On the 16th of may there will be a confrence talk thingy in The Netherlands about the influence of Jow Forums and memes...

On the 16th of may there will be a confrence talk thingy in The Netherlands about the influence of Jow Forums and memes on the political landscape

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Other urls found in this thread:


Link: dezwijger.nl/programma/trollen-trump-en-thierry


More leftist virtue-signalling propaganda as per usual.

Will you be attending?

I hope they will review this picture

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Dude. If you go there yell something autistic like that guy yelled pepe at Hillary

attend and report back

>Something is growing in the dark corners of the internet. On forums such as Jow Forums and Reddit, a sarcastic counter culture arises, fed by memes such as Pepe the Frog and radical symbols. They live in the fictional country 'Kekistan' - where they radically defend their freedom of expression by kicking satirical cartoons against the establishment.

>Thierry Baudet and Donald Trump were also depicted with the green head of Pepe the Frog, the symbol of this internet ideology. How can we understand this obscure Internet world and how do they influence politics and society?

I hope I can make it in time to be there,
Maybe even wear my trump hugging putin t-shirt

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That would be great and you could report back.

Why are adults concerning themselves with this?

Also, checked.


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JIDF plz leave

Studying the impact of social media / fringe opinions on the internet on the political landscape and in a wider sense society.

If one has the slightest interest in living in a funtioning society these questions are highly relevant.

I haven't seen that picture in a long ass time.

My sister is going to talk there im not sure if I should go there I think it will be kinda cringe

What's there to say? It's somewhere between liking and sharing whatever on jewbook/jewter and modern-day multiplayer amateur political cartoons.
>oh no the peasants are talking among themselves

Hmm... yeah, most likely it will be pretty cringe. Because it's a view from the outside. But sometimes people who are active in this kind of research have an inside view themselves. In the sense of they grew up in it or they discovered it and felt close to the content and atmosphere.

I think it could get pretty interesting.

Hmm maybe your right

How do they still not understand why the right is surging?

It's not because of stupid memes or troll brigades, it's because the left has slipped into full blown lunacy.
I know not a single centrist who has shifted left, they all have shifted to the right because of the left becoming bonkers.

It makes no sense how the left can virtue signal and be hedonistic and self centered as much as they are, without that killing them off faster than they can form that mindset. If only there was a single pathway of logic that was forced upon them, probably from an early age. Yeah, something like telling them they're all special. Maybe after having had that shit in their heads for so long, then being faced with the real world, they might delude themselves into psychosis thinking only for themselves even when "doing good" for others.

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There's also a livestream