happen if niggers didn't nig so much.

>hundreds of thousands of inexperienced and most likely mentally deficient Xirmen put in charge of the law
>not going to result in thousands of dead perps AND dead cops.

You should KYS. You obviously can't handle reality.

and you wonder how you got a nigger problem

Fucking pigs. Cop was in total wrong. Even if he witnesses a shoplifting, it's still no right to pull out a gun over shoplifting. He hasn't posed any threat yet and the cashier did not say anything accusing him of stealing either. Also didn't show any badge or identification so we're not even sure if he's a real cop or not.

You just don't pull out a gun for "suspected" shoplifting. You first make sure it occurred then you make demands for that person to stay. You can chase and pull out the gun after if they get violent or run.

Why the fuck would a cop need to pull his gun over a packet of mentos?

Yes an honest mistake but very unprofessional and does not say anything good about that man's policing.

>pulling a gun on a candy thief is totally ok
so this is what mental retardation looks like


fuck cops

>see a guy pocket a mentos

I’m confident the majority of police are sociopaths.

what a fucking retard

The cop shouldnt be pulling his gun over shop lifting. Thats nuts. I hope the cop is disciplined for it.

I want out of this country so fucking bad man
I hate my countrymen

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There's a certain kind of personality type drawn to becoming cops.

We're talking about America here though. Every mutt is an unstable potential threat to your life.

Pulling a gun on someone is definitely a crime, right? Dude should press charges.

It happened in a libcuck state. This wouldn't have happened in a red state.

In Texas, if that guy had really shoplifted, the clerk could literally and legally mow him down with machine gun fire. An off duty cop can't do it though unless there are further extenuating circumstances. The clerk just has to wait for them to walk out the door and if they don't stop when he tells them to then he can legally unload an entire magazine into their back.

A cop died today over an argument between two neighbours about a cat. You significantly underestimate how retarded the American civilian can be.

Seeing as everyone has a gun in the USA, I would be very skittish too if I worked as a cop.
Better be safe than sorry.
It's like me carrying a package of bacon every time I walk down the streets of Sweden.

In this case I would assume so. The criminal charge is brandishing a firearm. If you even pull up your shirt to show them you can be charged.

>black guy literally doing nothing questionable or illegal
>it's totally fine this cop drew on him over supposed stealing of some fucking candy without identifying himself or being in uniform

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What if the cop just asked the shop guy if they guy paid? To start his investigation.

Eating fucking mentos. Yuck. The cop was doing him a favor.

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AHAHAH fucking bootlicker

Ask yourself, would a nigger shoot another person over a candy bar, does that sound like standard nigger operating procedure? That's why you pull your gun first.


What if the guy is mentally unstable, look at the beard, and pulls a gun?

Fuck off leaf you are trash.

What if he pulls a gun and shoots the cop without picking up a mentos? The cop should have his gun drawn at all times. Just in case.

It's almost like groups pushing for tribalism distrust and hatred breeds anxiety.

It's almost as if US police are subhuman and are taught to kill first and ask questions later.

No, some of your countrymen are ligitimate mental retards walking around with guns. All the cops that tried to be professional and not pull out their weapons have been killed off already.

Do we know this cops name? So he cared enough to pull a gun on him but was just gonna let him go? This guy should be fired and charged.

He should have shot him anyway.
Dirty sandnigger

I don't get that mentality. I've been in positions of power, governmental power actually. Won't say what. However, I never once got any gratification out of telling people what to do. It was always a necessary evil for the machine to work properly. I always hated exerting authority upon people, but I had to do it. Albeit, as politely as I could.

5. pay 2500 dollars a month to your local district to not get hassled for minor crimes

You dont have to have slavery or be an invader for every brown person to act like a total idiot. Muslims and blacks come straight out of the box being resentful hating whitey even when they move here and there is no history between you and them.

You can't just replace a group of humans, and not expect them to start acting like humans do.

Jesus fucking Christ

My brother in law is a cop in Australia. He told me he could never be a cop in USA because we have guns. That is kind of pussyfied desu

fuck off swedecuck go chug some more muzzie cum

Shoplifting is definitely not a crime worthy of the "pull out my gun to feel like a badass" treatment

That fucking guy almost died because of a mentos. Think about that
Pigs are scum

I'm the same way, I never like inflicting authority upon others and I always considered it a weakness. Might be because of my brother bullying the shit out of me growing up that I turned out polite/beta whatever. But fuckers like this who take joy in dominating other people have no place in the police force or the civilized world.

mints. serious fucking business.

Most of our cops dont carry guns and violence against the police would be pretty exceptional. I am sure our police appreciate that too.

Wrath is a dangerous drug.

I guess it's just a whole different world here. Many cops are huge fans of citizens carrying concealed, and illegally armed bad guys is just part of the game.

I can buy a rifle or a shotgun without too much difficulty. Pistols are very very hard to get, for what I think are obvious reasons.

Piece of shit cop. Damn how ridiculous was that? Pull a gun over some mints and then be completely wrong about it? Simple apology will suffice I guess...take their damn guns already.

Define gratification and joy. Is it just a thought crime? Otherwise they're doing their job. Not this specific cop though don't get me wrong. He should be fired and charged.

maybe its the lack of resources?

you're all so quick to hate the mexican while forgetting that (((Businesses))) are the ones importing cheap, abusable labor to replace you.

dis is amerikkkuh!

Well I mean. Using authority for righteous cause, and saving others or keeping people safe should give you gratification.
Using your authority to bully others, or in an unnecessary way, no matter how severe or benign, and getting a domination high is evil. Even using authority in a completely lawful manner, but feeling happy from dominating others while using it is bad form.

Was the cop Asian?

Actually studies have proven that as society and neighborhoods become more multi-racial, the less people trust one another, and the more they withdraw from social/charitable activities into their homes.

Yeah, over here pistols seem to be the most practical weapon bought. For self defense in or outside of the home. Rifles are always under a microscope. What kind of rifles and shotguns can you get?

they're no longer countrymen. they're from Mexico and SA

>obvious reasons

because you're a peasant?

The 7th Amendment needs to be adjusted for inflation. This officers actions in no way comply with standard procedure. He will be fired on the spot, watch.

What about the Carabiner i see picture of them with SMG just walking in the market square

>fumbles his gun from his coat pocket
>racks it with cash in hand
>holds it angled like a G

truly our nation's heroes

Real shitty.
Makes a lot of people look bad because a shithead got spotlight.

No doubt going to be used indiscriminately by the left.

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Easily concealed
Easier to use in a crime
I see the logic. But yeah, fuck that. I see the logic though.

Ya not wrong

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Most (%90+?) gun crime and deaths are with hand guns so the left wants to band "Assault Weapons"

>dead perps
>dead cops

i dont understand what the problem is?

Cop should use that glock to kill himself. His career is over.

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Now before you go "hurr durr you criminal" thats not the point.I know I fucked up,but the cop could have easily said "ok its not your car man,could I still see your licence?" and it would have gone off with no problem what so ever.A man just wants to be respected and if you disrespect him and you know he cant do anything about it...that will earn you hate.

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Its America. Why the fuck do they do anything at all

To be fair it does look like the guy snatches something from the counter
Still that cop powertripping
>pulling a gun over shopliftting

It was the last pack of menthos and the cop wanted it.


>Makes a lot of people look bad because a shithead got spotlight.
>No doubt going to be used indiscriminately by the left.
Those Pigophobic bigots! Don't they know that bad cops aren't real cops? REAL cops would never do something like what this radical Pig did. Being a Police officer is a career of peace.

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Drawing a gun and threatening someone for no reason is nigger behavior. The cop was obviously a nigger.

yeah but hes also a slant eyed gook jap yellow nip monkey

Friendly reminder that bootlicking is a disease

You know what I really don't understand about this situation? The cashier doesn't say a damn thing until the police officer has basically forced the other guy to leave the shop at gunpoint.

so is emitting the word bootlicker every time cops are discussed and you get a bad fee-fee

Found the subhuman

well he is fighting obesity that's a good thing

State sponsored armed thugs.
The usual.

When I think that those son of whores have the right to carry a gun even when off duty in France since the last few years, while citizens can't even carry fucking pepper spray....

Looks like tiny penis syndrome
ignorant cop pulls gun..

Get shot over fucking mentos, only in America, land of the free and home of the brave.

Lol you're a retard

Just a mistake but lord aren't americans all. I never carried a gun and I made inner city estates secure for a couple of years just with my big balls. We had dogs I suppose (I had 4 dobies), no guns. Pulling a piece on a tiny Mexican mentos thief is cucked but the piggy must have expected a mentos based gun battle because Americans think telly is real life
>t private security
I'm too rich & old to care anymore and no way do I do that for the non Anglo scumbags they've moved in now. They can steal all the mentos they like without me killing anyone for it

>but you're wrong




>hey I'm not a thief




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>buy mentos
>get shot

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Its obvious that California should outlaw guns. Just California.

Part and parcel of private gun ownership, not that you liberal faggots would know

He was understandably confused and shocked

>did hed paid for dis?

The cop felt clearly threatened, he did a good job of pacifying possibly dangerous individual desu.