>fuck muslims lol >we must defend the Lebanese/Syrian Christians!
Abrahamic religions are a cancer, but I'd rather live in a muslim but pure, Aryan Europe than in a Christian but mixed Europe. The best case scenario would be a Pagan Europe, but that won't happen unless civilization falls and people's knowledge will be based on observation of nature again. >b-but Europe is Christian for more than a thousand years now! ~1500 years of Christianity vs. Tens of thousands of years of Paganism
>inb4 go back to the steppes mongol I just wan't to remind you that all Indo-Europeans came from the steppes.
You nu-poltards are pathetic traitors. Your ancestors are ashamed of you.
>only blood matters If that were true, then Turks wouldn’t be so cancerous
Tyler Ross
Na, mujahedeens are scum and so are idolaters burn them all.
Henry Cook
genetic testing showed that Ashkenazi jews have an Iranian ancestry (Khazar) and are not Levantine (Semitic in origin). Iran and Israel are working together to start a world war in the middle east and bring all the young men from US and Russia to die there for them.
Jacob Phillips
Since when are Khazars Iranian?
Henry Hall
>Tens of thousands of years of Paganism
Tyler Reyes
>me on the left
Jaxon Harris
Muslims are puppets of the Jews and no better than their kike masters.
Brandon Miller
Just like Christians. Because they mixed with local populations. They're still closer to Sicilians than to Europeans. Don't let the jew deceive you.
Jayden Collins
Stop apposing race to Christianity. You should be merging the two. The OT is obsessed with purity. It's an instruction manual for preserving race. Jesus was also very racist and antisemitic, so the NT is also useful. Stop throwing away the tools the enemy tells you are useless. If you're a utilitarian you'll take advantage of the Christian influence to push purity and stop degeneracy.
You're not worth my time. You're still following a self-hating kike, but even that is debatable.
Gabriel Lee
>Turks >white
Ayden Thomas
both are non-euro religions that should be purged
Jacob Morris
Your ancestors are ashamed of you for being a retard. Pagan Europe is retarded, do you believe that the world was born out of an swan egg? Do you believe that all humans were made after a god sucked off a cow? No? Then you're not a pagan.
Isaiah Ross
>fuck cave people brownies >hey guys let's go back to when we lived like muts while brown people were doing science
Turks actually looked more like turkic tribes in the central Asia retard, the Turkey of today is a mix of anatolian greeks, abducted or converted balkan people and kurds/arabs. The kurds/arabs are the most disgusting Turks you see, if you see their TV shows it's full of European looking people. Ataturk tried to set them up as a European nation and now they're fucking off to being an irrelevant arab shithole again.