Be drill instructor

>Be drill instructor
>Shout at female recruit
>Make her cry
>Get fired and potentially court martialed

Daily reminder that women will soon serve on the front line.

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>Daily reminder that women will soon serve on the front line.
good, more meat for the grinder

He’s not in trouble for making her cry.

He should not have filmed it and put it on the internet. That said, it’s a fucking hilarious video so I’m glad he did.

Likn please?

>He should not have filmed it and put it on the internet.

Is this some British faggot thing?

No. It is some civilised thing. No point is any training supposed to recorded. In general at point should anything recorded while on duty in the military unless its the offical press officer.

Your 56% brain probably doesn't understand basic laws tho.

Meat grinder? Why kill them when their army brings comfort women directly to you? If their soldiers are tripping all over themselves to make sure some girl doesn't cry you can just kill the men and rape the women.

Effeminate matriarchal societies can't into war.

>women will soon serve on the front line.
Good...just bad for the actual soldiers that have to babysitt.

More like fuck and die.

>le 56%
Branch out a little. You sound dumb.

Fucking whores would turncoat the second the enemy has them on the crosshair.

No, it’s simply unprofessional.

He got fired for recording it dumbass.



>more like fuck and die.
that's all they do anywhere. i think the strategy is to breed them out once cloning is possible.

edit- not cloning but genetically grown is what i'm looking for.

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You really have to be a special kind of retarded think women on battlefields is a good idea. I'd be surprised if they can make it more than an hour after capture before getting raped.

this probably represents all the limey faggots in their armed services, not just the weakling females

he got fired for exposing what a joke your country is

>Daily reminder that women will soon serve on the front line.
the Muslims won't allow this.

Attached: UK Army.webm (640x360, 2.91M)

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Doesn’t bother me.

I don’t base my self worth off of my country and neither should you, the US is equally laughable.

>taking off the fucking boots whilst on duty.

That grinds my gears so god damn much... Who the fuck in the British recruitment department thought of this and said "Yeah, mate, let's do this."

Jesus fucking christ...

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Why doesn't everyone just do their missions at the time mudslimes need to pray? All of your enemies would apparently be undressed easy targets sitting out in the open.

Is recording the video and posting it actually illegal?

Not all Nations can follow your particular war doctrine, Ivan.

>Daily reminder that women will soon serve on the front line.
And what will they do ? Cry so their ennemies are trialed ?

Good it's the beginning of the end for the army.
Now they can wrap up in head to toe in fucking burkas, in this heat and fucking suffer.
No fucks given when the British snowflake over opinionated dullard slag is fully trained and done as she's fucking told. If you cry we will flog you, cumbin.

>show me your warface!
> :'(

The west is done

Why don't they give these women helmets that fit. They always look so stupid in combat gear because nothing fits them. They look like children trying on daddy's clothes. Which is really fitting, but still...

That fucking advertisement at the end lol

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Jesus fucking Christ, that was LITERALLY one of the LEAST agressive and abusive instructors I have seen. Women are absolutely worthless in the military, they think its a fucking game, just like everything else.

exposing the truth in INGSOC is evil and must be crushed


Yes, you sign the official secrets act when you begin training.

>Women are absolutely worthless in the military


Lel implying you scrawny cunts wouldn't cry too

My buddies at Benning right now with all the hussies trying to be 11b(infantry). Standards gone and if you question the hoes you’re liable to get an article 15. I hope we send these cunts to the front line to be massacred and fucked by every swinging dick in her platoon.
>10 years combat arms

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top lel I thought that was just a meme

Kill yourself you disgusting britfaggot, your disgusting fucking island of sick faggots should be burned to the fucking ground, you sick pieces of shit.

Fucking whore, she should be strung up on the gallows.

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>becoming an emotional wreck on bayonet training

Haha, I remember doing it in Phase 1, the instructors literally say that this is to test your mettle. Everyone forgets that you learn to kill before you learn your trade, regardless of what capbadge you are.

Just because you're an RLC mong doesn't mean you can sack off the ACMT or be a pussybaby during bayonet 1

That said, that Cpl was a retard for filming it, he was a retard for posting it online and he was a retard for posting it on fucking facebook of all places.

Maybe he needs to brush up on his cdrils

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Not only that. His squad has to stop and keep him safe, out of respect stop talking on the radio.
Fuck, during my conscription our group would have been punished for every instance when orders weren't obeyed or when times were missed.
If we had one weak person and we couldn't carry him across the line, we all got punished with less sleep, longer marches, "bonus rocks" in the backpacks and night raids as soon as it got dark. This happened until the weak person tapped out.
I may be different now, but we had zero practicing muslims passing ranger school during my time.

Tbh when women get so much in the army that half the army has women in position of power and responsibility, I'd laugh at them openly and say the army is shit and that it deserves to get destroyed. Also I'd be open about my desire for bringing the Third Position in power.

HEY!! they can also clean bathrooms, respect da wamen

when your country is a shithole I don't blame you sandnigger

if these kinda women are on the front field then ww3 is fucked up to bring women out there...also that woman is a dumb bitch for crying. its fucking war not politics

>She cries uncontrollably and is reduced to a quivering wreck
>The disturbing footage
>The instructor’s behaviour was described as ‘totally unacceptable’
Because the millitary is a daycare now.

>The absolute state of British stress-testing

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The West is so absolutely fucked.

How many court martials have drill instructors faced for doing the same to men? Nuff said

Do women get hazed?

tell me your hazing stories Jow Forums did they give you a good time with the boys? ;3c

You just know she fapped herself silly later that night thinking over the dominance & submission element of it.

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>Shout at female recruit
>Make her cry
This is supposed to go to war? lel

I've always tought that is the point of that shouting, so you break down now and there and not at the front line where it's yours and most of all your squads life on the line.

>56% brain
Hahah, had me cracking

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OP is an eternal faggot for not archiving a link from a Sharia media outlet.

I can't take it seriously with the accent lol.

Forgot to take off your flag commie.

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Pls ruskies rape these

Its all for show. Theyre not actually going to the front line.

>do your job on video in UK, get fired
>Teach dog trick in UK, go to jail
wtf is wrong with bongistan

>Cpl was a retard for filming it, he was a retard for posting it online
>He was a retard for exposing tax payers to what the military has become. An ineffective social science experiment dreamed up by SJW bureaucrats.

Yeah. Screw him. Better not let the British public see how their hard earned money is wasted.

bah in a couple of years wars will be fought by drones both on air and land so being a soldier is quickly becoming a larpg
he just took it to far and got banned


Someone post the unedited link

No, let me tell you what's going to happen, and soon based off the way these dumbasses are pushing shit. There's going to be another small conflict somewhere in the middle east (not even a stretch of the imagination) and the UK 1st Army is going to be involved where stronk women are in the front lines... And it's going to be fucking ugly as hell.

After spending a ridiculous amounts of resources getting back the islamic war brides... I mean british female soldiers... Everyone who spoke out against this is getting the axe, everyone who supported it is going to get accused of not supporting it enough, and shit's going to get even more retarded.

The reason why is simple. These stupid fucks can't understand basic human anatomy and history.

fuck off leaf

I went through Basic Combat Training at Ft. Benning Georgia. This drill instructor is mild compared the average I experienced. And I wish my instructors were 10x harder. After a tour in Iraq in 2004, I fully appreciate the value of what this instructor is trying to teach. This little girl does not belong on a battlefield, but if she puts away her emotions, and acts like a warrior, she could have a hope of survival. Sorry bongs, looks like even your military is getting cucked. I would hate to be you when the next WW kicks off, rip in pieces.

As already stated; the wrongdoing is filming it. This training exhausts and breaks recruits down by design. Even if you didn't start sobbing like that silly bitch you still probably wouldn't want video of a superior dehumanizing you while you desperately practice stabbing people to death in a near catatonic daze floating around the internet.

>but if she puts away her emotions, and acts like a warrior, she could have a hope of survival.

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I trained in 2007'ish and remember bayonet day. Got woke up extra early and just fucking beasted straight away. Stood on the line and cpl tells us to get changed you have 3 minutes fucking exactly, throws room key down line flys past my face hits guy next to me in head and he dropped. whole day was one long beasting .crawling through ice cold fucking water practically hypothermic when cpl comes up says get lower, cant cpl ice, boots my helmet thru it, fucked me up. charged the dummy so hard i forward flipped over it when it went in, thats bad bayonet discipline could have landed on my own rifle lol. whole platoon beasted more cos of it...brutal but a fucking memorable day...this little bitch would have probably died. not even to mention gas mask training with them fucking tablets they set on fire..ahhh good days. pic semi related, the niggers didnt last a month cos they couldnt pass the swim training, cunts couldnt even float on their own let alone do laps of pool in full gear...we all had a good laugh at that

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maybe you'll get lucky and we'll annex you before the shit covered muzzies or africans do

>le whiter than u Mohammed

More reason to let this shithole burn



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That was the plan. Break you down physically and mentally so you're made stronger, but people outside the the millitary see it as some kind of abuse.

Most advertising departments are staffed by millennial white women with arts degrees.

Walking mattresses

So doing your job on film justifies the loss of your career? The British gov and military are just pissed that somebody exposed how much of a pathetic joke their social program "military" is. She should be removed, not the corporal. He was doing his job, and she failed the stress test.