CALIFORNIA 5th of June elections

Patrick Little, who is literally Jow Forums the candidate, is in SECOND PLACE behind (((Diane Feinstein.))) SECOND PLACE!!! He has a real chance to win, and he needs our help. You can stay anonymous but you need to help him.


-Attacks Israel
-Stood on their flag and spat on it
-Brings up Jewish Supremacists all the time
-Rightly Blames Jews for slavery
-Calls out Jews who control America and California
-Is woke af and can actually win!!


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Other urls found in this thread:

Why are they being terminated.

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I wonder (((why)))
(((Who))) would do such a thing.

I'll bump. So what do we do? Create a bunch of memes and sit around autistically babbling about post numbers like we did with Trump?

I’ve spoken to the guy personally

Seems like a good dude

If you live in cali, just fucking do it


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Leaf gets dog piled and the mods have to resort to deleting the thread. Still acting like someone isn't scared of Little?


Set up an anonymous remailing service and have your ballot shipped to you in North Korea or wherever you are. We don't check if you're registered as a Democrat.

Bumping with Little's GAB

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I will NOT support a man who spits on the flag of our greatest ally. Who the fuck does he think he is? Trump NEEDS the support os israel, we dont need anti-semites like this patrick littledick

I want California to die. Not to "save" California or elect an obvious shill. Also, you niggers spam Little too much.

Here come the 1 post hit and runs.

oy vey! don't take away jewsteins senate seat goy!


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idk, some retarded shit has to happen for this to pull through

Peterson is a gatekeeper and simple as that.

That is simple

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Wonder who the ((((MODS))) are

Mods are kikes.
They have officially started their attacks on Japan, and Jow Forums (((mods))) will delete posts regarding it. I was banned for 3 DAYS for posting pic related.

Forgot pic

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Illegals are almost never polled, but they do vote. And that is California.

The democrat will win by continuing to promise to keep the free-flow of illegals pouring in and mooching off of the US.

I’m voting little and Allen for governor.

Allen is a good looking guy and want illegals out and 100% on 2nd and great cleansing of Satanic corruption and restore law and order


vote get out vote vote :)

I'm not going to take someone who hangs Lenin artwork in his living room urionically seriously. That's great dude, enjoy your clean room that should have already been to begin with as your enemies keep taking a mile behind your back because your too busy giving this empty suit the time of day.


(((mods))) deserve the gas chamber

you know patrick is /ourguy/ when the kikes are trying this hard to stop him

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Do you, boo

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>jewsteins senate seat
An obvious shill is not going to get elected in California. California will reelected that old kike until her ashes blow away in the wind. Little is just a fucking clown.

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But your average cuckservative would beat her right? Let's back that candidate so they can just parrot the same shit she is.

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I'm voting for Patrick.

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A US Marine running for Senator? You can count me in.

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ya, fuck history


I was wondering where the other thread disappeared too.

Mods, this is politics, why delete this thread?

Also im voting for him

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>voting for someone based on looks

>>voting for someone based on looks
Actually, looks are very informative.

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>beat her
That is the problem with your obvious shill plan. She will be in office until she decides to retire. Sending an idiot like Little to "challenge" her only gives people supporting Little an even worse name. Little is literally a false flag to give everyone a bad name. He is no better than Richard Spencer. Same bullshit.

Also, like I said above in the thread I would rather see California die than vote anyone who will stop that.

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Let me explain something to you faggot. Patrick Little has bigger balls than anyone on this board. Why? Because he is running a real life campaign on everything that TRS, the Daily Stormer, and others claim to stand for. Everyone who is against him brings up stupid pointless shit like this. And they pretend like the GOP isn't filled with kikes just like the democrats. The truth is there is no such thing as a perfect candidate, and if we try to wait for the perfect candidate then we will be waiting forever.

But that’s what you want isn’t it? That’s what you and all of your little kike friends want. You want us to continue to fight about this shit online. You want us to keep fighting about how some whites are more white than others. You want us to keep nitpicking the candidates who are running these campaigns. Because you don’t want us to actually unify and do anything. You want to keep us confined to online message boards. And you allow us to vent on these boards so we can all make ourselves feel better and never make any real changes in real life.

Patrick Little is putting himself out there. We know what (((they))) are capable of, and Patrick is quite literally risking his life for what he believes. He has been physically attacked by jews before and instead of being intimidated, he is continuing to speak out on the behalf of whites and our interests. Anyone who is criticizing him for not being perfect enough is welcome to run as a candidate themselves. Until they do that, they can sit down and shut the fuck up.

As Little points out in practically in every interview, the intention is to win but even without, it's five months of him dropping red pills on jews jewing.

Can we meme he as a witch? Make her seem devious and insidious (because she is).
As for memes:
Illegals are voting, why aren't you?
Take back the vote.
Alternatively we can push from the opposite side and pretend that we want more illegals top vote so that we can increase "diversity".

Bumping before the mods holocaust this thread as well.

This. And even if he loses this election, the important thing is to fight and keep fighting. No point having a movement if it's just a bunch of faggots arguing and shitposting online.

cucks, neocons, trotskyist are out in force

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>I'll bump. So what do we do? Create a bunch of memes and sit around autistically babbling about post numbers like we did with Trump?

my friends and i are driving out to cali at the suggestion of an user a few days ago. apparently those faggots don't have voter id so tacos can vote.

do it faggot

Because females don’t care who they belief or vote for. They will always vote whoever is good looking. Every freaking time without fail.


Oh man, you're right bro! I think I'll make myself a nice glass of warm milk and go brush my teeth. I think I am getting a little sleepy.

The debate between him and the jew will be epic. bump

It's pointless to say, but i just feel the need:

This guy isn't trump. He's not going to channel the meme energy the same way trump does.

He's got basically a negative campaign message (fuck israel), and it will be very difficult for him to turn that into a victory.

It's still worth supporting him, but don't expect a win.

>He's got basically a negative campaign message (fuck israel), and it will be very difficult for him to turn that into a victory.
Getting dual citizen Israeli's out of political power in the USA is his goal and it is admirable, also much needed for ANYTHING TO CHANGE.

Dig up her scandals that have been swept under the rug and bring them out for all to see.
You need a multi-pronged approach to this.
Eliminate or sully the competitions image and its likely a lot of mindless voters will drift towards choosing the guy with some hype behind him especially if hes a former marine.

The only goal is to shift the window of discourse. The guy has a summary of Culture of Critique linked on his official twitter. People will notice the poll numbers (even though they will be manipulated to marginalize him) and they will stumble on redpills. From what I can see his message isn't poisoned so there is no reason not to go all in on him.

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If a mere fraction of what he projects and talks about in interviews gets out in debates and the campaign trail, it's a huge win.

>Getting dual citizen Israeli's out of political power in the USA is his goal and it is admirable, also much needed for ANYTHING TO CHANGE.

I agree that it's important.... but it's the kind of message that relies on the listener to already be cued in to what you're talking about before they will be on board.

That's the weak kind of political message to run on. You want a message that everybody agrees with, whether they know what you're talking about or not.

Why not push the former marine angle as well?
Why was he dismissed? If he's clean and honorable then surely a lot of people will go for the former marine who's seen and experienced some shit in real life?

>Why was he dismissed?
0/10 jew faggotry.

>Why not push the former marine angle as well?
If he just ran with the message: "i'm a former marine and i'm going to make america great".... I would rate his chances as higher than they are.

and you're wrong, with his current message he's at 18% and growing.

Why do mods delet any productive threads? Feels abusive mang.


it kills me that TRS or DS don't say anything about the news is good news for jews

Eh? How am I jewing? I'm asking why he's no longer a marine because that might alter how he's seen in the public light...

It's california. That can work to his advantage though. If he plays the former marine angle and takes an anti middle east intervention stance he can court both sides.

Nice try kike

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>doubling down with concern trolling
0/10 jew.


Is 18% good?
I know nothing about this guy until about ten minutes ago and now I'm curious as hell.
Where can I find some current info on this particular election? I'm not well versed on US Senate elections and what-not.
Thanks in advance.

Wrong, Peterson is an anti-White gatekeeper shill.

At the 40:00 mark:
>JBP: "That's celebrated on the radical right, if we're going to devolve into tribalism we'll triumphantly herald our past accomplishments and unite under the flag of our race and blood. But we know what happens when that happens, it's not pretty... I see no alternative than radical individualism."

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cunt, what the fuck is the short version?

Wtf is this Wayne lambright jr.?

Make like a leaf and blow

Idk, I only saved it so I could read it later.

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There's jewstein with a third more and then all the rest in the 1-3% range and there are a bunch of them. It's a two horse race.

Really? Jesus Christ cunts, just because of the way I fucking worded a question I'm a fucking Jew now?
I'll rephrase.
Why is he no longer a marine? Genuinely just fucking asking, for Christ's sake I'm trying to fucking help here.

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Ah, now I'm with you. Cheers mate.

Found the russian bot

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he's right thought, radical right is just as bad as radical left and should be avoided.

Get fucked then, mate. I'll just Google it.

>I only implied he was kicked out and concern trolling that people are going to be concerned with his military record, just trying to help, gosh.
0/10 jew

Feed me some good Patrick quotes.

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He should simply imply that he is going to get California to cooperate with Trump's plan for America, compared to the politicians that are fighting him now.

I'm just messin with ya, aussie. Idk the answers to any of your questions, but 20% isn't good.

>he's right thought
No he isn't.
>radical right is just as bad as radical left and should be avoided.

Feinstein loses California Democratic Party’s endorsement -Washington Post

>shilling this hard for ((((Feinstein))))
Shoot yourself in the foot and die of gangrene nigger.

When the only contender is only a third away with nobody else even close, yes it is.

>No he isn't.
he is

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What are his views on Weed?
>inb4 Duuuuude

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peterson is the path to White genocide.

So you're saying dismissed was the wrong word? Stop speaking in riddles and talk to me like a human being, then.

If he wins second place, he gets to do a televised debate. He'll name the kike to her face. It will be worth it if just for that.