You need a Christian wife.
You need a Christian wife
Just like you need air in space. Too bad it's not there.
Best I'm gonna get in america is some heretical broad who thinks you have to pray for money.
I take two.
>posts slut
That is a very pretty girl what the fuck how can she exist while I look like a survivor of a meteor explosion fucking hell
That woman is not a christian, salvation is by faith not works. Drown in piss idiot.
nice proto-atheism that lead to all of the current degeneracy in the world.
religion fucked up our world, specifically khazar/abrahamic ones.
you shit eating programmable sheep
How much?
cheap basterd. Just pay up already.
Yeah get rid of all religion leaf
Before religion we were literal apes.
But Christian wife doesn't exist.
OP needs moar hips to grow babbys!
>dressed like a whore
>christian wife
christians are literally pagan dipshits you guys dont even follow your own bible. no fucking modesty
>Christian wife
>posts slut
Fuck off, idiot
You can"t.
yes, yes i do
>I like travelling
Hell of a red flag.
why do women pretend like going on vacations and spending money is a personality trait
You are free to stay in your fucking basement if that's what you call an interesting life, finbro. I like to travel to new places, learn new languages and fuck willing bitches or prostitutes.
Worst sandnigger fans ever
>proddie in 2018
she can travel to San Antonio with me every weekend
whats wrong with travelling? As soon as I'd saved enough from my first job I went to Japan and South Korea.
lmao because they are basic bitches with no personalities that base their entire life off of western zionist propaganda
its pretty bad senpai
thats why its foolish to think you will find a better woman in another country most of the time they are more entitled and brainwashed then the local girls
how much was a ticket to japan from londonstan
I want to go with my wife but tickets here cost more than the entire trip would almost 2k just to get to japan then prob another 2k to fucking enjoy yourself. how much did you spend when you were there
>denying the word of God so you can hangout with pedophiles and sodomites
Digits of truth. The amount of assblasted replies you will inevitably get shows how right you are.
>doesn't drink (anymore)
>doesn't smoke (anymore)
>christian (at age 25 at least...)
>traveling, adventure, meeting people
how many red flags do you need before you'll smell her dripping tore open gash from clear across the atlantic?
Said who? Stalin, Mao?
Just look at her face for a second, you can tell her bbc mileage is in the upper hundreds
lmao to believe in God and ask Jesus to be your Saviour is work itself. When the sadducees asked Jesus how to get eternal life this was his response Mark 12:30 -31
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
sounds like work to me faggot
fuck off with your false doctrines
>marrying a girl who consumes the flesh and blood of a Semitic idol
Is there a good dating app/site that isn't full of thots? Like, a legit way to look for a potential future wife?
probably christian mingle tho the girls on there are mostly 30+
Eh, I think my non-religious one will do just fine buddy.
$25 a month for 6 months is a lot
All of them are whores. Hell, just look at the one in your picture. You think that fuckin cross means anything? Goddamn Christian pornstars exist nowadays, wearing crosses. Christcucking is a cancer.
The cross should be plain wood and string, to make the symbol of the passion a gaudy bejeweled thing of either glass or stone is just plain sacrilege.
low social inhibitions
>orange nail polish
>shorts to crotch level
sexually adventurous
>midriff bared
>dyed blonde
changes appearance opportunistically
>wears a large crucifix
conflicted between being a whore and being catholic
obviously great wife material
i cant wait to pay her alimony
lol wat
I’d eat the asshole out of that god fearing thot.
The stuff you can do for free is worthless. No messages, only one picture per person, etc. And the upgrade costs $25 a month
thats because youre a fucking beta cuck who would love to eat tyrones cum out of her ass
pol is filled with betas
Acrylic nails 3x normal length obviously Degenerate. Also exposing too much skin...
> Open Minded -> Degenerate
> The More people we meet, the higher chance we can meet the right one. -> Cock Carousel.
that's not a christian wife that's a dumb teenaged thot. i bet she sucks millions of BBCs
China is basically "atheism: the country" and it's filled with the most sadistic soulless people on earth. There's probably a daily antpeople hate thread right now on /pol where they're boiling something alive. Religion does wonders for countries when it's done right. After a few generations of atheism a society turns into a bunch of amoral subhumans because they have no morals to guide them.
No, I don't want a religious wife.
Go for the upgrade and get a Mormon wife.
>brainwashed cult
no thanks how about a biblical Israelite wife ftw
>brainwashed cult
That would be all Christcucks
Yeah I do, not some proddy though.
C-Christ c-cucks pagan y-y-yurop
i actually follow the bible faggot i dont just larp
christians are the larpers of all the religions you literally celebrate christmas which is a fucking pagan holiday
christians are just pagans with Jesus added to the mix they dont follow a damn thing. OP is making a point with the image
christians are literally larpers
Fuck off roasties
Fugg I need doll like white women in my life.
Christians are brainwashed field nigger goyim you don't know what anything is you are barely sentient surprised you can read. You literally think an incestuous zombie space Jew that god his mother pregnant is God. That is some top tier niggerdom. You have been sucking Rome's dick for so long you love the taste of it
Yes but... I live in Sweden. The church of Sweden is just a bunch of fedora wielding atheists who are using the church to push their marxist agenda on kids.
Yep sure do. Are there any that haven't been turned into total sluts by our wicked shit society?
Trust me, Christianity isn't helping them keep their skank holes closed.
its because christians say they are bound by the law which saying they can sin freely . so they literally dont have to do anything in the bible in their opinion . which is false
You are embodying the meme.
Would she be ok watching the hand of God do it's work to protect her?
I don't plan on letting God protect her without my help while I am still breathing.
Your entire identity and life is built on a meme.
Doll-like women are honestly the best, aren't they?
Misinterpretation, both are required. Faith is the feminine and works are the masculine.
At least it's built
>Misinterpretation, both are required.
It's more about having something worth fighting for.
I already have a tradpagan slav wife. Better and rarer.
Some contrarians on here hate it because it is popular, but usually when a girl says she likes traveling she means she likes to travel to a capitol city and ride foreign dick, and or take pictures with brown peope for facebook likes. Not all though.
>wasting his time and money on degeneracy
This is why your country is the way it is
>you need
>a wife
nah I'm good
If you don't mind living a lie and being a field nigger for Rome I guess you have a point
>You need a divorce rape.
>occupation - media
>open minded (no convictions, sheep)
>adventuring, meeting people (high mileage slut)
literally impossible to find a worse one
Everyone is delusional. Some like their delusions, others hate their delusions.
>Everyone is delusional
Well not everyone, but 99.99% yes. Maya. All things can be known but not all people can know them. But some can and it can be taught to others. The truth is not for everyone, only those that seek it out
That is a fittingly timed picture, I have been going through very similar ideas recently. Don't know what to make of all of it though. Sometimes I feel like I am just about to begin comprehending some additional layer of lateral thought, which seems similar to the sentence about there being people who are already moving into 4th dimension of thought.
start with this playlist everything you are looking for is on that channel. Watch zero point next then electric universe you will find what you are looking for
What traditions does she uphold, witchcraft, curses, ritual sacrifice? What a fucking meme.
>That woman is not a christian,
How do you know?
>salvation is by faith not works.
>Drown in piss idiot.
>salvation is by faith not works
>good goyim yes just believe in zombie space jews
Besides faith without works is dead you don't even know the Bible
She's not from USA.
Fuck off. I want anal sex.
Thanks, but I find more purpose in discovering truths myself than consuming them in a pre-digested manner.
she looks like a fucking freaky coal burning slut op
wrong image
suit yourself just trying to help those searching speed up the process. It will take years of not decades to find it on your own if ever
Dude look my childhood bedtime stories are 100% fact
Yeah you are right user.
Kay bend over wh*te boy.
Jesus Christ how embarrassing...
whos that
Untrue. Many of these insights you can comprehend immediately by simply orienting your attention and intent in proper way. Nothing anyone has learned about the reality is out of reach from you within your current present moment.
Not many things are as dangerous as wisdom you are not prepared for.
> Implying there aren't different branched within Protestantism.
Love itself is no work, it's an emotion.
> both are required
Yes and no. Faith is the requirement, and works are the fruit of faith. So if there are no works, it means that the faith is dead. Tho, it doesn't mean that works are a requirement.
Imagine someone becoming a true believer, just moments before being killed in some sort of traffic accident. The person had no chance to do any works, but his faith was real. Obviously this person will still be saved.
> How do you know?
You can know a tree by its fruits. Of course, I don't know for sure whether or not she's a Christian, but looking at her appearance gives us a pretty good idea..
She's wearing kurwa clothes.
Right on I the videos I linked in that playlist are just science to prove what I wrote in that image.
>Not many things are as dangerous as wisdom you are not prepared for.
Indeed. It drives some mad to learn the truth I have seen it happen. Anyhow if you ever want to stop by and check anything out you know where it is. I would start with sacred geometry. I am pretty sure just learning this and just seeing it triggers a consciousness surge