Who da fuck is this guy and why everyone talking about him ?
For real now
לא יודע, אחי... הוא לא כל כך מישהו גדול או חשוב.
just a popular nigger
essentially a modern (and more political) version of Will Smith
He's playing Lando Calrissian in the New star wars movie and he pretty much nailed it
That's Gambish Childino, aka Danny Glovers
the Jews are replacing their dancing erratic monkey kanye with this dancing erratic monkey
He used to be on Community.
He's definitely not another will smith on any level beyond being black.
Just another Illuminati sex slave showing off the mark of his rulers
he's the guy from darrick comedy
Well check that shit
Kek knows about being a Hollywood prostitute
He's a nigger, stop posting niggers here you fucking oven dodger.
this nigger doesn't even compare with will smith, will smith was a scientologist and a lot taller than this piece of shit, while "donald glover" is a slave of the jews which will stay a long time in the media to brainwash the new-age fat fucks/emo cunts/cutfags and others.
I was wondering what was up with that incomprehensible nigger babble being played non-stop, now it makes sense.
He’s trying to unKanye the nogs
da fuck u tackin bout, hes way more black than will smith.
>the jew asks while making the 53rd thread dedicated to him
That's John Legend. He's a pedo.
Him mkke the bro rape music video a ltitle back
anyone actually watch the video? If this isn't regression to the mean i don't know what is. Literally some nog dancing around to tribal music talking about muh dik and black crime while other blacks in the comments go "so deep"
media is so shit these days.
איך זה הולך מוסד
Black people look all the same to me, isnt that the guy that has a role in planet of the apes?
We shall call him Shill Smitherstien
I am pretty sure its lebron james
You gotta be shittin me, right?
He's hollywoods latest and greatest magic negro
be gone nigger.
t. nigger
Either that or Kobe all I know is that he rapes
Hahah I don't know about this particular fellow but hey Kobe beat the rape case so fuck it lol. Lebron is the goat though, he's be owning the raptors.
To crown lebron the greatest rapist of all time takes some balls. That's a bold statement Kobe