Blue checkmark Twitter is *autisic screeching* over this article lmao

Blue checkmark Twitter is *autisic screeching* over this article lmao

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Other urls found in this thread: weiss troll&src=typd

Quick rundown required I'm not clicking a Jew York Slimes link

Archive the link, retard.

Basically just a profile of Jordan Peterson, Weinstein Bros, Sam Harris, Joe Rogan, and others like them who are publicly criticizing the left for their absurd identity politics and complete inability to have civil discussions on tough subjects.
As you can imagine, the checkmarks are screaming about how they’re just racist woman haters


>There is no direct route into the Intellectual Dark Web. But the quickest path is to demonstrate that you aren’t afraid to confront your own tribe.
Can you confront your own tribe Jow Forums?
>pic related
>not all jews

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That's not what dark web means and I doubt anyone ever has ever used the term "IDW" before this faggy scaremongering article.

They do get one thing right. 10 years ago no one batted an eye at people like Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris. No one was leading witchhunts in academia. No one was being slandered as a Nazi for their professional work. What the fuck did Obama do?

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if these lightweights are the intellectual dark web what's dr david duke?


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*autistic screeching*

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>Here are some things that you will hear when you sit down to dinner with the vanguard of the Intellectual Dark Web: There are fundamental biological differences between men and women.

Holy shit, I think my 7-year-old niece is a member of the underground alt right.
How far down their asses are those people?

It’s been proven wrong goy

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>Here are some things that you will hear when you sit down to dinner with the vanguard of the Intellectual Dark Web: There are fundamental biological differences between men and women.

Like different reproductive systems?



Eric Weinstein(?) uses it all the time. Apparently there is some sort of mailing list of "actual" intellectuals who have been actively discussing how to avoid societal collapse due to automation, immigration and sundry. And the Weinstein bros are in it, and probably JBP by now as well.
In fact, i have this nagging feeling JBP is their first "move".

(((kabas)))) imagine my shock


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Thanks for the cultural enrichment, world's largest kfc flag.

The writer over that article is in a bubble

I live in a lower income house with like five different roommates. They all have friends and family come through here to visit and hangout all the time

none of them are brainwashed. Real americans aren't like that, believe it

A listserv is not the dark web either, you dweeb.

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By (((Bari Weiss)))

>Jews deconstruct an aspect of culture by questioning and calling it arbitrary
>Now it's dead forever, we don't talk about that anymore, it was proved false, is now slander, and is grounds for dozing and loss of livelihood
Humanities should be relabeled Jewish Studies


What a retard.

JA bastards even control the archives.

lol, Joe Rogan is now part of the Dark Web

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It's the (((media))) trying to get the right to listen to (((Their))) planted shrills.
Not falling for it

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>dude I just debunked your life LMAO

I'm not saying it is, I'm saying
>and I doubt anyone ever has ever used the term "IDW" before this faggy scaremongering article.
is not true because Eric Weinstein said the term on Joe Rogan podcast.

I doubted this before, but I'm becoming convinced that, because Peterson is so effective in keeping people from becoming too pro-white (he's mentioned this himself, how thousands of people told him that he saved them from the "alt-right"), that some Jews and other anti-whites are promoting him. He's like a net or a trap to catch people turned off by the Marxist/anti-white agenda. Like Sargon, he lures them in with the easy anti-SJW stuff, then convinces them that the "far-right" is worse, using terms like "identity politics" and "collectivism" to scare them away from actually solving the problems.

Shapiro has always been doing that, of course. He gets them to support Israel and hate anything pro-white.

MSM has always been filled with morons who try to police the conversations to their own ends. They're screeching because their control is starting to break down

JBP is a gateway redpill of sorts. Overall, I'd say that way more of his supporters come over to our side than the other way around

I still can't get over the blue checkmark racket. What a joke. This is a literal literal who.

The msm liked having rules and order so they didn't have to innovate the shit they would put on tv. Just put the same pants-on-head retarded people like Scarborough or sharpton on tv for decades to say the same stupid shit over and over.

Basically the whole article could have been summed up in a sentence: internet based commentators are out competing legacy media companies in the marketplace, as legacy media struggles to realize they are Kmart and Jordan peterson is amazon.

Exactly. I wouldn't even despise the MSM as much if they could at least pretend to be intellectually honest and unbiased, but they can't. Instead of having proper discussions about important topics (immigration: is it really good for us?) we get this tired old screaming "X is a racist fascist nazi!!!!!!"

I don't imagine many people become leftists after spending some time listening to peterson.

The left is really losing control here. Kanye somewhat forced this article to be written, which now has peterson and other right of center commentators painted in a not horrible light in the NYT. I'm not surprised the checkmark are going nuts over it. The funny thing is that their sophistic kvetching just proves the point that the far left has been strangling real discourse.

Even that journalist writing the article is trying to strangle the conversation. "Ok maybe we can listen to the I.D.W. but how do we make sure REAL BIGOTS will never be able to speak?"

the jews are straight up chimping out over jordan "Individualism" peterstein.

Unfortunately I think the msm still has a lot of power. Our media still basically exists to react to theirs. We mostly are in the posture of having to disprove their ridiculous crap. Muh Russia for example has been a dominant topic of conversation for the right, even though we realize it's ridiculous, we always have to respond to what CNN and msnbc are putting out there.

Web 1.0 dark web.

>posting from a proxy
Yes, perverse individualism will save the west. Sage.

>should be we listening ?
Every single goddamn article they do this or a variation of it, like
>what should "we" think
>how should "we" think

>Joe Rogan
>Dark Web
Lol these niggers are dead in the water

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Their audience would freak out even moreso if she full on said ppl should listen to these folks online. Unfortunately msm meets a demand; maybe a demand they had a hand in creating but there is strong demand for viewpoint confirmation.

Remind me why I should care what (((Harris))) or (((Weinstein))) thinks?

Because they influence a LOT of people with their bullshit user. Also know thy enemy and all that.
You should unironically read the art of war.

I love how these never-Trump neocons thought they could go to MSNBC and be embraced by a new audience only to realize they are only being slightly tolerated

Look up the Hebrew word for Satan. What letters do they look like?

I understand that, I mean why are they trying to slander Peterson and Rogan by bunching them with Harris and Weinstein (surprised they didn't try (((Shapiro))) too)

How much of this is genuine? Anytime someone posts something positive about a right leaning person, any conservative or non leftist really, I've noticed a ton of responses that the conservative is a jew or jew puppet, almost like clockwork. Is this subversion?

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Krugman in shambles

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I wish I could answer that with certainty, all I have is theories. I can say though that dumb stooges can often friendly fire.

"intellectual dark web" is such a cringe term, jeez. And these people calling "sam harris" or "jordan peterson" or fucking christina sommers "intellectual dark web" is ridicilous. I mean, i guess you could say that a real "intellectual dark web" does exist - but it's not those fucking people - they're fucking normie basic bitch liberals ("conservatives"). There's nothing really conservative about their ideas or whatever.

do normies actually believe ((Rubin)), Harris and ((Weinstein)) are part of 'the dark web'?
>spreading the radical idea that identity politics is tearing American society apart
These people are fucking ((centrists)) that just became demonized by the insanely left wing media as far right because they stayed in the middle.
Centrists are always cowed to the liberal democratic ideals which are so loved by the NWO jewluminati elite.

I will only call out when it is actual Jews doing it. They constantly trying to play both sides and yet are extremely subversive. Calling Peterson Jewish is retarded and I do believe he is beneficial even without talking about the JQ. Harris and Shapiro, however right leaning they seem, slip in pro-israeli sentiments that I believe are harmful.

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Gotcha thanks for your perspective

pls post moar am banned from tweeter

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It's crazy to me that the left has absolutely cornered the market on ideas and expression.

15 years ago you would NEVER have seen an article that presumes so much. It was always back and forth between liberals and conservatives, but now conservatives are the literal underground resistance as they get pulled off of Silicon Valley's platforms. Even so much so that publications are admitting it.

Maybe it's all perception, but it's god damn terrifying.

Greenwald is particularly having a rough morning
Interestingly most are ad hominem attacks on the author

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no shlomo. They think the darkweb consists of schizos like you.

>It's crazy to me that the left has absolutely cornered the market on ideas and expression.
they clearly havent though

like you said its about perception. They are losing very hard but they own the news and refuse to acknowledge it so as to maintain the right perception.

This is literally just a tranny who worked on the Clinton campaign and is somehow verified

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I think it's more that the left got hardcore echo chambered during the Obama years and is (still) blindsided that people don't agree with them. They're just now feeling around to figure out where these people are and what they think.

Obviously people on the right know who all these "dark intellectuals" are. Calling them dark web is retarded.

>don't you hate priviledged college kids who self-victimize?
>said the guy with an undergrad from GW and a JD from NYU

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wtf does "dark web" have to do with any of this shit.

Anyone who deviates from the far left will be on the receiving end of Purges. Mark my words.

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hahahah holy shit this photo

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>15 years ago you would NEVER have seen an article that presumes so much

werent alive during the Bush years?

And here would be another example. They are trying to buttress their own by bunching Peterson in with (((Harris))) and (((Shapiro))):

go jump off the highest point of the Matterhorn mountain kike.

>What? You're criticizing me for being an israelian and saying Israel first? Antisemite!
>What? You're a ian and you're saying first? Racist!
The nerves of those hypocrites.


A bunch of (((intellectuals))) have formed a secret society (that has a website and did a photoshoot) of non conformist thinkers.

Or to give you the red pilled version a mostly jewish group of academics are trying to be edgy in an effort to sucker in the plebs and dominate the new counter culture narrative. It's pure controlled opposition.

was about to post that KEK

we all knew already he posted here

It's an attempt at gatekeeping the popular outgroup. The whole thing is about drawing the line between people like peterson and people like molyneux.

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It's hilarious how they make up a new term and give it an acronym to make it seem official. They're like the journalistic equivalent of the Milhouse "meme".

>inability to have civil discussions on tough subjects.

This is the funniest part of it all. Most leftists can't defend their views so they hide behind catchphrases.

The funny thing is it turns out Rubin is actually ourguy as he calls out her bullshit in her own article.

They're right on this one tho.

The name is cringy as fuck.

When everybody watched the daily show and laughed at how “stoopid” bush was? Yeah.

bush was stupid and a shabbos goy though

are they unironically calling people who aren't Lefitsts 'heretics' now? top fucking lel

pretty much. When Jared Taylor is among the "renegades" I would actually be convinced they are for actually for the discussion of ideas

Do jews laugh at us? I'm beginning to laugh at the general public. weiss troll&src=typd

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>Ben Shapiro is the core of the alternative thought movement

Weinstein isn't even a centrist. He's a leftist that got caught up in the very same same shit he was peddling. Beware of the man who switches sides only when he's been driven into a corner.

Like ancient goatfucker scribbles.

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jews pushing other jews as part of their jew schemes. and doing it the jew york times.

now there's some news.

Why does this read like the phonebook of Jerusalem ?

Hundreds of trillions of dollars in the Derivatives Market depend on the truths that Taylor and other tell, being suppressed. Take the fight to the doorstep of the speech silencers if you want to make a dent in it.


>I doubted this before, but I'm becoming convinced that, because Peterson is so effective in keeping people from becoming too pro-white (he's mentioned this himself, how thousands of people told him that he saved them from the "alt-right")
There is no way that is true though, he was just lying to defend himself from Left-wing attacks and to convince himself he isn't helping the far-right. No one who actually takes the redpill goes back. Some take the blackpill afterwards and stop caring, and a few of the really stupid ones sell out when the Jewish mafia cones after them, but no one actually recognizes racial differences and the demographic trends and then forgets it because their room wasn't clean enough.
Peterson is a deeply conflicted man, he knows what is coming, he knows that he has inadvertently helped spur it on, and he keeps seeing visions in his head of WW3 and feels sick about his role in the current zeitgeist. He has to convince himself that he is saving modernity so he doesn't fall into a crippling depression.